Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 403 Sister-in-law Feng, leader of the Meiting team!

Chapter 403 Sister-in-law Feng, leader of the Meiting team!

"By the way, father-in-law, my son-in-law has something else he wants to discuss with his father-in-law and hopes to get his permission. When he returns to Jiannan this time, he wants to bring sister Lin'er with him and then marry sister Lin'er. I hope my father-in-law can agree. .”

After finally getting down to business, Bai Yuxian looked at his father-in-law and said, feeling somewhat embarrassed. After all, marrying one daughter was not enough, and now he had to marry a second one.

If Bai Yuxian himself were the father-in-law, and one day any little brat married one of his daughters and dared to have an idea for his second daughter, he would definitely break all three of his legs.

As for double standards.

Isn't it human nature to have double standards?

However, Han Su was not unhappy about the fact that Bai Yuxian wanted to marry his second daughter. Not only did he have no resistance in his heart, he was even very happy.

After all, the daughter will get married sooner or later. Since marrying someone like this is not a marriage, it would be better to marry Bai Yuxian like this. Who else in the world can compare with Bai Yuxian, a quick son-in-law who rides on a dragon, and from now on the two daughters They can also take care of each other around Bai Yuxian.

"Okay, I agree to this, and I feel relieved to leave Lin'er to you." Han Su said immediately.

"Thank you, father-in-law. My son-in-law will definitely treat Lin'er and Shiyin well and will never let them suffer any injustice in this life."

Bai Yuxian was also relieved when he heard this, and he happily raised his hands and promised.

After saying this, Bai Yuxian stayed in the Han Mansion for more than half an hour and played a few games with his father-in-law before getting up and leaving in the afternoon.

After a while.

Return to Jin Guofu's home.

"Meet the Duke."


"Brother Xian is back."


At this time, the Jin Mansion was very lively, because Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Mi, Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Xue, Bai Yue, Bai Lan and other female relatives of Wuhou Mansion, as well as the mother and daughter of Zhou and Han Lin, The maid came to the Jin mansion.

When Bai Yuxian returned to Jin's home, the entire inner garden of Jin's mansion was already filled with orioles and swallows.

His mother, mother-in-law, Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Mi and Mrs. Zhou gathered together.

Wife Han Shiyin, Xiang Ling, Liu Yiren, Liu Hongxiu, Li Shishi, Li Mingyue and Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Xue, Bai Yue, Bai Lan and Han Lin gathered together.

The pretty sister-in-law Bai Feifeng is responsible for directing the maids and maids in the mansion to take care of the overall situation.

Seeing Bai Yuxian coming back, all the girls stood up and looked at Bai Yuxian.

"I have met the old lady, three aunts, and Aunt Zhou. I haven't seen them for a long time. I wonder how well the old lady, the three aunts, and Aunt Zhou have been in the past six months."

Bai Yuxian bowed his hands and said hello to the five elders: Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Mi and the Zhou family.

"Brother Youlaoxian is worried. He has been in good health for the past six months."

Mrs. Bai said with a smile.

The other Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Mi and Mrs. Zhou also spoke one after another and praised her.

At this time, several people also had bright smiles on their faces, and it looked like there was some big happy event, especially when they saw Bai Yuxian coming back in front of them.

But just before Bai Yuxian came back, Zhen had already told several people that Bai Yuxian planned to take the six girls Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Xue, Bai Yue, Bai Lan and Han Lin to the sword when she returned to Beijing this time. Nan then officially married the sixth daughter into the family.

Therefore, at this moment, Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Mi and Mrs. Zhou were all very happy.

After all, Bai Yuxian's status now lies here.

In the current world, except for the emperor, who else dares to say that he can surpass Bai Yuxian in terms of status. I am afraid that the prince will be polite when facing Bai Yuxian and dare not offend him too much.

Under such circumstances, they would naturally be willing to marry their daughter or granddaughter to Bai Yuxian.

Especially for Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, and Mrs. Mi. Now the sunset in Wuhou Mansion has almost reached the edge of the cliff. Only the Houmen Mansion is the last fig leaf left. If there is no one to support and help, it will not be long before Wuhou. The Hou Mansion must be completely removed from the Tang Dynasty.

In this case, the five girls Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Xue, Bai Yue, and Bai Lan can marry Bai Yuxian, which in their view is the life-saving straw of their Wuhou Mansion.

As long as their daughter and granddaughter marry Bai Yuxian and have this kind of in-law relationship, then their Wuhou Mansion will have Bai Yuxian as a big backer, and they will no longer have to worry about anything. They may even use this to make a comeback in the future.

Although Zhou's thoughts are not as similar as those of Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, and Mrs. Mi, they are similar.

With Bai Yuxian's current status and personal talent, if her daughter could marry Bai Yuxian, Zhou would naturally be willing to do so.

Moreover, when her daughter marries Queen Bai Yuxian, she is also Bai Yuxian's mother-in-law. Having such a powerful son-in-law as Bai Yuxian is not a guarantee for her.

What's more, Bai Qian and the other six girls have already given up their hearts on Bai Yuxian.



