Healthy basketball, starting from eating the old Lakers F4

Chapter 39: Shooting a commercial, stay safe, meet Kobe for the first time

Chapter 39: Shooting a commercial, stay safe, meet Kobe for the first time

Doon made money, but also got busier.

Du En's original plan to stay in Los Angeles and train hard alone during the summer had to be disrupted.

Because I signed a lot of endorsements and needed to fulfill the contract, I had to spare a few days to cooperate with the sponsors and shoot some print or TVC commercials.

One of the most important, of course, is the Nike advertisement.

Knowing that Nike intends to bring together James, Anthony and Duen, Duen even took the initiative to propose a plan to Nike.

Who is the most talented player?It's James!Who is God's most beloved player?It's Anthony!But who is the hardest working person?It's Duane!
It's a pity that Nike executives saw Duane's small mind at a glance.

After all, James and Anthony are also the cash cows selected by Nike and AJ. It is impossible to act as cushions for others for the sake of marketing and promoting Duane.

In the end, the following TVC advertisement still featured three people.

The content of the ad only introduces some of the different jerseys, sneakers and other sports equipment under the Nike brand worn by the three when shooting the ad.

As for the personal signature shoes, we have to wait at least half a year.

After receiving the notice from Nike, Dunn had to rush out for two more days to go to Nike headquarters in Portland to participate in the subsequent TVC advertising shooting.

At the agreed shooting location - a private basketball stadium in Portland, Dunn met Anthony again, but the relationship between the two seemed to be not as close as before.

Anidon arrived at the arena first, but not much earlier than Duane.

When Dunn noticed Anthony, Anthony was still tying his shoes.

It was a coincidence that as soon as Du En looked over, Anthony tied his shoelaces.Ever since, Anthony raised his head and the two of them looked at each other, but neither of them spoke at the first moment.

What I fear the most is that the air will suddenly become quiet!The atmosphere at this time was a bit awkward.Obviously, the relationship between Du En and Anthony was quite unfamiliar.

At this moment, there is a vague feeling that the king is no longer there, or that he is a stranger.

In fact, it has been more than a month since the two met last time, and the two of them had a lot of phone conversations in between.

However, the NBA is a vanity fair. Even if the regular season has not yet started, as long as there is competition and conflict of interests, the old brotherhood may fade.

Just like the classic jingle - I am afraid that my friend will suffer, and I am afraid that my friend will drive the Land Rover.

Anthony has always been a very competitive person, and he once wanted to compete with James for the title of No. [-] pick.

Recently, Dunn has overshadowed Anthony in the limelight, and Bill Duffy, who is ignoring the wind, is obstructing it...

Even if Anthony told Du En personally that he had no grievances in his heart and was happy for Du En's achievements, no one would believe it.

Brothers will turn against each other because of interests, not to mention ex-teammates with different skin colors who have only been together for a year!
"Melo, stay safe."

In the end, it was Dunn who broke the silence first.

It doesn't matter whether Du En recognizes Anthony as his brother or not, and it doesn't matter whether Anthony recognizes Du En as his brother or not.

The important thing is to find a time in the future, find a team, and play brother basketball together!

Why did Duan have this idea?That's naturally because Anthony's personal strength is indeed very strong!

To judge a star's personal strength, looking only at the NBA is actually a bit one-sided.To truly take a comprehensive look at the strength of the stars, we have to watch the World Championships.

After all, NBA rules are beneficial to stars, especially outside stars who are good at breakthroughs.After all, the league relies on outside stars to attract fans and make money.

Therefore, stars who do not have two skills will appear to be acclimatized in the World Championships.

And being able to maintain dominance in the World Championship and become an unsolvable killer depends on Jordan, Barkley, Anthony, Wade, and Durant.

In 08, Kobe performed very comprehensively in the Olympics, but his offensive firepower was not as incomprehensible as the NBA.

Or maybe it's Kobe's style of play that makes his offensive efficiency less outstanding.He showed more of his offensive and defensive side in the Olympics.

James has played in several world championships, and the accumulated data is not bad, but the specific content of the game gives people the feeling that Wiggins is playing on the field, with no sense of presence except for fast breaks.

Regardless of defense, it was Anthony who killed the Quartet in the World Championships and made Dunn realize the true strength of Anthony's offensive end.

