Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 399 Prince Li Wang

Chapter 399 Prince Li Wang

Li Wang was dressed in the prince's uniform, walking like a dragon or a tiger, walking from the direction of the palace gate.

When Bai Yuxian heard the sound, he couldn't help but look at Li Wang. Speaking of which, this was the first time he saw Li Wang.

After the former prince Li Heng failed in his rebellion and was executed, leaving the position of the East Palace vacant, Li Wang stood out from the remaining princes of the Tang Dynasty and finally won the position of the East Palace.

Now that she saw Li Wang, Bai Yuxian had to admit that, judging from Li Wang's performance in front of him, he did look quite heroic.

And it is worth mentioning that the current Tiance Army is commanded by Prince Li Wang, who serves as the new commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army.

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince."

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince."


Seeing Li Wang's arrival, many civil and military officials present also gathered around Li Wang.

After all, as the new crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, if nothing else happens, Li Wang will be the new emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the future. Moreover, Li Longji is already in his fifties and sixties, and he probably won’t be able to sit on the throne for a few more years. The deposed prince should never happen again.

So now that Li Wang has become the new crown prince, many civil and military ministers in Beijing have begun to move closer to Li Wang.

"My lords, you are polite."

Li Wang seemed to be polite to everyone, and did not show any arrogance because of his status as the prince.

After greeting the gathered civil and military ministers, Li Wang took the initiative to walk towards Bai Yuxian and the other four, smiled and said politely as he approached.

"I have met the Duke of Jin, Prime Minister Li, Prime Minister Yang, and Mr. Han."

"I have met His Highness the Crown Prince."

The four of them also bowed their hands to Li Wangyi.

After saying hello, Li Wang looked at Bai Yuxian alone and said enthusiastically with a smile.

"I have heard about the name of the Duke of Jin for a long time, and I have admired and admired him for a long time. Today I finally have the chance to meet him."

"Your Highness the Crown Prince has given you too much praise."

Bai Yuxian also smiled and responded warmly and humbly, but secretly laughed in his heart, "Young man has no good intentions towards me."

Although the Li Wang in front of him was very warm and polite to him on the surface, with his strong cultivation and keen perception, Bai Yuxian could feel that Li Wang was not as enthusiastic towards him in his heart as he showed on the surface, but rather towards him. He was very fearful and vigilant, as if he were a formidable enemy.

Ever since his cultivation reached the realm of divine powers, Bai Yuxian's perception in all aspects has become more and more powerful and sharp. Even now, except for those with divine powers of the same level, ordinary people with lower divine powers are basically in front of him. He can feel the general emotions and thoughts in his heart, which is somewhat similar to his telepathic ability.

Therefore, no matter how enthusiastic Li Wang pretended to be in front of him, he could not hide it from Bai Yuxian.

In fact, at this time, Li Wang was indeed very afraid of Bai Yuxian and even regarded him as his future enemy.

Because since he became the prince and took over the Tiance Army, he found that although he had taken over the Tiance Army in name, the Tiance Army obeyed him on the surface, but deep down, not many people in the Tiance Army would respect him. Really be the coach.

Li Wang knew the reason clearly, and that was Bai Yuxian.

The entire Tiance Army was brought up from scratch by Bai Yuxian, and the reputation of the Tiance Army's invincibility was also brought about by Bai Yuxian.

Under such circumstances, one can imagine Bai Yuxian's prestige in the Tiance army.

Unless he directly changes the entire Tiance Army, this situation will probably not be changed.

But this is something that Li Wang cannot tolerate. He is now the leader of the Tiance Army, but the whole Tiance Army still has Bai Yuxian in their hearts. What if Bai Yuxian has ill intentions towards him in the future? , the entire Tiance Army might not directly turn against him.

And the main thing is.

Bai Yuxian was so accomplished that he shocked the Lord.

He has great personal strength and outstanding military exploits. Now he is the Duke of the country and serves as the governor of Hexi and Jiannan towns. He has an army of 100,000 to separate one side. The whole court includes the imperial concubine Yang Yuhuan and the prime ministers Li Linfu and Yang Guozhong. They are all people close to Bai Yuxian.

Nowadays, in the entire Tang Dynasty, besides his father, the Emperor Li Longji, who else can suppress Bai Yuxian? Even he, the prince, is not enough in front of Bai Yuxian.

Bai Yuxian's strength is too powerful and dangerous.

Even Li Wang was a little worried about what he would do if Bai Yuxian dissatisfied with him once his father abdicated and he ascended the throne.

If Bai Yuxian refuses to accept him, can he suppress Bai Yuxian?

The answer is no.

Li Wang had no confidence that he could suppress Bai Yuxian after he ascended the throne.

For an emperor, this is absolutely not allowed and is an extremely dangerous thing.

