Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 408 Return to Jiannan, the current situation!

Chapter 408 Return to Jiannan, recent situation!

That's it.

After Liu Zongsu passed away, Liu Yu succeeded him as the new head of the Liu family, but he would not take over the affairs of the Liu family, especially the business of the Liu family, but would leave it to the Qin family.

In exchange, Bai Yuxian promised that brothers Liu Zongsu and Liu Zongqing would recommend to him the children of the Liu family to join the officialdom in Jiannan. Of course, Bai Yuxian was not deprived of this. Whether he is governing Jiannan or fighting for the world in the future, he will need a large number of martial arts talents. , if the Liu family really has talented children under his command, it will undoubtedly be a good thing for him. This can be said to be a win-win situation for both Bai Yuxian and the Liu family.

After promising that brothers Liu Zongsu and Liu Zongqing would recommend to him the children of the Liu family to join the officialdom in Jiannan, Bai Yuxian also met Qin Fuwen and gave the same promise to Qin Fuwen and the Qin family.

In the future, if the Qin family has a disciple with outstanding talents, Qin Fuwen can directly recommend him.

Both the Liu family and the Qin family had made great efforts in establishing the Bafang Chamber of Commerce in the beginning, and over the years, they have been led by him and followed in his footsteps, waiting to be dispatched. They can be regarded as one of their own.

Under such circumstances, Bai Yuxian would naturally not be stingy with his own people.

Bai Yuxian's promise also made the Liu and Qin families ecstatic, and they became more determined to follow and support him.

After the affairs of the Liu family were settled, Bai Yuxian did not stay in Xiangzhou any longer. He left Xiangzhou with his mother-in-law Qin, his wife Liu Yi and their children and headed towards Jiannan.

After leaving Xiangzhou, Bai Yuxian first led his team to join the large army.

Then they traveled for more than half a month, until mid-May, Bai Yuxian and his party finally entered Jiannan and returned to Chengdu.

It took more than a month to travel from the capital to Jiannan Chengdu Prefecture.

After returning to Chengdu Mansion, Bai Yuxian was completely relieved.

Now that all his family members have been brought to Jiannan, no matter how the world situation changes, he will have nothing to worry about.

After returning to Chengdu Mansion, Bai Yuxian directly arranged for the family members of the former Jin State Mansion to live in the Jiedushi Mansion where he currently lives.

To be honest, although Chengdu is far less prosperous than the capital, the Jiedushi mansion where Bai Yuxian currently lives is many times more luxurious than the Jin Palace in the capital.

After arriving in Chengdu Mansion and settling down, everyone in the original Jin Mansion was very satisfied, especially the Jiedushi Mansion where they lived.

Although Chengdu is not as prosperous as the capital, the Jiedushi's residence is far more luxurious than the Jin Palace, and the buildings are even more luxurious than the Jin Palace, including various pavilions, towers, jade buildings, waterside pavilions, and flower gardens. .

In terms of residences alone, the Jiedu Governor's residence in Chengdu is much more luxurious and powerful than the Jin Palace. It is almost like a huge royal palace.

Moreover, here in Jiannan, their Jin State Mansion also has an advantage that is impossible to compare with in the capital, that is, here in Jiannan, their Jin State Mansion is the true uncrowned king, the kind of supreme.

This point cannot be compared to anything in the capital.

Comparing the two comparisons, after staying for a few days, everyone in the Jin State Mansion felt completely at ease after becoming fully familiar with the situation in Chengdu. They even slowly felt that after coming to Jiannan, they seemed to be better than those in the capital. Life became more relaxed and comfortable.

At the same time, after everyone from the Jin government officially moved to Jiannan to live in the Jiedushi residence, Bai Yuxian also formally introduced the four girls Li Mi, Qin Yuniang, Pei Shengnan, and Li Wenjun to the family so that they could meet and get to know each other.

After seeing the four girls Li Mi, Qin Yuniang, Pei Shengnan, and Li Wenjun and knowing their relationship with Bai Yuxian.

The ones with the most complicated moods were Li Mingyue and Qin.

Li Mingyue looked at Li Mi in front of her and her aunt, and she suddenly had a belated understanding.

No wonder the relationship between my husband and my aunt has always been relatively good.

No wonder that when I first found my aunt and wanted to get to know Bai Yuxian through my aunt, my aunt seemed to be delaying.

No wonder, facing such an outstanding man as her husband, her aunt seemed to have never been tempted and had a firm mind.

But now, Li Mingyue understands everything. His aunt and Bai Yuxian have been together for a long time. He is afraid that he is just a third party who stepped in later and stole his aunt's man.

Li Mi looked a little embarrassed when she looked at Li Mingyue. The aunt and nephew looked at me and I looked at you, their eyes widening.

Then there was the Qin family. After knowing that Qin Yuniang was the president of the Bafang Chamber of Commerce, she had guessed that Qin Yuniang might be related to Bai Yuxian.