One thing to say is that Yu Yuyong also needs to be equipped with a Durant to stand up and play in singles at critical moments.

Although the Warriors receive the same salary, they may also sign an All-Star small forward to form a championship team.But with Durant, it is undoubtedly more stable than without.

Duan knows very well that even if he is enjoying his stay with the Los Angeles Lakers now, he will definitely have to start over again and find another job in the future.

Even if Kobe can accommodate him, the Lakers owner Bass can't afford the salary to continue to compete for the championship.

On the contrary, the New York Knicks are a bit rotten, but they have a luxury tax every year and the first salary in the league every year.

It's also a big city and a wealthy family. After Dunn left the Lakers, why didn't he ask Anthony to play brother basketball?

Anthony has possession of the ball and has a problem with his defensive attitude. Dunn can play off the ball and provide defense.

As long as Anthony can stand alone at critical moments, the stability of the team's key balls will be improved.

For the sake of more championships and more honors, is it possible that Du En cannot make sacrifices?

The big deal is, when it comes to the finals, it’s just a little bit of manipulation.

Duen won't do operations that are too obvious and disgusting, but if you travel during off-peak hours to get more gorgeous data, it's no problem, right?

It was also for the benefit of the future that Du En took the initiative to reconcile with Anthony.

Anthony didn't pretend to be a stranger. When Du En walked forward, Anthony also showed the smile of the sunny and cheerful boy in the past, opened his hands and gave Du En a big hug.

Dunn and Anthony didn't have any conflicts. They were teammates who won the championship together. What could be the matter?
At most, it was because Dunn was too showy and signed a bigger contract with Nike. Anthony would inevitably be envious and jealous.

What's more, the person who hates Du En even more than Anthony is Du En's previous agent, Bill Duffy.

Agents' commercial commissions are higher than player contract commissions, usually as high as 20% or more.

If Bill Duffy participated in Dunne's signing with Nike throughout the whole process, at least he could get a benefit of 1000 million dollars.

Because of this, it was inevitable that Bill Duffy would become dissatisfied with Doon and then exert some influence over Anthony.

After several duels, Anthony finally understood how powerful Du En was, and knew that Du En was no longer the younger brother who followed him at the beginning, but actually had the ability to compete with him on the same stage.

Dunn also used these few heads-up matches to reconcile with Anthony, and then gradually learned about Bill Duffy's sowing dissension between the two of them.

In order to ensure the future brother basketball plan, Dunn used his own experience to remind Anthony and suggested that Anthony fire Bill Duffy.

Anthony was a little hesitant about this, saying that Bill Duffy knew his family and talked to him a lot about endorsements.

The relationship over the past few years is not only a relationship between players and agents, but also a relationship between family and friends.

Good words are hard to persuade the damn ghost, Du En didn't bother, and separated from Anthony again after filming the commercial.

After filming the Nike commercial, Duan had nothing else to do. The next step was to return to Los Angeles and continue practicing hard.

With the help of ESPN channels, the video of Dunn's hard training was officially disseminated online, and the local media in Los Angeles often followed suit.

Perhaps due to Duane's influence, Malone and Payton also came to the Toyota Center early in August.

On the one hand, there is nothing to do, so start training in advance to ensure your condition for next season.

On the other hand, it is also to observe Du En up close, and even personally point out Du En to help Du En correct his deficiencies in defense and offense.

Time came to mid-August in a blink of an eye, Ma Long's mother died of a sudden heart attack, and Ma Long had to go back to attend the funeral.

Payton trained hard with Du En for half a month, and he could only say "fuck this young man" and lamented that time is not forgiving.

After realizing that too much consumption may increase the risk of injury next season, Payton stopped early and changed to self-cultivation.

In the next month and a half, I would occasionally visit Toyota Center to coach Duan on how to play, just to pass the time.

It is worth mentioning that, at the end of August, Dunn finally met the troubled Kobe.

But they are not familiar with each other. Basically, when we meet, we just say hello politely among colleagues and then say goodbye.

Occasionally, I get distracted and pass by a stranger without saying hello.

There was nothing to talk about, and I came to the arena to practice, not to chat.

Besides, Kobe has no interest in Duane, a rookie. During this time, he just wants to get rid of the lawsuit and save his marriage and family.

Therefore, after all, Du En and Kobe are just going in opposite directions, each practicing his own way...

(End of this chapter)

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