Chapter 107

With bare feet and no shoes, Jiang Yan was [-] tall. He was not thin either, and his exposed arms even had bulging muscles.

Just standing there gave the [-]-meter-tall Liu Wenhu a sense of oppression, not to mention his compelling eyes that nearly made him look away when staring at him.

Damn it, what happened to this kid?

How can he be more violent than someone like him who has been struggling in society for two years?
Tian Xiaohui and Dai Lei didn't dare to express their anger when they saw this battle.

Liu Wenhu forced himself to look at Jiang Yan. He did not stand up, but still sat on the chair with his legs crossed. He smiled coquettishly and said, "It's just a joke, is that all?"


Jiang Yan sneered, "My bed is against the wall, and you almost kicked it over. Do you call this a joke?"

Liu Wenhu pursed his lips and remained silent.

Jiang Yan looked at him condescendingly, "If you want to fight, just say so. I'll be with you at any time."

Suddenly there were two "bang bang" knocks on the door, and Tian Xiaohui hurriedly got up and opened the door.

"Hello, is Jiang Yan in this dormitory?"

Zhu Zhen arrived a little late in the afternoon. After checking in and getting his things, he walked around the school with his parents. In the evening, he walked around the door again after dinner. He also just came back and took a shower.

After asking a few people, I found out that Jiang Yan was in 501.

He is also in this dormitory building, just downstairs from Jiang Yan in 401.

"Here, Jiang Yan is here."

Tian Xiaohui's pounding heart had just returned to normal. When he heard that he was looking for Jiang Yan, he hurriedly opened the door to let people in.

Are you Jiang Yan's friend?If so, please advise, but don’t start a fight in the dormitory.

Zhu Zhen walked into 501 and immediately saw Jiang Yan standing in front of the table, looking with a rare gloomy look at the boy with a crew cut sitting on a chair in front of him with his legs crossed.

"what happened?"

Zhu Zhen put away the smile on his face, and his face, which was darkened by the sun during the summer vacation, became serious. He stood upright at the same height of [-], only wearing a vest on his upper body, and his arms and shoulders had bulging muscles. At first glance, he looked like that Those who have worked regularly or practiced.

He was asking Jiang Yan, but his eyes were looking sharply at Liu Wenhu, clearly expressing one meaning - Do you want to fight?

When Tian Xiaohui saw it, his legs softened and he almost knelt down. Brother, I let you come in to persuade others, not to make people angry.

This two against one
No, we can't fight two on one. Just now Liu Wenhu was obviously a little scared of Jiang Yan, and now a black-faced burly man was added to the mix.
Then why fight?One is enough for Liu Wenhu to drink a pot.

Sure enough, after Zhu Zhen came in, Liu Wenhu turned his head and glanced at him without saying a word.

Jiang Yan sneered and led Zhu Zhen out.

"I'm 401 below. If anything happens, just call me."

The two of them stood by the window at the end of the corridor. Zhu Zhen didn't ask him what happened, but first made his position clear, and then reminded him, "It's best not to fight in school, go out and beat him up."

The penalties for fighting in college are severe and unnecessary.

Jiang Yan looked at him and smiled. This was really an inappropriate metaphor. A biting dog never barks.

I used to look at the honest nerd in school, but if he really made a move, I guess three or four of them wouldn't be able to get close to him.

Zhu Zhen just didn't care about ordinary classmates.But now that we are in college, everyone is considered an adult. If he talks dirty or finds trouble, then don't blame him for being rude.

With the four of them coming to Beijing University, no one can be bullied.Yu Hang mentioned to Jiang Yan that Zhu Zhen's grandfather and father were both veteran detectives with real skills.Judging from Zhu Zhen's appearance, he must have been practicing since he was a child.

The two stood by the window and talked for a while, then went back to their dormitories.

When Jiang Yan returned to the dormitory, Liu Wenhu had already gone to bed and lay down.

He glanced lightly at his bed, went into the toilet to urinate, and then came out and went to bed to sleep.

Tian Xiaohui, who had already gone to bed and was lying motionless, saw this and said quickly, "I turned off the light."

Then he reached out and turned off the dormitory lights with a snap.

Liu Wenhu opened his eyes in the darkness. His behavior just now seemed impulsive, but it was actually a test of Jiang Yan.

He wanted to see where Jiang Yan's limit was, or whether it was possible to see something that was not useful.
such a pity.
Jiang Yan was more difficult to mess with than he expected. Not only that, he actually had a buddy in school who was also difficult to mess with.

He didn't know whether Zhu Zhen had any kung fu skills, but one look at his black face showed that he had a bad temper. He might have been a habitual fighter in high school.

Liu Wenhu let out a long sigh in his heart, feeling that he would die before his graduation. He thought that after two years of social interaction, he would not be able to become the boss of the dormitory class after entering university, but what happened?
It was only a small dormitory for four people, but he almost got beaten on the first night!
He no longer looked like the boss that no one dared to mess with when he was in high school again.

Song Jiawen woke up before six o'clock the next morning. She opened her eyes and listened to the breathing of her roommate in the dormitory, and began to stare at the ceiling above her head in a daze.

After about half an hour, she couldn't lie down anymore.

Get up gently, go to the bathroom and wash up.

After coming out, Song Jiawen sat at her desk and started painting quietly in order not to disturb others.

At about 07:30, footsteps gradually began to sound in the corridor outside.

Building [-] is the dormitory for freshmen students. Yesterday was the first day of registration and all the students had not arrived yet, so the dormitory is currently not full.

In addition, most of us traveled a long distance yesterday and were quite tired. Those who woke up at seven o'clock basically had not adapted to the new environment.And people like Song Jiawen who wake up before six o'clock are due to poor sleep and inability to adapt to the new environment. The two reasons are superimposed.

Liang Yujun opened his eyes and saw a vague figure sitting in front of the table, with his back straight and his head lowered, holding something in his right hand and making gestures.

She touched her glasses and put them on, and then she saw clearly that it was Song Jiawen.

At this time, the corridor outside was gradually noisy. Ding Yuanyuan and Sha Yali turned over mumbling.

Liang Yujun climbed out of bed and walked to Song Jiawen, only to see that she was drawing with a brush.

"Do you know how to paint Chinese painting?"

Liang Yujun pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looked at the pomegranate tree painted by Song Jiawen, and said in surprise, "The painting is really good. Have you studied it professionally?"

Although she doesn't know how to draw traditional Chinese paintings, her grandfather likes calligraphy, French and painting, so her family has collected a lot of them. The more she sees them, the more she naturally understands them.

“I learned it from my grandpa when I was a kid, and later I had a teacher to give me guidance, so I know a little bit about it.”

Liang Yujun felt that she was being modest, "How can you do this? You are obviously very skilled in painting, but your painting would have to be sold to us for at least 1 yuan."

Song Jiawen's eyes suddenly lit up, and she opened her mouth to ask Liang Yujun, "Can you take it to your place and sell it to me?"
Fortunately, when the words came to his mouth, he stopped the car urgently and changed it to: "I want to sell it, but I don't know if anyone here will buy it."

Liang Yujun smiled and said, "I want to know if anyone has bought it. That's not easy. Why don't you just go to the Academy of Fine Arts and ask? Yesterday, my dad went to the Academy of Fine Arts at Peking University. He said that there are many treasures in the gallery there. Of course, the Chinese paintings on display are definitely not for sale, but there are also many students from the Academy of Fine Arts selling paintings, which is not unusual.

Do you want to go and see it?I'll accompany you. "

(End of this chapter)

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