Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 404 Daily life in the capital

Chapter 404 Daily life in the capital


into the night.

In a medium-sized mansion in Chang'an City, Feng Changqing looked at the visitor in front of him with excitement and joy.

"Chang Qing, it's been a while."

The visitor was dressed in white clothes and looked as handsome as a banished immortal who had walked down from the Nine Heavens. He looked at Feng Changqing and said with a smile, it was clear who he was if he wasn't Bai Yuxian.

"Thank you, Lord Lao, for caring about me. Everything is fine with Chang Qing."

Feng Changqing said excitedly and happily, and then warmly and respectfully invited Bai Yuxian to sit down in the mansion. Then he was about to ask someone to prepare wine and tea, but Bai Yuxian raised his hand to stop him.

"No need to bother too much. Now that the prince has replaced me as the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army, and you are the lieutenant general of the Tiance Army, your status is second only to the prince in the Tiance Army. If the news of meeting me, the former commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army, spreads, Going out is not a good thing for you."

Feng Changqing's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he understood immediately and nodded.

"Chang Qing understands."

"What's the situation with Tice Army now?"

"Since the Duke resigned as the crown prince and took over as the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army, he has been trying to find ways to take over and control the Tiance Army. To this end, he has placed many close followers in the Tiance Army, but overall it is quite stable."

Feng Changqing immediately told Bai Yuxian everything that had happened in the past six months since Prince Li Wang took over as the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army.

After taking over as the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army, Prince Li Wang placed many of his own people in the Tiance Army in order to allow him to completely control the Tiance Army.

However, the people placed by Prince Li Wang were still weak compared to the original Tiance Army. The original Tiance Army, which had Feng Changqing as its capital, only superficially respected Prince Li Wang as its leader, but in their hearts, the original Tiance Army Ce Jun was thinking about Bai Yuxian.

As long as Bai Yuxian is in need at any time, Feng Changqing can directly respond with the original Tiance army and listen to Bai Yuxian's orders.

Prince Li Wang also felt this, so Prince Li Wang also took the initiative to offer an olive branch to recruit Feng Changqing and other original Tiance Army generals, but the effect was not obvious.

Anyway, Feng Changqing's purpose is that now your prince, Li Wang, is the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army. So on the surface, we must be led by you. We will do whatever you say and never violate it. But in our hearts, who do we respect as the leader? That is us. Something happened.

Therefore, the current Tiance Army is divided into two factions. One faction is headed by Prince Li Wang, and the other is the original Tiance Army headed by Feng Changqing.

In addition, there is actually a third faction, which is the current swing neutral faction. These people originally belonged to the Tiance Army. However, after Bai Yuxian resigned and Prince Li Wang took over as the chief general of the Tiance Army, they could not help but face the recruitment of Prince Li Wang. There was some wavering.

Bai Yuxian was not surprised by this. After all, he understood that the county magistrate was inferior to the county administrator.

Moreover, the ordinary generals and soldiers of the Tiance Army do not know what he thinks. Now that he has resigned as the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army, many people do not know what will happen in the future and whether he will come back to take over as the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army. Therefore, this kind of Under the circumstances, it is reasonable to feel shaken when faced with the recruitment of Prince Li Wang, the current commander-in-chief of Tiance Army.

However, Bai Yuxian doesn't care about these people and won't be angry. As long as these people don't make any clear betrayal of him, he won't care about being angry. After all, he has no reason to ask others to live for him.

Bai Yuxian also somewhat understood Prince Li Wang's hostility towards him.

After all, Prince Li Wang is now the commander-in-chief of the Tiance Army, but because of his presence, two voices appeared in the Tiance Army, making it impossible for him, the apparent commander, to completely control the Tiance Army. It is reasonable for Prince Li Wang to be hostile to him. among things.

After all, one can only see the whole picture at a glance. Now he can't control even one Tiance Army because of Bai Yuxian. Then in the future, if Bai Yuxian doesn't respect him, will his throne still be secure?

Whether it was for Bai Yuxian or for Feng Changqing and other members of the original Tiance Army, Prince Li Wang must be angry and dissatisfied.

However, due to the influence of Bai Yuxian and Feng Changqing in the current Tiance Army, Prince Li Wang did not dare to be too targeted towards Feng Changqing and others, and although Feng Changqing and others did not respect him in their hearts, But on the surface, there was no disrespectful behavior, so Prince Li Wang had no clear way to deal with Feng Changqing and others.

"I can rest assured that Chang Qing is with you in the Tiance Army."

After listening to Feng Changqing's words, Bai Yuxian nodded with satisfaction.

He is absolutely assured of Feng Changqing's ability, otherwise he would not have kept Feng Changqing in the first place.

With Feng Changqing here, it is impossible for the Tiance Army to escape his control. If Prince Li Wang wants to fully control the Tiance Army, Feng Changqing can compete with Prince Li Wang in the ring.

"If there is no Duke, there will be no Changqing today. Changqing will never die in this life. I will follow the Duke to the death."

Feng Changqing solemnly raised his hands.

He admired and was grateful to Bai Yuxian.

I admire Bai Yuxian's personal talents.

I am grateful to Bai Yuxian for his kindness.

He is not sure what his fate would have been if he had not met Bai Yuxian in this life, but one thing he is sure of is that without Bai Yuxian, he would definitely not be where he is today.

