Beijing University of Fine Arts?
When he came here, Song Qingping had mentioned to her that he had a senior brother who was a professor at the Academy of Fine Arts, but he didn't tell her to ask her to find him.

Seeing how he was unable to explain anything at that time, Song Jiawen guessed that his senior brother was probably not very good.

Since the teacher didn't tell her to go, she didn't ask any more questions.

But you can go and have a look at the gallery.

The two agreed that Ding Yuanyuan and Sha Yali also woke up one after another. Like Liang Yujun, they got out of bed and curiously watched Song Jiawen paint.

Ding Yuanyuan talked a lot, "Song Jiawen, can you sketch? Are you also good at figure drawing? Can you draw one for me? Make me thinner, with bigger eyes, a taller nose, and fuller lips." "

Song Jiawen turned to look at her blankly, "Is that still you?"


Next to her, Sha Yali couldn't help laughing.

Ding Yuanyuan pouted, "I hate it, can't you leave some room for your imagination?"

A few people were fighting and making noise, and by the time they finished packing and went downstairs to have breakfast, it was almost nine o'clock.

The parents of the three of them were all on the return train this morning, and they had probably already been on the train for two stops by now.

Because they haven’t applied for meal cards yet, the four of them can only eat outside the school.

On the second day after freshmen registration, the school gate was crowded with people.

The four of them found a shop with few people and had a simple meal. One of them got a bottle of cold drink and hurried to the campus.

"Oh my god, there are more people today than yesterday."

Ding Yuanyuan looked at the heads of everyone in the reporting office and felt frightened.

Liang Yujun pushed up his glasses and said, "I guess we can finish the work in one day, and there will definitely be fewer people tomorrow."

The four people passed the reporting office and walked along the spacious boulevard to the platform.

The Academy of Fine Arts is quite far from here, and it takes four stops to get there by taking the campus bus.

Song Jiawen didn't have time to visit the school yesterday. Everything she looked at was strange. She didn't expect that the school was so big that she had to take a bus to go to another college.

Because Liang Yujun had been there yesterday, he was responsible for explaining to them at this time, "You will see it when the bus comes. Some of them are cartoons, and some are Chinese-style versions, three-dimensional sketches. They are all from the Academy of Fine Arts. Designed by students, it’s so beautiful. Oh, here we go, today is a cartoon. But why draw a Saint Seiya?”

Seeing Liang Yujun's suddenly cold expression, Ding Yuanyuan was puzzled and asked, "What's wrong with the Saint? You don't like it."

Liang Yujun sneered coldly, "It's something made by Japanese pirates. It's annoying just to look at it."

As long as it comes from their country, she doesn't like anything. There is no reason, she just hates it.

This reminded Song Jiawen of her brother-in-law Zhou Youming, who also said the same thing as Liang Yujun and never bought products from Japan.

Thinking of the army green mattress given by Liang's father and mother, Song Jiawen thought thoughtfully.

"If you don't like it, just wait for the next one. Anyway, we have nothing to do today."

Originally, Ding Yuanyuan and Sha Yali wanted to get on the bus, but after listening to Song Jiawen's words, they sat back on the bench again, and then watched the bus with the Saint Seiya painted on it stop and leave.

The next car that came over was the Tang Dynasty Guofeng version, and four people got on.

Probably the new students and their parents who are coming now are busy checking in, and the old students are busy receiving them, so there are not many people on the bus.

Four people got off the bus after four stops.

Liang Yujun pointed to a tall building ahead and said, "Did you see that? That building is called the art building of the Academy of Fine Arts. On the first floor is their art gallery, which contains Chinese paintings, sketches, and oil paintings by many domestic masters, and there are many more. As for sculptures, there are both wood carvings and plaster statues. Further south, in the square where there is a big statue, there are many art students sketching people there. Yesterday I saw a parent who was very satisfied with the painting they drew for her. She I gave the student 100 yuan and bought the painting."

Song Jiawen's eyes lit up, there was such a good place.

So when Liang Yujun asked them whether to go to the gallery of the Art Building first or the South Square of the Statue, she chose the South Square without hesitation.

Ding Yuanyuan and Sha Yali didn't care, since they had never been to either place.

The sun is not that strong today. There is a tall armless statue standing in the center of the south square, and there is a fountain rockery next to it. The water vapor spreads, and the whole square is cool and not hot at all.

A dozen art students were scattered in the square, with easels, white paper and pen holders in front of each of them.

Some people were sitting in front of them, some were not, but no matter whether there was someone or not, everyone's hands kept moving, and they carefully and concentratedly sketched each stroke on the white paper.

Song Jiawen walked around the square, looking at their sketches one by one, and finally stopped in front of the easel of a boy who looked relatively relaxed.

The boy looked up lazily, then froze. He looked at Song Jiawen's face and stammered, "S-Sister, do you want one? I, I'm very good at painting."

Song Jiawen said to her heart that I am also very good at painting.

She raised her hand and pointed to the boy's easel, and asked a little cautiously, "Senior brother, I can also do some sketching. Can I borrow your easel to draw a picture? Can I draw you?"

When the boy heard that Song Jiawen wanted to draw him, his face turned red.

He immediately stood up and gave the small bench to Song Jiawen, while he sat on the chair in front of the easel.

Song Jiawen bent over and picked out a handy pencil from the pen holder, then started drawing with the boy.
As soon as they entered the small square, the four people looked at each other and dispersed. When Liang Yujun and the other three met, they remembered to look for Song Jiawen, but after searching for a long time, they finally found her in the center surrounded by a small group of people.

The identities were reversed. Song Jiawen actually sat where an art student should sit. She held a pencil in her hand and glanced at a boy sitting in front of the easel from time to time, without stopping.

About 10 minutes later, Song Jiawen stopped writing, took out the painting on the drawing board, turned it over and showed it to the boy.

"Wow, it seems like it. Look at her drawings. Her lines are coherent, neat, and powerful, with a balance of hardness and softness. She has a very strong foundation."

"Is this a freshman at the Academy of Fine Arts this year?"

"Are you majoring in sketching? Are all the freshmen this year so awesome?"

The several art students who were sitting and sketching all gathered around Song Jiawen and started talking about the sketch she drew.

"Senior sister, can you give me this painting?"

Why send it?

Song Jiawen looked up at him and remembered what Liang Yujun said. The price of sketching here is basically determined by the buyer. After you finish the painting, if the other party looks satisfied, you can pay if you want, but the buyer has the final say how much.

Because usually most of the people who come here are students from other colleges, and students from the Academy of Fine Arts are just here to exercise and gain popularity. No one cares about the price. There are 20 yuan and 100 yuan, and there are also [-] and [-] yuan. In short, the price is uncertain.

Song Jiawen sighed in her heart and said "Yeah" in a depressed voice.

But the boy happily took the painting and put it away, and introduced himself to Song Jiawen, "School girl, my name is Ye Di, which freshman class are you in?"

"Senior sister, can you draw a picture for me?"

Ye Di had just finished introducing himself, but before he could hear Song Jiawen's reply, someone stepped in, and Da Jicheng sat on the chair, and added, "Don't worry, schoolgirl, I won't let you draw in vain. I’ll give you money.”

Two more!

I'll try my best to post both updates at nine o'clock tomorrow.

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