The real person of Cihang in the prehistoric

Chapter 188 Cihang: Let’s do a fancy job and surprise your chins

Chapter 188 Cihang: Let’s do a fancy job and surprise your chins

Everything should not be taken at face value. Even the so-called hindsight is the most stupid behavior.

The power of fate is ever-changing. Even Cihang, who is now the Great Heavenly Lord of the Great Desolation, cannot explain clearly how mysterious destiny is. How many living beings can truly glimpse the trajectory of fate?

Things happen due to the influence of factors. How do you know that when these factors are mixed together, it must be the same result?

There is no god, even Taoist Hongjun cannot guarantee this matter. All destiny is like a big river, and countless different results of the same thing are like tributaries of the river, so one thing can never be valued only with his results and superficial processes.

On the surface, the establishment of the Star Division, the Sifang Division, and the Inspection Division are all reasonable and in line with the laws of heaven and earth. However, there are not many people who can understand the mystery behind it based on the stories they have heard. The Three Divisions Only under the baptism of time can the gods truly feel the ups and downs. This is far from what a result can express.

In Cihang's setting, the Nine Divisions should play the role of the "mainstay" in the Heavenly Court, and the third divisions such as the Xingchen Division are the third of the Nine Divisions. The function is to carry out the orders of the Great Heavenly Lord and act under the orders of all living beings.

As for the remaining six divisions, each has its own role and is indispensable in Cihang's design and planning of Tianting.

"Shan Haisi!"

A heavenly institution named after mountains and seas, the meaning of its name is the same as that of the Star Division, which is self-evident.

The enfeoffment of the land is not a free move by Cihang. The so-called "free chess" are just chess pieces that have not yet been used. The land is the former "free chess" in Cihang's hands, but now it has become part of his plan. , an important step for perfect planning.

As an organization in charge of ancient times, Heavenly Court needs to have firm control over celestial phenomena and geography.

It must not be like the previous life, where the various territories are like feudal princes, occupying one area. Although they are nominally under the control of heaven, in fact?

It's a joke to hear this sentence. In the lower realm, gods like the Mountain God and Earth are living on for an unknown number of times, and are even swallowed up by the evil spirits in the lower realm. Heaven still does not receive the message, but instead allows its own territory to be secretly encroached on by the others. With.

Cihang had seen such a stupid situation in his previous life and hated it for not fighting it.

But at that time, he was just a Bodhisattva in Buddhism. Even if he was later honored as the "Teacher of the Seven Buddhas", he was not the administrator of the heaven after all. He had the intention but was powerless.

It's different now. God Haotian has become an illusory existence. Now the Great Heavenly Lord of the prehistoric era will not change his name or surname. It is Cihang. How could he let this happen again?
If it really happened, it would be Cihang's blasphemy against the position of the Great Heavenly Lord that he succeeded.

This is how Shanhaisi came into being. Cihang always had rules and regulations when doing things, and he had plans in his heart. However, outsiders didn't know it, and they just thought that what he did was too chaotic. After the meeting, he did another thing, without any rules, using a hammer here and a stick here and there.

In fact, these are Cihang's preparations for his plan.

Let me just ask, if Cihang hadn’t accepted Taiyin Xingjun’s temporary shelter at the beginning, and used it as an opportunity to recruit the star gods who were unwilling to join forces with the demon clan, even if the Star Division was established, its personnel would be as lacking as the Heavenly Court in the previous life. Therefore, almost [-]% of the Star Gods need to be canonized on the Gods List.

One is a god born from the stars, and the other is a canonized human race, relying on authority to control the authority of the stars.

No one needs to say who is better between the two. They can see it at a glance. They can choose the better one and can take office immediately without wasting time.

I would like to ask if Cihang had not walked in the prehistoric Taoist era for countless years to enshrine the existence of the earthly beings, would the power in the mountains and rivers gradually be taken over by other creatures as time goes by, after being discovered by other creatures? We don’t know how much it will cost to fight a war at that time, not to mention that such an approach will also cause the creatures in the wild to have the same bad feeling towards Heaven as when the demon clan was in power.

Countless bad influences are caused by the vacancy of the Earthly God, so when Cihang in this life enthroned the Earthly God, he had already made up for this defect that belonged to the heaven in his previous life.

