Myth: Xianwu Tang Dynasty

Chapter 409 The Palace of Holy Saints

Chapter 409 The Palace of Holy Saints

Found a school.

This is a decision Bai Yuxian made after careful consideration during this period.

When Bai Yue was first recruited, Bai Yuxian had made a promise to him to establish an academy.

However, the situation in Jiannan was not stable at that time, so Bai Yuxian never took action on this matter, but now the situation in Jiannan has completely stabilized.

Nanzhao Kingdom is controlled by Yan Fei and Huo Ling'er, mother and daughter, and has completely become Bai Yuxian's rear area. The natural disaster problem in Jiannan has been completely stabilized since Long Jun was killed.

It can be said that the overall situation in Jiannan has stabilized now.

In this case, Bai Yuxian can also start to arrange other things.

Establishing a school is Bai Yuxian's next main plan.

Create an academy to attract educated people from all over the world for research, exchange, exploration, and preaching. We strive to utilize all knowledge to the greatest extent to benefit the people of the world and jointly create a glorious future for humanity.

At the same time, through this academy, Bai Yuxian is also preparing to develop the technology tree of this world.

As the saying goes, technology is the primary productive force.

Bai Yuxian, who has traveled through parallel time and space for two generations, is very clear about how much the development of science and technology can bring about changes in productivity and social life.

Especially in such an extraordinary parallel time and space with immortals and gods.

If transcendence and technology can be combined, what kind of bright sparks will eventually collide, and how far the world will develop in the end, Bai Yuxian is very much looking forward to it.

And another point is that Bai Yuxian can ensure that future development will not deviate from his goals and control.

Because next, as long as he defeats the immortals and regains the immortality substance that belongs to the human world, he will be immortal, and even the dynasty he founded will become an immortal dynasty, just like the immortals in the heaven, they will live forever in the time and space of heaven and earth. among.

At that time, he will have infinite and eternal life to develop and pursue the goals in his heart.

Ordinary dynasties in the human world are completely meaningless to Bai Yuxian.

Since he wants to replace Li Tang and compete for the world, his goal cannot be just to create an ordinary human dynasty.

And that’s even under extraordinary conditions.

Since he wants to create, he naturally also wants to create an eternal dynasty, which is challenging.

"Academy Palace?"

Hearing Bai Yuxian's words, all the civil and military officials present couldn't help but look at each other. They couldn't understand why Bai Yuxian, who was so good, suddenly wanted to open a school.

In their view, the so-called academy, to put it bluntly, is not just an academy in the form of an academy. At most, it has a higher standard. At the highest level, it is an Imperial College one level lower.

However, they had no idea about the specific thoughts in Bai Yuxian's mind.

However, although they were confused and didn't understand, no one questioned Bai Yuxian's current reputation and majesty here, and everyone ignored him.


"In this case, the construction of the academy will be the responsibility of the Ministry of Industry. As for the money for the construction, there is no need to use the government treasury. I will pay for it privately."

Bai Yuxian spoke again and said that he was not planning to use the money from the Jiannan Mansion's treasury to build the academy, because the Jiannan Mansion's treasury did not have much money now, and with the money accumulated by the Bafang Chamber of Commerce over the past few years, he would build a school. The academy is more than adequate.

It is not difficult to build a palace, let alone a school.

When they heard that Bai Yuxian was going to privately fund the construction of this academy, all the officials present had no objections. Especially the financial officer in charge of the treasury breathed a huge sigh of relief.

As long as Bai Yuxian didn't plan to use the money from the treasury, they would have no objection to building an imperial palace, let alone building a school palace.

They all agreed again.

Bai Yuxian then appointed the Ministry of Industry to be responsible for the next construction work of the academy.

In this way, the affairs of the academy were settled.

On that day, after receiving Bai Yuxian's order, officials from the Ministry of Industry took action. First, they selected an address, then determined the specific scale, building facilities and layout, and finally, money and materials were in place to recruit workers and start construction.

The Bafang Chamber of Commerce was naturally responsible for the money. After receiving Bai Yuxian's signal, Qin Yuniang immediately sent a dedicated person to deal with the matter with the personnel of the Jiannan Ministry of Industry.

It just so happens that the construction of the academy also requires the recruitment of a large number of workers, which will also have a certain positive effect on the resettlement of the people in Jiannan and the economic boost, and the work can be used as a relief.

Under Bai Yuxian's personal supervision, the construction of the academy progressed very quickly.

In just two days, the location for the construction of the Academy was determined, and it was chosen to be in the south of Chengdu. Then, as the money from the Bafang Chamber of Commerce was in place, the Ministry of Industry quickly recruited workers and started construction.

After the construction of the academy began, Bai Yuxian later found Li Bai and Baiyue and told them about the matter.

"School Palace."

Li Bai became interested when he heard this and looked at Bai Yuxian.

"How does Brother Bai plan to build this academy?"

