Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 400 The Bai family’s children plot

Chapter 400 The Bai family’s children plot

royal palace.

In the royal garden.

Bai Yuxian and Li Longji played the piano and flute, accompanied by Yang Yuhuan's alluring dance.

Li Longji was so happy that he felt that he and Bai Yuxian were playing a zither and flute song. It was really like the time when Boya met his son in ancient times, and he was looking for a close friend from the end of the world. This music should only exist in heaven, and how many times can it be heard in the world.

Every time when he played the flute with Bai Yuxian, Li Longji always sighed that he was so good at playing the flute. He was a master of music.

But except for Bai Yuxian, every time he played with other people, even the music in the palace was not good. At first, Li Longji thought that maybe there was something wrong with his flute skills and he needed to practice more, but now he played with Bai Yuxian again. Li Longji felt after the ensemble.

It's not that there's something wrong with my flute skills, but that everyone else is too good at other so-called musical instruments. Let's see what effect Bai Yuxian will have when playing with him.

Li Longji felt that this should be a close friend.

The so-called soulmate is hard to find, I'm afraid that's what it means. As soon as I play with Bai Yuxian, my flute skills will be greatly improved, and I will feel as happy and happy as I come.

But what Li Longji didn't know was that the reason why he and Bai Yuxian's duet felt like this was entirely because Bai Yuxian followed Li Longji for all the rhythms. Even if Li Longji sometimes played randomly, he would immediately adjust the piano sound to echo it. Li Longji's rhythm made Li Longji fly as a whole.

As for the other melodies, everyone may have extraordinary levels in the melodies they are good at, but if they want to reach the point where Bai Yuxian can directly guide Li Longji, it is not enough.

It can be summed up in one sentence.

When Li Longji and Bai Yuxian played the piano and flute together, it was Bai Yuxian who was always leading Li Longji. It is completely reasonable for Li Longji to feel this way.

But obviously, Li Longji would not think so.

Anyway, Li Longji thought that it was hard to find a close friend, and Bai Yuxian was his close friend, and the other melody players in the palace were too incompetent if they couldn't do this.

Now Li Longji has the illusion that he is also a master of music.

And at the same time, the sound of piano and flute was playing in the imperial garden of the palace.

In Chang'an City outside the Imperial City.

Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu, Bai Haowen, and Bai Haowu reunited in private after half a year.

When Bai Yuxian resigned as the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army and took up his post in Jiannan, the descendants of the Bai family in the Tiance Army were also divided into two. Some of them were taken by Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu to follow Bai Yuxian to Jiannan, and The remaining descendants of the Bai family, led by brothers Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu, stayed in the Tiance Army to assist Feng Changqing.

And Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu, Bai Haowen, and Bai Haowu are also the four most outstanding people among the current generation of Bai family children.

Among the four, Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu have the highest talent performance, but the talent performance of brothers Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu is not bad either. Although the chance of reaching the realm of martial arts magical powers is slim in the future, there is also great hope of reaching the realm of martial arts spiritual orifices. , and the two brothers have complementary attributes in culture and martial arts.

In short, if Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu have the talent and qualifications to become top-notch generals, then Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu, although not quite close, also have the qualifications to become first-class military generals.

Therefore, among the descendants of the Bai family who joined the army with Bai Yuxian, they are now led by four people.

At this time, the four of them gathered together in private again.

When they saw Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu, brothers Bai Haowu and Bai Haowu couldn't calm down, because at the moment they met, the brothers also saw that Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu had obviously broken through to the realm of martial arts.

But you must know that when Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu followed Bai Yuxian to Jiannan, their cultivation level was only on the same level as their brothers, and they were several years younger than their brothers.

At this moment, he has broken through to the realm of martial arts Xuangang.

The martial arts Xuangang realm is also a threshold for their generals. If they want to become a general of the Tang Dynasty and lead an army alone, then the martial arts Xuangang realm's cultivation strength is the foundation.

"Unexpectedly, in less than half a year, Qingzhi and Ziyu have already stepped into the Xuangang realm of martial arts. This really puts the clan brothers to shame. Congratulations to the two clan brothers for their breakthrough in martial arts and entering the Xuangang realm of martial arts. From then on, they have established a foothold in the world. A forest of martial arts masters.”

Brothers Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu immediately congratulated, and at the same time they couldn't help but be envious in their hearts.

Although the two brothers' current cultivation has reached the realm of martial arts, they still don't know how long it will take to break through to the realm of martial arts.

Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu laughed when they heard this.

"There is no need to be envious of the two clan brothers. Speaking of it, we were able to break through the realm of martial arts Xuangang this time, thanks to the opportunity of the Yuxian clan brother. And this time the Yuxian clan brother brought me back to Beijing, it is for this reason. , and also brought opportunities to the two clan brothers."


When brothers Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up, and they looked at Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu expectantly and curiously.

Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu didn't show off, and smiled.

"You two clan brothers, do you still remember that the reason why the Yuxian clan brother came to Beijing to present the dragon beads this time was because he killed a demon dragon in Jiannan." Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu nodded after hearing this.

They naturally knew about this matter. Now it has been spread all over the world. Yesterday, Bai Yuxian returned to the capital with the dragon ball, which attracted people from all over the capital to watch. Now it is still being discussed everywhere outside.

"Could it be related to the demon dragon that was killed?"

"Yes, the two clan brothers don't know something in the capital. Although the demon dragon has done evil, it is really a treasure of the whole body, especially the dragon blood. It is also the magic medicine for me and other warriors to practice. Bathing in dragon blood can temper me. When a warrior's physical body improves his physical qualifications, it can also enhance his qi and blood and improve his cultivation. The benefits are endless and it can be described as a priceless treasure."

"We were able to break through the realm of martial arts Xuangang this time because our brother from the Jade Immortal Clan gave us dragon blood to help us practice. Not only Ziyu and I, but also my other Bai brothers in Jiannan, all I got the dragon blood given by my clan brother."

"When I returned to Beijing this time, the Yuxian clan brother prepared a portion of dragon's blood for the two clan brothers, me and the other Bai brothers who are still in the Tiance army. With this dragon's blood, with the two clan brothers' current situation, With my cultivation level, I think it won’t be long before I can set foot in the realm of martial arts, Xuangang.”

"However, my clan brother now has a special status, and he has resigned from the position of the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army. The current commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army is also the prince, which will inevitably arouse the prince's suspicion. Therefore, the Yuxian brothers ordered us to find the two brothers. .”

After speaking, Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu took out the dragon's blood that Bai Yuxian had given them to prepare, and put dozens of portions in bottles, two of which were the largest.

"The two largest Jade Immortal clan brothers are handed over to the two clan brothers, because although dragon blood has endless benefits, it also has overbearing medicinal effects. The more dragon blood, the more powerful the cultivation strength is needed to resist the overbearing energy of dragon blood. So except for the two dragon bloods given to the two clan brothers, the other dragon bloods are less."

Brothers Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu were surprised and moved when they heard this, and couldn't help but say.

"If there was no Jade Immortal, we would not be here today. I never thought that now that the Jade Immortal has arrived in Jiannan, such priceless treasures would still remember us."

Both brothers were deeply moved.

At this moment, there is almost only one thought, and that is to be with Bai Yuxian for the rest of his life, even if it means going up the mountain of swords and under the sea of ​​fire.

"Yu Xian may have other explanations."

Bai Haowen asked again.

"Brother, I have no other explanation. I just want to explain that the matter of dragon blood is of great importance. I will wait until the Bai brothers understand it themselves, but be sure not to let it out."

The Way of Bai Qing.

Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu also nodded solemnly when they heard this. They also knew in their hearts that if a priceless treasure like dragon blood was leaked, it would definitely cause a big shock. Moreover, you must know that this time, Bai Yuxian did not even have such good things as the emperor. Give.

If this were leaked and the emperor knew about it, the consequences could be imagined.

"I wonder what the situation is like in Jiannan now?"

After talking about the dragon blood, Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu couldn't help but ask about Jiannan's situation.

"Now Jiannan has been completely stabilized. Not only has the problem of Nanzhao been solved, but the long-standing natural disaster problem in Jiannan has also been calmed down after the clan brother killed the demon dragon. Now the entire Jiannan is prosperous."

Bai Qingzhi's tone changed again when he said this.

"But there is one thing that I have been worried about."

"worry about what."

"Brother from the Yuxian Clan is now the most powerful person in the world, and he has the most power in the world. He is the Duke of the country, and he is also the governor of Hexi and Jiannan towns. He has an army of 100,000 to separate one side. His achievements are so great that he can shock the Lord!"

Bai Qingzhi spoke out.

As soon as he said this, the expressions of brothers Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu suddenly changed.

At this time, Bai Ziyu also answered.

"Brother Yuxian's current position is indeed too high. It has reached a very dangerous level. Now that your majesty has more trust in brother Yuxian, you may not have to worry. But when your majesty abdicates and the prince ascends the throne, he will still be able to do this. Don’t worry, Brother Jade Immortal Clan.”

Bai Haowen and Bai Haowu's expressions suddenly changed.

They also realized this immediately.

Bai Qingzhi and Bai Ziyu were right. The current Bai Yuxian is indeed too powerful to shock the emperor, and Bai Yuxian's own strength and power are too dangerous. He has completely threatened the imperial power. In this case, even if Li Longji can trust him Bai Yuxian, but where is the prince Li Wang?

Once Prince Li Wang ascends the throne, can he still allow Bai Yuxian to exist like this?

If Prince Li Wang does not allow Bai Yuxian, what should they do?

(End of this chapter)

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