And in life, it is also important to be with the right people. Following Bai Yuxian, he also believed with peace of mind.

Bai Yuxian also smiled and nodded, and then without saying any more, he took out the dragon's blood and elixir that he had prepared and handed them to Feng Changqing.

"This is dragon blood and dragon elixir. Bathing in dragon blood can temper the physical body, strengthen martial arts energy and blood, and make a person reborn. Taking gentian can prolong life, protect against all diseases, and improve cultivation. These two can be used together. By helping you further your cultivation and improve your qualifications, it may not be long before you can hit the martial arts spiritual aperture."

Bai Yuxian got a lot of good things from killing the Dragon Lord this time.

The dragon tendons, keel bones, dragon skin, and dragon scales have not been put into use yet. Bai Yuxian plans to use them to cast bows, arrows, weapons, and armor, but he needs a good caster.

However, dragon meat, dragon blood, and dragon internal organs have begun to be eaten by Bai Yuxian.

The dragon's viscera was refined into a pill named Dragon Pill. After taking it, it can strengthen the body, improve cultivation, increase longevity, and be immune to all diseases. It can even save people's lives. It can be said that the effects are endless, and it is also the three The most valuable among them, Bai Yuxian has only given Dragon Pill to his most trusted and outstanding core personnel so far, such as Feng Changqing, in addition to giving it to his family.

The second is dragon blood. Bathing in dragon blood to temper the body can reshape a person and even improve his qualifications. It can also be said to be a magic medicine for warriors. Its value is second only to dragon pill. His subordinate Bai Yuxiandu is more loyal and trustworthy. Some were given one after another.

The last dragon meat is the lowest value, but it is also Bai Yuxian's favorite, because for him, dragon pills, dragon blood, and dragon meat have little effect, because his own cultivation level is too high, but the three The dragon meat among them is extremely delicious, and it is a joy to use it as meat.

As for dragon meat, Bai Yuxian also gave some to many of his subordinates in Jiannan, but forget it here in the capital. One of them is too far away, and it would be troublesome for someone to take out the other one.

"Thank you, Lord!"

When Feng Changqing heard this, he couldn't help but take it with joy and excitement. Knowing that the dragon pill and dragon blood are precious, they are absolutely priceless treasures. Let alone ordinary people, even the emperor may not be able to obtain them in an ordinary life. Today, Bai Yuxian But he came here specially to give it to himself.

Thinking of this, Feng Changqing couldn't help but have mixed feelings in his heart, and he felt even more grateful to Bai Yuxian.

Afterwards, Bai Yuxian did not stay with Feng Changqing any longer, and chose to leave directly after the matter was resolved.

After all, there are still people waiting for him in the palace, and he has two appointments tonight.

A beautiful mother-in-law and beautiful concubine.

A scene with Yang Yuhuan.

After leaving Feng Changqing, Bai Yuxian sneaked into the palace quietly.

First, he came to Yuhua Palace, his beautiful mother-in-law, and made an appointment for the first half of the night.

Then at the end of the first half, Bai Yuxian came to Yang Yuhuan in Tsinghua Palace.

After waiting for Yang Yuhuan to come here, Bai Yuxian discovered that Yang Yuhuan was not the only one on the bed, but there was another person.

It's Yang Yuqing.

However, after making an appointment with Bai Yuxian during the day to confirm that Bai Yuxian would come tonight, Yang Yuhuan sent someone to take Yang Yuqing from the Qin Palace into the palace. No one had any doubts about this.

"Do you like Shiro?"

Seeing Bai Yuxian's shocked look when she saw Yang Yuqing, Yang Yuhuan's plump and delicate body immediately clung to Bai Yuxian's body with all her charm and she laughed softly.


Of course I like it.

After all, what man in the world wouldn't like the happiness of sisters, let alone sisters like Yang Yuhuan and Yang Yuqing who are all-powerful to the country.

Yang Yuqing blushed and said nothing. Compared to Yang Yuhuan, her personality was gentler and shy.

It was windy and rainy in the middle of the night, and the Tsinghua Palace was flooded with water.

It was not until almost dawn that sisters Yang Yuhuan and Yang Yuqing fell into a deep sleep from exhaustion.

Bai Yuxian, who cured the flood, also hid her merit and fame, and quietly left Qinghua Palace and returned to her home in Jin State Mansion.

In the following days, Bai Yuxian stayed in the capital for a few more days. In addition to going to her mother-in-law in Yuhua Palace and Yang Yuhuan in Qinghua Palace every night, Bai Yuxian also went to the capital with her friends Cui Zongzhi, Su Jin, Du Fu, Wang Yanlin and Song Dynasty. Several of Xiuwen's friends met for a few gatherings.

In addition, Bai Yuxian went to Hexi again and met with Guo Ziyi, Li Sanlang, and Sun Wuzhou in private. After checking the situation in Hexi, he learned that all the stable military power in Hexi Province now rests with Guo Ziyi, Li Sanlang, and Sun Wuzhou. Feeling relieved once you are in control.

Bai Yuxian then gave each of the three people a portion of the prepared dragon pill and dragon blood.

These things have no effect on today's Bai Yuxian, but for warriors under the supernatural power of heaven and man, they are undoubtedly priceless treasures that are enough to transform themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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