Unexpectedly, her suspicions were confirmed when she arrived in Jiannan, and Bai Yuxian had no intention of hiding anything.

Then the other girls became a little numb when they later learned about the relationship between Li Mi and Li Mingyue's aunt and nephew, and the relationship between Qin Yuniang and Qin's sister.

Even Mrs. Zhen was silent for a long time.

However, although the girls were in complicated moods, they didn't say anything after the matter had come to this.

Bai Yuxian didn't say much about this, because he knew that as long as the girls didn't make a fuss immediately, it would prove that the girls had accepted it in their hearts. As for their relationship, it would naturally slow down as time goes by and they get along with each other. Get better slowly. If that didn't work, he would just give the women a few more injections.

When it comes to your wife, there is nothing that can't be solved with one shot. If it can't be solved with one shot, just give her a few more shots.

After arranging the family in this way, he told Qin Yuniang that the Qin family would take over the Liu family's business and asked Qin Yuniang to take care of the Qin family.

Bai Yuxian also came to the main hall of Chengdu Mansion to summon all the civil and military ministers under his command.

"See the envoy."

Early in the morning.

In the main hall of the Chengdu Mansion, a group of civil and military officials from Jiannan gathered and looked at the arriving Bai Yuxian, bowing and saluting.

"No need to be polite."

Bai Yuxian nodded slightly when he heard the words, and looked at the civil and military ministers under his command in front of him.

On the left hand side, the subordinate officials are headed by Wang Wei, Han Yu, Liu Yu, Wang Wenru, Li Daosheng, and Mo Wenyuan.

The generals on the right are Tian Hao, Gao Shi, Li Siye, Bai Qingzhi, Bai Ziyu, Jiang Wu, Guan Sheng, Zhou Quan, Zhao Wuzhou, Ximen Yan, and Dongfang Shuo.

Looking at the civil and military men under his command, Bai Yuxian couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

Looking at it this way, Bai Yuxian felt that the civil and military forces under his command finally had a good scale framework.

And this is only the civil and military officials currently under his command in Jiannan. There are even two figures with celestial and supernatural powers, Li Bai and Baiyue, who are not here.

With such powerful people under his command, Bai Yuxian felt that if the world was in chaos next, he would be almost qualified to fight for it.

After all, the staff is almost ready.

Then Bai Yuxian began to ask.

"Let me tell you first, how has my situation in Jiannan been in the past two months?"

"I would like to inform you that since you killed the Jade Dragon Lake monster three months ago, the weather in our Jiannan area has been smooth, and we no longer suffer from floods and other natural disasters. Now the people have basically been properly resettled, and the fields in various places have been plowed in the spring. After planting, I believe that as long as the harvest continues smoothly, the situation in Jiannan over the years will be qualitatively improved."

"Thanks to the envoy for killing the Jade Dragon Lake demon dragon."


After hearing Bai Yuxian's inquiry, Wang Wei, Wang Wenru and other civil servants also immediately spoke one after another, with excitement on their faces.

Since the Dragon Lord of Yulong Lake was beheaded by Bai Yuxian, the long-lasting floods, earthquakes, plagues and other disasters in Jiannan have also disappeared.

Coupled with Bai Yuxian's vigorous disaster relief measures and the support of the Bafang Chamber of Commerce.

As a result, the situation in the entire Jiannan can almost be described as completely new.

The original scene of countless victims and barren fields has completely disappeared, replaced by a scene of prosperity.

Of course, the overall situation is still relatively difficult. After all, the previous disaster lasted for so many years and it is impossible to recover all at once. However, the overall mental outlook of Jiannan, both officials and people, has been completely renewed at this moment.

It can be predicted that as long as Jiannan lasts until this autumn harvest, the overall situation in Jiannan will definitely improve.

"very good."

When Bai Yuxian heard this, he couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and opened his mouth to give instructions.

"Nowadays, everything in Jiannan is in need of revitalization, especially the people, who need to recuperate and recuperate. Therefore, the original disaster relief policy remains unchanged. We will fully assist the people, encourage them to farm and restore production, and this year's tax revenue will be taxed as much as possible. Biggest budget relief.”

"Also, let me keep an eye on the corruption phenomenon in various places. In the past, you could let it go if there was any corruption, but now that the natural disaster in Jiannan has just passed, it is a time when everything is waiting to be revitalized and the people are resuming production. If anyone dares to be corrupt, One by one, I chopped them all up and buried them in the ground to use as fertilizer."


When all the officials present heard this, their hearts skipped a beat. They heard the unquestionable and cold murderous intent in Bai Yuxian's tone, and they quickly responded. At the same time, they made up their minds that this aspect would never be touched in the future.

"There is one more thing. Next, I would like to establish an academy in the south of Jiannan, to recruit wise men from all over the world, so as to create a glorious future for our humanity."

(End of this chapter)

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