Here Tang An made the final decision and directly decided on the candidate for the acting squad leader.

And Chi Zuo, from the second class of computer science, was giving his reasons by saying, "How can we sweep the world if we don't sweep one house?" Based on this sentence, he gave a long speech, quoting ancient poems, and examples of great people, one after another.
For a moment, the students in Computer Science Class [-] entered the Chinese Department in a trance.

They even wondered if Chi Zuo had a minor in Chinese language and literature?

Finally, Chi Zuo asked, "So I asked Jiang Yan to be the temporary acting monitor of our class. Does anyone have any objections?"


The answer was neat and loud, as if he was extremely satisfied with Jiang Yan.

Chi Zuo is also very satisfied. He was a counselor in his first year and feels that the current freshmen are quite easy to take care of.

Even Liu Wenhu, who he felt was a thorn in the side at first, was surprisingly quiet and did not raise his hand to express any objection.

Finally, he talked about the precautions for tomorrow's military training, left Jiang Yan alone, and then ended the meeting.

As everyone knows, their second class was the last to leave the computer school building, and the other classes had returned to their dormitories half an hour earlier.

So by the time Jiang Yan finished, it was already almost six o'clock and it was time to have dinner.

He came out of the building of the School of Computer Science and unexpectedly saw Tian Xiaohui and Dai Lei sitting boredly on the bench on the roadside downstairs.

Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect them to wait for him.

In fact, from the moment he entered the school, he told Song Jiawen to move around more with her roommates and build a better relationship, so that they would be more comfortable in the dormitory.

But when it comes to him, he becomes quite casual. Anyway, he is the kind of person who will treat you well as long as you don't mess with me, but if someone is not smart and wants to find trouble with him. Liu Wenhu was an example that night.

Speaking of Liu Wenhu, he actually wanted to be the monitor at first, but when he heard that the counselor's favorite candidate was Jiang Yan, he didn't know what to say.

It just feels like it’s too big.

What's more, he just went to a nearby computer city in the morning and spent more than 6000 to buy a desktop computer and move it to his dormitory. Here he asked someone to pull the network cable, and over there Jiang Yan calmly took out a black notebook from his schoolbag. .

Although he didn't see the trademark, it looked very high-end, black and shiny, and it made him itch.

Tian Xiaohui and Dai Lei were originally quite envious of his desktop computer. When they saw Jiang Yan's notebook, they immediately gathered around him.

What's even more annoying is that when he asked someone to pull the network cable, Jiang Yan actually asked him to pull one for him.

Is this a big deal?

This is a matter of dignity, okay?
Liu Wenhu was very depressed and informed the person that he had to pull two strings.

On the other side, after the class meeting of Physics Class [-], Song Jiawen stood up and walked out with her book, but she was stopped by Tang An before she took two steps.

Xue Weisong held a form in his hand and said to her, "Song Jiawen, register the phone number of your dormitory so that you can be notified of anything in the future."

Song Jiawen turned around and walked to the podium, took the pen from Xue Weisong, and neatly wrote the number on it.

Then he nodded politely to Tang An, then turned and left.

Tang An had a very good impression of Song Jiawen. She was quiet and polite. Of course, her beautiful and well-behaved appearance was also one of the reasons. After all, who doesn't like beautiful things?
Xue Weisong looked down at the number Song Jiawen had just written down and remembered it in his heart.

Then I started asking other people to come up and write.

Xia Shi, who was sitting in the first row, looked at this scene and sneered in his heart.

When she finished registering her number and came out, she saw Song Jiawen standing at the corner of the corridor near the stairs. One of her shoulders was leaning against the wall, one leg was slightly bent, her head was half hanging, and she was holding a book in her hand.

It gives people a unique and independent sense of beauty.

Even if Xia Shi doesn't like her now, he still has to admit that Song Jiawen is indeed outrageously beautiful, and her beauty is extraordinary.

At this time, Liang Yujun and three others came out of their respective classes one after another, and the four of them went downstairs.

"Xia Shi didn't do anything to you during the class meeting today, right?"

Sha Yali looked back at the stairs and curled her lips, "I just saw her looking at you with a gloomy face, as if you owe her 800 million, who is she?" Song Jiawen said, "She tried to trick me in the class meeting, I I didn’t give her any face, so I’m right to be upset.”

Without waiting for the three people to ask, Song Jiawen roughly explained everything.

Finally, he said, "Teacher Tang already has a candidate in mind. It's useless for her to jump around."

Liang Yujun nodded, "Yes, there are really few girls in our classes, so being the class president has no advantage at all."

Song Jiawen didn't want to continue talking about this topic and asked a few people, "It's already five o'clock. Do you want to go to the cafeteria?"

They had applied for meal cards in the morning and could eat at school.

Ding Yuanyuan suddenly leaned her head and whispered, "There will be military training tomorrow. Do you want to buy a few more packs of sanitary napkins? I won't be able to save them anymore."

Song Jiawen was surprised, "What do you mean it won't last anymore? Will this still be in demand?"

"Of course I do. The yellow rubber shoes used in military training are too thin. You can put them inside the bathroom pad later. They are easier to use than insoles. Many boys also buy them."

Do boys buy it too?

Except for Ding Yuanyuan, all three of them felt incredible.

But in the end, we followed Ding Yuanyuan's suggestion, and everyone went to the school's small supermarket to buy four packs of sanitary napkins.

But when paying, Song Jiawen quickly went back and got two more packages.

At 08:30 in the evening, she called Jiang Yan and asked him to come over.

Because the repair shop's business license required a few days to process, Jiang Yan didn't go there tonight and stayed in the dormitory to lie down and read.

His computer was used by Tian Xiaohui and Dai Lei to play games. Liu Wenhu turned his head to look at it from time to time. He had never seen that game before. He wanted to ask where it was played?
But he turned around so frequently, but none of the three people over there took the initiative to answer him.

Why are you so blind?
Liu Wenhu was extremely angry.

It was at this time that Jiang Yan received a call from Song Jiawen.

As he changed his clothes, he muttered to himself that he had to get a mobile phone as soon as possible, otherwise he would have to rely on the dormitory's landline. Who can stay in the dormitory 24 hours a day?
It doesn’t need to be too expensive, just get a simple candy bar that costs a few hundred yuan. It is practical and convenient. Many people in the school are using it now.

It's not far from the boys' dormitory No. 5 to the girls' dormitory No. [-]. Jiang Yan has long legs, so it only takes [-] minutes.

After waiting for another 3 minutes, I saw Song Jiawen coming down carrying a black bag.

When she walked up to him, she handed the bag to him directly.


Jiang Yan was puzzled, took the bag and opened it, and was stunned when he saw what was inside.

"Did you take it wrong?"

He handed the bag to her again, but Song Jiawen didn't take it, but said, "It's just for you."

Seeing the weird and awkward look on his face, she couldn't help but smile and said deliberately, "You can use it."

Jiang Yan snorted coldly, reached out and tapped her forehead lightly, "Speak clearly."

"Ding Yuanyuan said that you can put it in yellow rubber shoes as an insole. This will make your feet more comfortable and less likely to blister after standing for a day."

Use sanitary napkins as insoles?
Jiang Yan understood what was going on. In his last life, his military training was just like playing. It ended in less than ten days. No boy in the class bothered with this thing.

But just because you haven’t used it doesn’t mean you don’t understand it, so what should you say?Quite looking forward to it.

Two more!

Is it very early today?

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