It can be said that whether the Shanhai Division or the Star Division was established, it all contained Cihang's handiwork.

Every establishment of a department will definitely have a leadership class, just like the leader of the Sifang Department is the Sifang Emperor, and the Star Department is headed by Dou Mu Yuanjun and Taiyin Star Lord.

Cihang, the leader of the Shanhaisi Division, had a plan in his mind for a long time. This leader is something that the creatures who are paying attention to this god-conferring existence in the prehistoric Taoist era have never thought of.

"Order the reincarnation of the Nine Netherworlds, and the long river of cause and effect will turn into a chain, and the hook will return to the ruins, and the ancestor dragon, Yuan Feng, and Shi Qilin will live!"

That's right, the director of Shanhaisi is none other than the ancestor of the three ancient clans whose body has been integrated into the world of the prehistoric era, and whose mind has also sunk into the ruins!
The body of Zulong Dao transformed into dragon veins to protect the foundation of the earth in the prehistoric era and regulate the circulation of spiritual energy. No other living being can compare with Zulong to regulate the circulation of earth veins and stabilize the circulation of spiritual energy, not to mention that the Dragon Clan itself exists in the world. Among rivers, lakes and seas, river management is a piece of cake for Zulong.

Yuanfeng Taoist Yongzhen is in the immortal volcano. What is the depth of the immortal volcano? It is the center of the earth.

If Ancestral Dragon is more suitable for regulating the earth's veins, then Yuanfeng plays the role of suppressing the seal. Changes will happen from time to time in the ancient Taoist history. These changes are good and bad, and they are caused by the creation of heaven and earth. When living things happen unexpectedly, that's all good, but what about those that have bad effects?
At this time, the appearance of Yuanfeng is needed to achieve immortality and nirvana. There is no one more suitable for such a job than Yuanfeng.

As for Shi Qilin, its role is to "inspect" during the season when the earth's veins are stable and the rivers are smooth.

Different from the inspections of the Inspection Department, which inspects existences that violate the laws and constitutions of heaven, Shi Qilin inspects the development of mountains and rivers. If he encounters the kind of creature that intends to bring trouble to the world, he can directly go to heaven. Listen, heaven will send down heavenly soldiers and generals to suppress all troubles.

In the Dragon Palace, Mother Dragon's hands suddenly became unsteady, and her whole body fell limp on the seat. However, her eyes were always filled with joy, which was the joy of being able to see each other again despite being separated by life and death. Yu Long As far as the mother is concerned, she has paid too much for the Dragon Clan. Even for the stability and development of the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Mother in the prehistoric era even changed the Taoist Dharma. The reason for all this is very simple, because the Dragon Clan belongs to the Ancestral Dragon. 's foundation.

Zulong and her became a couple after a long time and countless life-and-death battles. The emotions between them are incomprehensible to other dragon clans. Even though Zulong has countless concubines, there is only the Dragon Mother. It can be seen that he belongs to the dragon clan, and Zulong also has the dragon mother in his heart.

"It's great... Brother Long, you can come back. Your Rumei is still here, still waiting for you... Rumei didn't leave, she was just waiting for you, Brother Long..." ..." In the huge Crystal Palace, only the voice of the Dragon Mother murmuring to herself could be heard.

The candle dragon in the sky is also laughing wildly. The relationship between the dragon mother and the ancestral dragon is unimaginable to many people. Then the relationship between the candle dragon and the ancestral dragon is difficult for many people to understand. It is a kind of relationship that makes countless people unable to understand. A brotherhood that cannot be understood by living creatures, a brotherhood that has been established through countless ups and downs of dragon power and life and death entanglements.

Zhulong will never forget the scene when the ancestral dragon transformed into a dragon vein that day.

It is because of what Zulong said back then that he is still living in the sky.

He said: "Brother Zhu, live well, help your brother and your sister-in-law take care of my unpromising heirs, and help me look after the future of the dragon clan. Don't worry, one of your ancestral dragon brothers will come back. of!"

It is because of Zulong's words that Zhulong will not be unbalanced in his Taoist heart, will not suffer the blow of failure, and will not transform himself into heaven and earth and follow Zulong.

It was also because of these words that he chose to protect the development of the Dragon Clan. Even in order to spare this development, he Zhulong took great pains to travel far away from the sky. Even if the Ancestral Dragon Method can no longer be compared with the current method of cultivating immortals, However, Zhulong still insisted on practicing the Ancestral Dragon Method.