At this time, the six girls Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Xue, Bai Yue, Bai Lan, and Han Lin also came over, looking at Bai Yuxian with expressions of joy and shyness. The whole person looks shy, but also extremely charming and attractive.

Bai Yuxian also looked at the girls with a smile.

At this time, Mrs. Bai who was standing by could not help but speak again.

"I heard that Brother Xian is back in Beijing this time, and I plan to take Jin Guofu to Jiannan."

"After all, Jiannan and the capital are still too far apart, making communication inconvenient. Now that Jiannan is basically stable, it's time for the Jin government to move there."

Bai Yuxian smiled and nodded.

"I heard from Shiyin just now that this time the Jin government is moving to Jiannan, Brother Xian plans to ask Qian'er and the others to follow them."

That's what you really want to ask.

Hearing what Old Mrs. Bai said, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but smile in her heart. She knew that the last sentence must be Old Mrs. Bai's purpose. When everyone present heard this, they couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian, especially Bai Yuxian. The six girls are Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Xue, Bai Yue, Bai Lan and Han Lin.

Although I just heard Han Shiyin and others talk about the matter.

But after all, Bai Yuxian didn't say it himself. They still hope to hear the result from Bai Yuxian's mouth to confirm it.

Bai Yuxian didn't cover up, there was no need to cover up anything at this time, he just spoke openly and openly.

"Yes, the six sisters are beautiful, virtuous and virtuous. They have been waiting for me sincerely for so many years. Now that I have achieved fame and fame, it is time for me to give an explanation to my sisters."

"So when returning to Beijing this time, Yuxian also plans to take the six sisters to Jiannan, and then officially marry several sisters into the house. He hopes that the old lady, three aunts and Aunt Zhou will make it happen."

After saying this, Bai Yuxian solemnly raised his hands to Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Mi and the Zhou family.

"Good! Good! Good!"

After hearing Bai Yuxian's clear words in person, Mrs. Bai finally let go of her heart completely. She immediately happily said "good luck" three times and looked at Bai Yuxian.

"Brother Xian, you are truly capable and capable. You are the real Qilin'er of our Bai family, unparalleled in ancient and modern times. It is their blessing that Qian'er and the others can marry you. I, Qian'er and the others Don't worry, mother. Although we belong to the Bai family and share the same blood, Brother Xian, you and Qian'er have already been married to the fifth server, so this marriage is reasonable and reasonable, and outsiders can't say anything."

"Yes, yes, leave Xue'er and the others to Brother Xian, we can rest assured."


Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Mi and Mrs. Zhou immediately expressed their opinions one after another, and their faces couldn't help showing excitement and joy.

"I wonder if my six sisters would be willing to marry me."

Bai Yuxian smiled again and looked at the six girls Bai Qian, Bai Qian, Bai Xue, Bai Yue, Bai Lan and Han Lin, and smiled softly.

"Although I can't give my six sisters the status of real wives for the time being, and I can only force them to marry me as concubines, I promise that in the future, whenever I have the opportunity to perform meritorious services, I will ask His Majesty to grant several sisters wives. Identity will definitely allow several sisters to truly become my wives.”

"We are willing to marry our clan brother [brother-in-law]!"

When the six girls heard this, they didn't hesitate at all, and nodded directly, with a mixture of shame and joy on their faces, and their hearts were even sweeter, especially after hearing Bai Yuxian's promise that the emperor would grant them the status of wives in the future.

The five people, Mrs. Bai, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Zhou, Mrs. Mi and the Zhou family who were standing by, felt even more delighted after hearing Bai Yuxian's words.

After all, the status of wife and concubine is still very different.

Bai Yuxian is willing to guarantee that after marrying the sixth daughter, he will give the sixth daughter the status of his wife, and they are naturally happy.

With the matter settled, Bai Yuxian didn't stay any longer and left the garden alone to go to Zhulinxuan.

But before leaving, Bai Yuxian sent another message to her pretty sister-in-law Bai Feifeng.

Last night, I was busy dealing with my six wives Han Shiyin, Xiangling, Liu Yiren, Liu Hongxiu, Li Shishi, and Li Mingyue, so I didn't even have time to take care of my pretty sister-in-law when she came back.

Now that I have a flaw, my pretty sister-in-law must not forget it.

The most important thing for a man is to be fair and just.

Hearing Bai Yuxian's voice in her mind, Bai Feifeng's charming face and beautiful eyes suddenly became hydrated. Before Bai Yuxian left, she immediately followed him to Zhulin Pavilion, feeling itchy and unbearable.

Not long after, Zhulinxuan.

Bai Yuxian took her pretty sister-in-law's increasingly mature and plump body into her arms with one hand.

At the same time, Bai Yuxian discovered that with the passage of time and her own nourishment over the years, the pretty sister-in-law's figure has obviously experienced a second growth, and it is developing in an exaggerated and hot direction, which makes people's desire soar.

This secondary figure development direction of the pretty sister-in-law reminded Bai Yuxian of a classic Korean comic character in her previous life.

Beautiful new world.

Team leader Meiting!

(End of this chapter)

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