Therefore, after becoming the prince and taking over the Tiance Army, Li Wang was extremely afraid of Bai Yuxian and even regarded him as his biggest enemy after he ascended the throne.

Because of Bai Yuxian's existence, he felt that the threat was too great.

Both Bai Yuxian's personal strength and the power of his subordinates now make him, the prince, feel fearful and fearful.

However, Li Wang would definitely not show these thoughts on the surface, and would even take the initiative to show his kindness to Bai Yuxian to paralyze Bai Yuxian. Otherwise, if Bai Yuxian notices it, he is worried that he may never have the chance to ascend the throne in his life.

Only by paralyzing Bai Yuxian first can we slowly take action. But Li Wang didn't know at all that his thoughts had been clearly seen.

It can only be said that levels constrain vision.

Li Wang knew nothing about the power of heavenly and human supernatural powers and various mystical methods.

In fact, Li Wang's strength is not weak. He has already reached the level of martial arts Xuan Gang. In addition, Li Wang himself is less than thirty years old. He can definitely be called a martial arts genius and a master of both civil and military skills.

But it's a pity that if you don't have supernatural powers, you will end up like an ant.

But although he clearly saw Li Wang's little thoughts in his heart, Bai Yuxian didn't show it because he didn't care at all.

When Li Longji abdicated, he, Bai Yuxian, directly launched an army to rebel. Li Wang meant nothing.

To be honest, for Bai Yuxian now, there is no enemy in the world worthy of his attention.

For Bai Yuxian now, he has only one enemy and opponent, and that is Xian.

"Xuan, hundreds of officials enter the palace."

After the arrival of Prince Li Wang, the ceremony officer shouted loudly.

The morning dynasty also begins.

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty, long live, long live Your Majesty!"

Bai Yuxian and other civil and military ministers entered the palace one after another, and then met Li Longji who arrived.

In fact, Li Longji held this morning meeting today for no serious business at all. The main purpose was to let the civil and military officials pay their respects to the dragon ball, show off the dragon ball in front of the civil and military officials, and then praise and reward Bai Yuxian.

After the early court ended, Bai Yuxian was asked by Li Longji to stay in the palace.

"This is the Duke of Jin, how blessed he is with the Sacred Heart."

Seeing Bai Yuxian being summoned by Li Longji, the other civil and military ministers couldn't help but feel envious.

Prince Li Wang couldn't help but have a look of solemnity and gloom in his eyes.

Because Li Longji valued Bai Yuxian and the relationship between the two monarchs, he once again felt a huge threat.

Bai Yuxian is now not only a high-ranking and powerful person, but also a person promoted by his father, Emperor Li Longji. He is so valued and the relationship between the emperor and his ministers is so good.

He was worried that in the future, even if his father abdicated and gave up the throne of emperor to himself, he might not be willing to delegate power and use Bai Yuxian to check him and become a supreme emperor, but in this way he would become a puppet emperor.

And with the respect of his father, if this is the case, it will probably be even more difficult for him to deal with Bai Yuxian in the future.

Li Wang's mood suddenly worsened when he thought of this.

The minister is strong but the king is weak.

This is how Li Wang feels about Bai Yuxian at the moment. Bai Yuxian's existence poses too great a threat to him.

And in the imperial garden on the other side.

"I see you, your majesty, your noble concubine."

Bai Yuxian bowed to Li Longji and Yang Yuhuan on the balcony in front of him.

"Haha, the Jade Immortal is here, please get up quickly. You and I, my king and my ministers, don't need to be polite."

Seeing Bai Yuxian's arrival, Li Longji immediately stood up with a smile and said, and then immediately ordered someone to bring the piano and flute.

"Come on, come on, you and I, the monarch and my minister, have not seen each other for nearly half a year. We have not played a song together for a long time. Let's play a song together today."

"I have my wish, and I dare not say goodbye."

Upon hearing this, Bai Yuxian immediately accepted the order with a smile and said.

"Since I went to Jiannan, I haven't touched music for a long time, and it's hard to find someone to play with. It's a blessing to be able to play a song with His Majesty again when I return to the capital today."

Yang Yuhuan who was nearby also immediately smiled and answered after hearing this.

"The Tao is easily worth a fortune, but a close friend is hard to find. Your Majesty and the Duke are like Boya and Ziqi, they can be said to be close friends."


Li Longji felt even happier when he heard the two singing in harmony, and then he led Bai Yuxian to join in the chorus, while Yang Yuhuan led a group of beauties to dance with them.

Bai Yuxian played with Li Longji for more than half an hour, from mountains and flowing water to spring and snow, to Swordsman.

This also made Li Longji very happy.

I thought that only Jade Immortal could not only rule the world and bring peace to the world, but also allow me to find such joy in music.

Yuxian is really my soulmate!

(End of this chapter)

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