Tang An, the counselor of Condensed Matter Physics Class [-], is indeed very young, especially because he has a baby face, which makes him look like he has just graduated with a master's degree after two years of graduating with a Ph.D.

Tang An sat in the last row of classroom 02 at 30:305. The students who came in at first didn't pay attention, thinking that they were all freshmen in the class like them, until two boys came over to say hello to him.

Only then did everyone realize that their counselor, Mr. Tang, was like this.

Baby face, looks young and kind, not harmful at all.

The boys didn't feel too restrained and continued to chat and laugh in groups of twos and threes in the dormitory.

This is nothing to Tang An, and it is convenient for him to observe.

Xia Shi came in after a while, and Tang An was deeply impressed by her. She was a girl who dared to inquire about the counselor's office when she first entered the university and recommended herself to be the monitor.

Have courage and courage!

However, Tang An is not chauvinistic. In science, especially physics and mathematics, the two majors where most boys are the majority, it is not a good thing for a girl to be the class president, and many jobs are not easy to do.

Tang An reminded Xia Shi tactfully, but it seemed that she was not very willing to give up.

Not long after Xia Shi came in, Song Jiawen, the only girl in the class, came in.

The provincial champion of Northern Province!

This year's test papers in Northern Province were particularly difficult, no less difficult than those in the Kyoto College Entrance Examination, which is famous for its difficulty, but Song Jiawen got full marks in science subjects.

Of course, it is not uncommon to be the number one scholar in Beijing University. From freshman to senior year, there are a lot of them.

There are quite a few who got perfect scores, but this also depends on the difficulty of the test paper, not to mention that before the college entrance examination, she also participated in the physics competition held by Beicheng University, and also won the first prize with perfect scores.

Beicheng University wanted to recruit her through special recruitment even before the college entrance examination. I made countless calls to their school, but of course she was politely rejected by the principal.

This is a talented player with a very high IQ.

Unexpectedly, the appearance is even better.

Song Jiawen did not choose to sit with Xia Shi, but walked past her and found a corner to sit alone.
As soon as three o'clock arrived, Tang An stood up from the back row and walked onto the podium.

He first introduced himself in a programmed manner. He has been working in the Peking University laboratory since graduating with his doctorate. This is his first year leading a class and officially serving as a counselor.

However, I worked as an agent for half a year when I first started my Ph.D. program, so I am no stranger to the position of counselor.

After Tang An finished speaking, he started to ask everyone to stand up one by one and introduce themselves. There was no need to come up to the podium, which was too troublesome.

"Hello everyone, my name is Xue Weisong, and I come from Nancheng, the capital of Southern Province."

The man who stood up first was fair and fair, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a high nose. He was very handsome. He had a smile on his face when he spoke, which was very good at making people feel good.

After that, the boys stood up one after another. Song Jiawen listened silently, looking up from time to time, until all the boys had finished speaking, and only she and Xia Shi were left.

Seeing that Xia Shi had no intention of standing up, Song Jiawen stood up and introduced, "My name is Song Jiawen, from Yunzhou, Northern Province."


Xia Shi raised his eyebrows slightly. He had never heard of it. Which [-]th-tier town?
After Song Jiawen finished the introduction and sat down, and paused for a few seconds, Xia Shi slowly stood up and turned to face everyone, "My name is Xia Shi, Xia from summer, Shi from Shitou. Originally, my parents named me after their surname. To commemorate the love between the two, I didn’t expect that I would always be misunderstood when I grew up. Many people would assume that my gender is male when they see my name for the first time.” I waited until the end to introduce myself, and also told everyone by the way. Most people listened with interest to the long love story about his parents and the growing pains caused by his name. Some even thought that Xia Shi's speech was humorous, generous and not pretentious, and he was very fond of it.

There are 35 people in a class, and at least 33 of the 20 boys have a good impression of her.

The remaining ten or so were either absent-minded or could not control their eyes and glanced at the corner of the third row from time to time.

Tang Jing stood quietly on the podium. Like other students, he was smiling and listening to Xia Shi's tirade, without thinking of interrupting, until——
"I heard that before military training, each class must choose a temporary acting monitor. Although most of our class is boys, I believe there is no gender discrimination. I have been the squad leader from elementary school to high school. How are my abilities? Maybe you won’t believe me now if I say it, so I hope everyone can give me a chance.”

Tang An couldn't help but frowned, and was about to interrupt her when he saw Xia Shi turned to look at Song Jiawen and said with a smile, "I talked to classmate Song Jiawen last night and she was very supportive of me, right Song Jiawen?"

When Song Jiawen came here, she had a book in her hand. It was a newly issued elective course on biophysics. She thought it was quite interesting, so she took it over to read it when she had nothing to do today.

When Xia Shi introduced herself just now, her attention was always on the book.

But she could do it when she wanted to multi-task, so when she heard Xia Shi's words, she glanced up at her and replied indifferently, "My original words were that the counselor asked I will support whoever becomes the squad leader.”

Xue Weisong was sitting in the middle of the third row. When Xia Shi started to turn his head to look over, he had been paying attention to Song Jiawen. When he heard her words, his eyes moved slightly.

The smile on Xia Shi's face froze for a moment, and her eyes became colder for a moment, but it passed quickly, and soon she returned to her smiling appearance just now.

"In other words, if the counselor asks me to be the monitor, will you support it?"

Why is this still bothering her?

Song Jiawen did not rush to answer her words, but raised her eyes to look at Tang An, who was standing on the podium behind Xia Shi.

What is the purpose of holding a class meeting and whether to elect a temporary acting class leader? These are all things that counselors should do. Xia Shiyue took over his duties.

"Xia Shi, please sit down after introducing yourself."

Since it was the first time he met everyone, Tang An did not judge Xia Shi's behavior, but he still needed to make a decision on acting as squad leader.

"As for the acting squad leader, that is indeed one of the purposes of today's class meeting. I want to choose one from the boys. Of course, I am not discriminating against girls. It's just because there are only two in our class, and they are indeed national treasures. It is definitely not easy to control. But the position of squad leader is not an easy one. There are many things you do every day, especially during military training, you have to cooperate with the instructor to record and train, so your physical fitness is stronger than others."

At this point, Tang An looked down at Xia Shi again. In fact, he should have said the next sentence, "So, Xia Shi, do you think you are qualified?"

Thinking of her self-recommendation, Tang An felt that if he really asked, her answer would definitely be yes.

I can!

So Tang An skipped this sentence and directly named Xue Weisong, and gave a sufficient reason, "We have just met each other now, and we don't know each other very well. It's useless to talk about elections. So let's let Xue Weisong act as the agent first. , but everyone can supervise him. If he does not do well, he can be re-elected after military training. Half a month is not a waste, right?"

Not even mentioning the details he knew about Xue Weisong's abilities, he also discovered that it would be useless to talk too much. After all, those who can sit here are basically top students from various schools and cities to which they belong. Quite strong, not weak.

I guess no one is convinced by anyone.

So don’t be hesitant, just use your power as counselor to directly finalize the candidates.

One more!

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