Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 398 Morning Morning

Chapter 398 Morning Morning

At sunset.

The sky full of red clouds covers the skyline of Xishan Mountain, forming a beautiful picture.

At this time, in the Jin Mansion, Bai Yuxian, his mother, mother-in-law, wife, children and their whole family were sitting around neatly eating a reunion dinner.

"By the way, mother, when I return to the capital this time, in addition to presenting the dragon beads to His Majesty, I also plan to take this opportunity to take you, mother, to Jiannan."

"Now the situation in Jiannan has basically stabilized, and other matters have been arranged and handled. Your Majesty, I had already explained it to Your Majesty when we met in the city, and Your Majesty has agreed to this matter."

At the dinner table, Bai Yuxian also spoke.

Hearing Bai Yuxian's words, Zhen and Han Shiyin also nodded, without any hesitation or surprise. After all, Bai Yuxian had already mentioned this when he went to Jiannan to take up his post, and they had already prepared in their hearts. He also knew in his heart that the main purpose of Bai Yuxian's return to Beijing this time must be for this matter.

And although the capital is definitely more prosperous than Jiannan, if Bai Yuxian is there now, they are naturally willing to go there with them.

"When do you plan to leave, husband?"

Li Mingyue asked.

"We're not sure yet. We'll have to check the situation after going to court tomorrow, but I think it won't be more than ten days at the latest. The family can make preparations earlier." Bai Yuxian thought for a moment and said.

"Then mother will start notifying everyone in the house to prepare tomorrow."

Zhen said immediately.

"Well, there are also servants and maids in the mansion. Ask them first when the time comes. If they are willing to go to Jiannan with us, then go together. If you don't want to go, just stay. Anyway, Jin Guofu also needs someone to keep an eye on it. I don’t know when I will come back in the future.”

"In addition, Qingzhi and Ziyu also plan to pick up their families when they go to Jiannan this time. When the time comes, they will be together. There will be more people on the road to ensure safety."

Everyone nodded and naturally had no objections to Bai Yuxian's arrangement.

"In addition, when I go to Jiannan this time, I plan to bring my six sisters, Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Xue, Bai Yue, Bai Lan and Han Lin, with me. What do you think, mother and ladies?"

Then Bai Yuxian spoke again.

When going to Jiannan, in addition to picking up the family members of the Jin State Mansion, there are also six girls, Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Xue, Bai Yue, Bai Lan and Han Lin. Bai Yuxian also plans to pick them up together, and then they will go to Jiannan. Officially marrying several girls to get started, this was also his previous promise to the six girls.

However, this matter must be discussed with the mother, especially Han Shiyin and his wife in advance.

Although his relationship with Bai Qian and Liu Nu was no longer a secret.

But it is one thing to know in his heart, and it is another thing for him to take the initiative to say it and take responsibility. This is the most basic responsibility and responsibility of a man.

Zhen naturally has no objection to Bai Yuxian's idea. After all, he is his own son, and in this era, the inheritance of the family line and the reproduction of heirs are extremely important. Therefore, any man with status has three wives and four concubines, hoping to give birth to enough children. The heirs will make the next generation prosperous. Zhen naturally hopes that Bai Yuxian can marry as many wives as possible, so that they can breed more heirs for the Bai family, not to mention that the Jin government cannot support them. rise.

Han Shiyin, Xiang Ling, Liu Yiren, Liu Hongxiu, Li Shishi, and Li Mingyue didn't have any mood swings when they heard this.

Because one of them had already known about this matter and was mentally prepared, and the other six girls, Bai Qian, often came over to be with them, and they had already become familiar with each other and had a good relationship with them.

And although Bai Yuxian was a little carefree, she was not the kind of person who was always interested in the new and disliked the old. She always cared about and loved them, so they were satisfied.

After hearing this, the women immediately expressed their opinions.

"The six sisters are obsessed with their husbands. They have not married for many years and are just waiting for him. Now it is really time for the husband to give an explanation to these sisters."

"Don't worry, husband, we won't think too much about it. What's more, we have sympathy with the six sisters on weekdays. We will take the six sisters over. From now on, the house in Jiannan will be more lively."

"I believe the six sisters will be very happy about this. I will tell them tomorrow so that they can rest assured."


When he saw his wife, they all expressed their emotions and there was no dissatisfaction on their faces, but they were considerate of him.

Bai Yuxian also felt relieved, and at the same time couldn't help but sigh with joy.

If a real man gets a wife like this, he will have no regrets in this life.

That's it.

Half an hour later.

After dinner.

The sky also turned completely dark, and night fell.

After dinner, the mother and the mother-in-law left one after another with the maids, and the children were also led away by the eyes of the nanny and the maids. Only Bai Yuxian and his wife Han Shiyin, Xiangling, Liu Yiren, Liu Hongxiu, and Li Shishi were left in the yard. , Li Mingyue's sixth daughter.

Bai Yuxian took the six girls back to Zhulin Pavilion, and then looked at his six wives with a smile.

"Six ladies, the spring night is too short. It's night, let's take a rest."

When the six girls heard this, they immediately looked at Bai Yuxian with charming eyes.

It has long been a silent stream of spring water.

It was another night of peak competition, and I finished paying the official food for my wife.