Baiyue couldn't help but look at Bai Yuxian expectantly. This was one of the main reasons why he was willing to serve Bai Yuxian in the first place. "The purpose of this academy after its establishment will be to recruit talented people from all walks of life in the world, as long as they are talented, regardless of origin, status, poverty or wealth, powerful or common people. As long as they have Anyone with talents can enter my academy and enjoy the treatment of talented people in my academy. They can jointly research, communicate, explore, and pursue the truth of everything in the world, create practical value, and benefit the people of the world and our human race."

"I want to build this academy to establish a heart for heaven and earth, to establish a destiny for the people, to carry on the unique knowledge of the past saints, and to create peace for all generations."

Bai Yuxian's eyes were calm and firm.

This last sentence was not said by him, but by Zhang Hengqu, a great scholar of the Northern Song Dynasty in parallel time and space in later generations.

Bai Yuxian has always liked this sentence.

Li Bai and Bai Yue, who were present when they heard Bai Yuxian's words, were not shocked, especially when they heard Bai Yuxian's last words.

Li Bai immediately couldn't help stroking his hands and laughing.

"Okay, okay, what a sentence to establish a heart for heaven and earth, to establish a destiny for the people, to carry on the unique knowledge of the past saints, and to create peace for all generations. Brother Bai's words, when life comes to light and this academy comes to light, Bai will definitely support Brother Bai with all his strength. "

Li Bai has always been a proud and ambitious person, but his ambition at the beginning was just to become an official, show off what he had learned, become a general, become a prime minister, and become a powerful person.

But when he heard Bai Yuxian's words, he felt like he was waking up from a dream, and his blood was boiling.

Especially when I think of the truth about the ancient pre-Qin Dynasty.

Li Bai suddenly felt that his previous ambitions and ambitions were too small. Compared with the fate and future of his entire human race, his previous ambitions and ambitions were nothing.

Only these four sentences spoken by Bai Yuxian are the true great ambitions.

"Is this the emperor's ambition? It is really deafening, like thunder."

Baiyue also spoke, and his eyes towards Bai Yuxian couldn't help but feel a little more changed and respectful.

If he was willing to accept Bai Yuxian's recruitment at the beginning because he admired Bai Yuxian's strength and knowledge, then now, he can't help but admire Bai Yuxian's ambition and state of mind more.

When Bai Yuxian heard this, he also looked at the Moon Worshiper.

"Yu Xian has always admired the leader's attitude towards pursuing the truth, but Yu Xian believes that we need to pursue the truth, but in addition, we also need to think about what is the purpose of our pursuit of the truth."

"The purpose of pursuing the truth?"

Baiyue was thoughtful after hearing the words.

Bai Yuxian continued to smile and said: "Yes, the purpose of pursuing the truth is just like the sages of our human race throughout the ages. What is their purpose of pursuing the truth, so I thought of these four sentences."

"To establish a heart for heaven and earth, to establish a destiny for the living people, to carry forward the unique knowledge of the past saints, and to create peace for all generations. I think this is the true goal of us and our ancestors in pursuing the truth of heaven and earth."

"Brother Bai's words are really enlightening and awakening the world."

Li Bai sighed, he felt that Bai Yuxian's words were so good, and they spoke to his heart.

"Your Majesty's words really make worshiping the moon feel like a dream before you wake up and learn a lesson."

Baiyue stood up and bowed solemnly to Bai Yuxian, feeling sincerely convinced for the first time in her heart.

Then he couldn't help but ask.

"I don't know what you plan to do after the academy is completed."

"After the academy is completed, I want to select a palace master to be the highest person in charge of the academy, to coordinate the academy. There will be colleges under the academy, and each academy will elect a dean to be the highest person in charge of each academy. Then, It consists of honorary bachelor's degree, bachelor's degree, and scholar."

Bai Yuxian then spoke and told the two of them his plans for the construction of the academy.

After the academy is built, the highest person in charge will be the palace master. Bai Yuxian plans to be the master of the academy himself.

Under the Academy, there are colleges divided into disciplines, and each college has a dean who is the top person in charge of the college.

Bai Yuxian will set the other people in the academy under the dean at three levels: honorary bachelor, bachelor, and scholar, and enjoy corresponding status according to their personal abilities and contributions.

The honorary bachelor's degree has the highest status and can only be awarded to learned men who have made significant contributions. The status is equivalent to the dean of each college having the right to directly see the palace master.

Scholars have the lowest status. Anyone with knowledge who enters the academy will be awarded scholar status, but if they want to be promoted, they need to make contributions.

At the same time, in order to attract people, Bai Yuxian also made a decision that as long as the talents entering the academy obtain scholar status, they will directly enjoy the official rank and official salary.

The grade of scholars is set between ninth grade and seventh grade.

The grade of a bachelor directly reaches between the sixth grade and the fourth grade.

The honorary bachelor's degree is even different. In theory, his status is second only to Bai Yuxian. If you have any questions, you can go to Bai Yuxian directly.

At the same time, Bai Yuxian also established students under the honorary bachelors, bachelors, and scholars. However, the students are independently recruited by the honorary bachelors, bachelors, and scholars of the academy. The number of places is limited. Students entering the academy do not have any privileges, but daily All accommodation, food and accommodation are free of charge in the academy.

Bai Yuxian has already decided on the name of the academy.

The Palace of Holy Saints!

(End of this chapter)

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