Chapter 109 The way to make money

This man is on the road!

Song Jiawen was happy in her heart, but her face was still indifferent. There was no emotion on her cold face. She just raised her chin to signal the other person to sit down, then picked up a pen and quickly started drawing on the paper.

Ten minutes later, another sketch was completed. The boy took the sketch and nodded with satisfaction, then handed the sketch back to Song Jiawen, along with 10 yuan. He smiled and said, "Sister, I can give you Do you want to sign your name on it? That way I can remember who painted it when I see the painting in the future. I am a senior this year in the Department of Mathematics and will graduate soon, so just leave it as a souvenir, okay? By the way, my name is Lu Mingtao."

Damn it. You actually use this method to exchange names and contact information with your schoolmates, despicable!
Ye Di looked at Lu Mingtao and his eyes seemed to be breathing fire. He was already a senior and was about to get out. What trouble were he making?
Looking at Song Jiawen again, she took the painting without hesitation and signed her name in the lower right corner.

The corner of Lu Mingtao's mouth curled up slightly, feeling pleased with himself, but when he took the painting and looked at it, he was stunned: Xiaosi?

No, is this your real name?
He looked up at Song Jiawen, reluctantly wanting to ask more, but at this time another person sat on the chair in front of the easel.

Song Jiawen got busy and had no time to pay attention to him.

Lu Mingtao watched for a while, and finally had no choice but to leave angrily.

As a freshman at the Academy of Fine Arts, it doesn't matter. You can definitely find it if you go back and look for it.

After a while, the crowd gradually grew in the South Square. Many freshmen and their parents who had completed the registration procedures strolled over. Seeing that there were many people around Song Jiawen, they all came over to take a look out of curiosity.

"Hey, this is a student from the Academy of Fine Arts, right? He's really good at painting."

"Look at what you said, Beijing University's Academy of Fine Arts is the best in the country. Do you know that the students here will all be great painters after graduation?"

"Then why don't we let her paint one too? What about the great painter in the future?"

"Let's see how much it costs?"

As the morning passed, Song Jiawen did not know how many paintings she drew. Finally, her hands were sore that she stopped.

She flicked her wrist, stood up from the stool and stamped her feet.

"School girl."

At this moment, a faint shout suddenly came from the side. Song Jiawen turned around and saw Ye Di sitting boredly on the stone behind her. Sitting equally bored like him were Liang Yujun, Ding Yuanyuan and three other people.

She scratched her head in embarrassment, "Um. I'm sorry, senior, for taking up your position and time. Otherwise, I would..."

Ye Di's eyes suddenly lit up. Would you like to invite me to dinner?
"I'll pay you 30 yuan for using your brush and paper."

Song Jiawen said, reluctantly taking out a 20 yuan note from her pocket, plus a ten yuan note, and then handed it over.

Ye Di looked at her blankly, then took another look at the two bills, without reaching out.

It’s just a few pieces of paper. 30 yuan is enough to buy a bunch of them. Isn’t that too little?

Don't forget that I also gave you a free painting.

In the end, Ye Di didn't ask for the 30 yuan, but fortunately he knew Song Jiawen's name, but to his dismay, she was not from the Academy of Fine Arts.

But after being depressed for less than two seconds, he became happy again. It didn't matter which college he was from, as long as he was a student from Beijing University and had the same hobbies as him, then that would be easy.

On the other side, Song Jiawen and the other four people who left the South Square first went to a shady and less crowded place, took out their money and counted it carefully.

"Five hundred and eighty in total. Let's go. I'll treat you to dinner at noon."

Song Jiawen was very happy. She felt that she had found a way to make money as soon as she came here, and she would not have to worry about living expenses in the future.

Sha Yali looked at her with admiration on her face, "I earned a month's living expenses in one morning. It's amazing. How different is it from us, who still have to ask for money from home."

Ding Yuanyuan nodded in agreement, "That is to say, I just discovered today that I can't do anything except study, and I don't have any amateur specialties."

Liang Yujun asked Song Jiawen with some curiosity, "Why did you give Senior Ye 30 yuan?" Sha Yali and Ding Yuanyuan also didn't understand. Everyone could see that Ye Di was interested in her and was willing to lend her position. How could it be possible? Will you ask her for money?

However, Song Jiawen thought about it seriously and replied, "Why thirty? Because I thought twenty was too little, so I gave him an extra ten yuan, but I didn't expect him to want it."

Liang Yujun and three others:.
Thinking about last night when her age was mentioned, she was only 17 years old, okay, this is obviously not enlightened.

The four of them happily went to the school gate to have a meal, and then went back to the dormitory to take a nap.

Take advantage of the time in these two days to make up for the lost sleep. After all, there will be military training in two days.

I heard that the military training at Beijing University is very strict. After half a month, everyone will lose their skin.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, there was a knock on the door of dormitory 303.

It happened that everyone had just woken up, and Sha Yali was close and opened the door.

"Hello, may I ask if Song Jiawen lives here?"

"Yes, come in, she's inside. Gawen, someone is looking for her."

It was rare for Song Jiawen to fall asleep during her nap, and she had just woken up. When she heard someone calling her, she turned her head sleepily and saw Zhu Jin and Yang Dan.

"Jiajia, little lazy boy, get up quickly."

Yang Dan took two steps forward and raised his arms to start tickling her. Song Jiawen twisted away and grabbed Yang Dan's hands and asked with a smile, "How did you two get together?"

Yang Dan was admitted to Kyoto Agricultural University, and Song Jiawen knew this.

When she came to Kyoto, she thought about whether to let Jiang Yan's car take her with her. Later, she heard that her brother and sister-in-law were going to send her away, and her sister-in-law's sister was going to school in Kangcheng next to Kyoto, so she gave up the idea. This thought.

After all, there is no room for so many people to sit down.

Zhu Jin just arrived this morning. After seeing her dad off in the afternoon, when she passed by the dormitory office on the first floor, she happened to bump into Yang Dan who was inquiring about Song Jiawen. After the two exchanged words, they found out that one was Song Jiawen's former high school classmate and the other I was a classmate in high school later.

We are both high school classmates and family members.

She quickly brought Yang Dan up.

"Zhu Zhen said we would have dinner together in the evening, but he said Jiang Yan went out and hasn't come back yet. Do you know where he went?"

Zhu Jin still wears his braces, but compared to his previous buck teeth, they look much better.

"I know, I will take you to find him later."

Then he said to Yang Dan, "Go back after dinner in the evening. Is your place far from here?"

"It's only seven stops away, not too far."

The three of them were chatting casually in the dormitory, and Liang Yujun and the others next to them looked shocked.

Sha Yali couldn't help but ask, "No, Song Jiawen, how many people from your school have been admitted to Beijing University?"

Is their school lagging behind?Why did they only take the exam for her this year, while others cheered a lot.

"There are only four in our class." She didn't recognize the other two in the class, so she automatically ignored them.

"Four is not enough for you?"

Liang Yujun was astonished, did he really think Peking University was an ordinary undergraduate school?

(End of this chapter)

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