Early the next morning, Bai Yuxian felt refreshed and put on his official uniform and went out to the palace to attend court. Han Shiyin, Xiang Ling, Liu Yiren, Liu Hongxiu, Li Shishi and Li Mingyue were still lying on the bed sleeping soundly.

Last night's peak match didn't end until almost dawn. The six girls were all so exhausted that they probably wouldn't be able to get up this morning.

Fortunately, Bai Yuxian had the foresight to prepare two large beds for Zhulinxuan early. If one bed gets wet, the other bed can still be slept in. Otherwise, he won't be able to sleep after playing in the peak competition.

Half an hour later we arrived outside the morning court hall of the palace.

Bai Yuxian arrived not too late, there was still a moment before the morning court started, but by the time Bai Yuxian arrived, almost all the other civil and military ministers had arrived.

"The Duke of Jin is here."

"Mr. Jin, long time no see."


With the appearance of Bai Yuxian, the scene instantly became commotion. Many civil and military ministers who were familiar with Bai Yuxian and had known him for a long time immediately greeted Bai Yuxian enthusiastically.

Although Bai Yuxian is now far away from the capital and is stationed in Jiannan, generally speaking, no matter how high his official position is, many people will feel that officials outside are automatically inferior to the center of power in the capital.

But for Bai Yuxian, few of the civil and military officials present felt this way.

"My lords, long time no see."

Bai Yuxian also smiled and returned the greetings one by one, his attitude remained modest, like a humble gentleman.

After greeting the officials, Bai Yuxian immediately looked at his father-in-law Han Su, who was standing behind the officials. Also with Han Su were Li Linfu and Yang Guozhong.

Bai Yuxian walked over and bowed his hands politely to the three of them.

"Father-in-law, Prime Minister Li, Prime Minister Yang."

First he called the three of them and then looked at Yang Guozhong immediately.

"The Jade Immortal has not yet congratulated Prime Minister Yang on his promotion. Congratulations. I failed to congratulate Prime Minister Yang on his promotion in time before. I am rude. I hope Prime Minister Yang will not blame you."

"The Duke is too polite. We are all our own people. Why should we be like this? Yang has not yet congratulated the Duke on his promotion."

After hearing this, Yang Guozhong quickly returned the greeting to Bai Yuxian enthusiastically. He was also very happy for Bai Yuxian's congratulations. After all, he is now the left prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, second only to Li Linfu in status in the court, and he is also the appointed successor of Li Linfu. Next, As long as Li Linfu completely retires, he can directly ascend to the throne and become the new prime minister of the Tang Dynasty.

Although this made Yang Guozhong unhappy, he was also very proud of himself.

However, although he was full of ambition, he would not despise Bai Yuxian, because he knew that even if he succeeded Li Linfu and became the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, Bai Yuxian would definitely not be provoked by him. On the contrary, if he could continue to maintain his current relationship with Bai Yuxian If there is a friendly relationship, it will be more conducive to stabilizing his position.

When Yang Guozhong thinks about it, his next goal, in addition to succeeding Li Linfu, is to continue to maintain or even deepen the friendly relationship with Bai Yuxian. In this way, as long as he can maintain friendly relations with Bai Yuxian or even reach a political alliance, then with the power of the two, Wu was enough to ensure that his position in the Tang Dynasty was as stable as Mount Tai.

Bai Yuxian could naturally guess Yang Guozhong's thoughts, and he was naturally happy about it.

Although Yang Guozhong did not succeed enough, he failed more than he failed. Moreover, after Yang Guozhong succeeded Li Linfu, he would also control the Tang Dynasty. In this way, maintaining a relationship with Yang Guozhong would be beneficial and harmless.

"I heard that Prime Minister Li has been in poor health recently. I don't know what the specific situation is. Prime Minister Li is the pillar of our Tang Dynasty, so you must pay more attention to take care of yourself."

After talking to Yang Guozhong, Bai Yuxian looked at Li Linfu again.

"People will always be like this when they get old. No one can escape birth, old age, illness and death. However, when the Tang Dynasty will be succeeded by Prime Minister Yang, Li can be relieved." Li Linfu said with a smile.

"That's good. Prime Minister Yang is also a man of great wisdom and talent. With Prime Minister Yang taking over from Prime Minister Li, the court will have no worries. Then Prime Minister Li can rest assured to cultivate his health. This is not bad."

Bai Yuxian heard this and said.

Yang Guozhong, who was nearby, was also very happy when he heard this, but he just said it.

"The Duke is too praised. Compared with Prime Minister Li, Yang still has a lot to learn."

"Xiang Yang is too humble."

Bai Yuxian and Li Linfu laughed in unison.

Finally, Bai Yuxian looked at his father-in-law and apologized.

"I just returned to Beijing yesterday. I won't have time to visit my father-in-law as soon as possible. Don't blame my father-in-law."

"You and I, my husband-in-law, are all one family. There is no need to be so polite. Jiannan and the capital are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers. The journey will be hard, so you should have a good rest."

Han Su smiled and said, naturally he could not blame Bai Yuxian for this matter.

But hearing what Bai Yuxian said at this moment, I was still very happy.

Just at this moment, there was another commotion among the surrounding civil and military officials, and then they saw a rather heroic figure walking towards the palace entrance.

"The prince is here."

(End of this chapter)

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