This is also very possible.

King crabs are probably smart too.

"Then wait."

Two hours later, the director could no longer hold his nerve. Kicked the stones from the shore with one kick. If I hadn't seen Li Xingwan catch this before. He even doubted that there was nothing here at all.

"I can't even catch it! It's intentional! This must be intentional!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was also speechless.

"I've been looking here for an hour or two. I didn't see anything. There wasn't even a bubble under the water."

"Maybe the king crab doesn't like the director. Even if there is food, he doesn't want to eat it."

"It's over, it's over. I won't watch anymore."

Audiences in the live broadcast room left one after another.

The director had no choice but to close the live broadcast room. But he is not willing to give in! !

Unwilling to catch none.

"Director, will the effect be better during the day?" Someone next to me said.


"Let it go! If you continue to put it like that, I won't believe it. There won't be one!"

The director kept his eyes open almost until dawn. Lin Yunxuan was the first to get up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Bai Jinkun sleeping next to her.

And her head was already buried in his chest.

This made her heart beat twice wildly, and she immediately got up carefully and went outside to breathe some fresh air.

It was just the residual heat behind her ears that seemed unable to dissipate.

I saw the director at a glance. She was about to walk over. At this time, a voice came from behind. "Ms. Lin also gets up so early?"

It’s Zheng Shaosu.

He also slept in the tent with Wu Qianqing last night. He is not a monk. He is indifferent to the woman he has loved for many years. Be pure of heart and have few desires.

So, get up soon. "Actor Zheng." Lin Yunxuan turned around and greeted him. "Yes. I was frightened yesterday, and I wanted to wake up early today."

Zheng Shaosu looked at her, then at the tent behind him, and whispered. "Tell me the truth, how long have you known Bai Jinkun?"

Lin Yunxuan: "..."

She was a little embarrassed. "We've known each other since we were seven or eight years old."

A hint of surprise flashed in Zheng Shaosu's eyes. "That means you are the little girl he married on his fingertips?"

"Ah?" Lin Yunxuan was shocked. "What little girl?"

"Don't lie to me, I know everything." Zheng Shaosu said. "When I was young, I heard from Bai Jinkun that he once had a little girl whom he married with his fingertips. It was because of the connection between the two families. Who else could it be if it wasn't you?"

This sounds outrageous. But everything happens for a reason. What can be said from Bai Jinkun's mouth is absolutely true.

But it seems that he refused?

But Lin Yunxuan didn’t know about this at all...

He also had a man whom he married on his fingertips?

At this moment, Bai Jinkun came out of the tent. "What are you two talking about?"

Zheng Shaosu immediately stopped his desire to gossip. "It's nothing, I just wanted to ask Miss Lin if the fright she had yesterday has healed. Judging from her condition, she should be fine."

He went elsewhere.

Bai Jinkun glanced at Lin Yunxuan's face. It's indeed much better.

"Take some rest later."

He had already had breakfast delivered by private jet.

I must make sure everyone eats well this morning. It can't be like yesterday.

"It turns out that Best Actor Bai has a fiancée who is married to a very small fingertip." Lin Yunxuan said. The voice sounded a bit strange.

Bai Jinkun: "..."

He has one.

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