There are many reasons for this, but the most important reason is that the Ancestral Dragon Method was created by his eldest brother. If he did not practice it, in the era when the method of cultivating immortals became mainstream, how many people would know how to practice it? How can the descendants who practice the Ancestral Dragon Method ensure the spread of the Ancestral Dragon Method?

The Ancestral Dragon Law was left behind by his brother, and he would never let the Ancestral Dragon Law disappear.

For those words, he and the Dragon Mother were also waiting, waiting for the ancestor dragon to be resurrected from the ruins one day.

Now, he waited.

"Brother, you didn't lie to me. You mean what you said. You would never lie to Xiao Zhuzi..."

In the immortal volcano, in the endless sycamore forest composed of endless sycamore trees, there is the largest sycamore tree.

The bird with colorful tails raised its head. Unlike other phoenixes living in the core area here, his posture did not look like a phoenix at all. Even the extremely long feather tail was colorful.

Phoenix pride attaches great importance to bloodline. A bird like this that does not seem to have any Phoenix bloodline dares to appear in the core of the Wutong Forest, which is a huge provocation to the entire Phoenix clan. The Phoenix clan has declined a lot. But for the creatures in the entire prehistoric era, it is still a behemoth-like existence.

But that's it, the bird is standing on the top of the tallest sycamore tree.

"Is that my mother?"

The cry of the huge phoenix, followed by the roar of the ancestral dragon, resounded in the sky of the prehistoric era, demonstrating the domineering power of the Lord of Feathers.

The mother the bird was talking about was none other than the huge phoenix - Yuan Feng.

The identity of the bird was also revealed. It was Kongxuan, the peacock, and the colorful peacock, the offspring of Yuanfeng Taoist who inhaled the Tao Yun of Creation and the Qi of the Five Elements on the way to suppress the immortal volcano.

It is precisely because of this that Kong Xuan's concept of mother is very weak, because when he came out of the egg, his mother was already in the center of the immortal volcano, and her soul had entered the ruins. Even if he Later, he was brought back by the Phoenix clan because of Yuanfeng's aura and guidance, and he got a brother "Yin Yang Dapeng" who was said to have the same experience as him.

But Kong Xuan still felt in his heart that everything was just like this. It seemed that nothing in life could arouse Kong Xuan's emotions.

Does he miss his mother?
Don't be ridiculous. For a being who has never met her and died after she was born, what reason can he have to say that he misses his mother?
It is said that it is missing, but more of it is fear. What I am afraid of is nothing else but the fear of meeting Yuan Feng again.

Can a very strange mother and her strange son do anything to miss each other?

Kong Xuan thought he couldn't do it, for a moment he had the urge to run away, but then he calmed down.

The choice of running away is only for cowards. Even if he has never met his biological mother, Kong Xuan will not choose to run away for the sake of the pride shared between mother and son.

"Mother..." The whispered voice was covered up among the joyful chirps of countless phoenixes. No one knew what Kong Xuan was thinking when he said this "mother".

Cihang is in the heaven. Whether it is the Dragon Mother, the Zhulong, or the Phoenix's descendant Kong Xuan, all kinds of creatures have emotional waves caused by Cihang's order. As the Great Heavenly Lord of the prehistoric times, he can feel it. Under the constraints of the rules of heaven, in a situation where the three pillars stand against each other, Cihang can guarantee that the masters of the three ancient clans will never fight again.

Without mentioning these, let’s just say that the ultimate goal of their fight is not for the position of the Lord of Heaven and Earth?

Now the position of the Lord of Heaven and Earth is already occupied by the Great Heavenly Lord of the Great Desolate World, and even the three of them were summoned by the Great Heavenly Lord of the Great Desolate World.

Under such circumstances, what else do they have to fight for?
Why not put some effort into doing things so that your own ethnic group can benefit!

This is how the Prehistoric Daoji should be. The ancestors of the three tribes are just the beginning. The current Prehistoric Daoji, or the future Prehistoric Daoji, will become even more different. Cihang is very confident and is also looking forward to it. The future of Taoism.

"This is the prehistoric Taoism that belongs to his Great Heavenly Lord Cihang..."

(End of this chapter)

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