Because of Shi Peirong's words, Xie Yanhai and his wife tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep.

Finally, Li Yun sighed and said, "No matter what, I have to tell Jia Jia to see my mother one last time, right?"

Xie Yanhai remained silent.

Li Yun turned his head and couldn't see his face clearly in the darkness, "You're not disappointed, are you? Isn't Jia Jia your niece?"

Xie Yanhai sneered and said, "You are overthinking. Compared to Jia Jia, I really cared for Xiao Xi when she grew up. She was only ten years younger than me. There were no children at home at that time, and her grandparents preferred not to take care of her. , I would often walk to her house, and then carry her home, leaving whatever delicious food I had for her. Even though life was difficult for everyone at that time, she was never short of food and clothing, even better than Be well to all.

So if you really say that you put more emotion and energy into Xiaoxi than Jiajia, after all, Jiajia is only one year older than Xiaolin. When she was a child, of course we tended to pay more attention to our son.But later on, I couldn’t stand the partiality between my sister and the others, so I took Jia Jia over from time to time.But to be honest, we didn't raise her very much. On the contrary, she was very affectionate and would call back from time to time to ask about her when she was away.This girl may not be very talkative, but she probably knows everything in her heart. "

"You mean, she knows that she is not her biological child?"

Xie Yanhai really can't guarantee this.

Li Yun didn't know what to say. Thinking of the relationship between his mother-in-law and Jia Jia, he brought the topic back, "You haven't said yet whether you want to inform Jia Jia. Mom is in this situation."

Xie Yanhai was also in a dilemma. On the one hand, he didn't want to go against his mother's wishes, but on the other hand, he wanted their grandparents and grandchildren to see each other again.

He turned over irritably, and finally got up, "I'll go check on Mom and give her some water."

Xie Yanhai opened the door of Shi Peirong's bedroom very carefully and entered quietly.

He stood quietly beside his mother's bed for a few seconds, until he heard the uneven breathing that was not obvious, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.Then, using the light next door, he poured out the cold water on the bedside and replaced it with hot water before going out.

Early the next morning, while Xie Yanhai was still sleeping, a wailing sound suddenly came from his ears--

He sat up reflexively, and before his mind had time to think, his body had already reacted, and he got out of bed and rushed out of the house.
In Shi Peirong's room, Li Yunzheng fell on the bed and cried bitterly.

Xie Yanhai stared blankly at Shi Peirong, who was lying quietly on the bed. She seemed to be asleep, and even had a faint smile on her face. Beside the pillow, his father's portrait was standing there, and there was also a picture with a belt in the frame. Smiling and peaceful face
On the afternoon of September 28, the military training was about to end in two days.

"Song Jiawen stepped out of the queue and was fined two thousand laps."

Song Jiawen began to run around the playground without saying a word. Thin beads of sweat covered her forehead, and soon it flowed down her forehead. At the same time, tears poured out of her eyes.
Before coming to the playground after taking a nap, Song Jiawen received a call from Song Xiwen -
"Grandma passed away this morning. The funeral will be in five days. You should be able to come back, right?"

How can it be so fast?

It was obvious that she only had a cough before coming to Kyoto at the end of August. Although she had always been weak, she had no serious problems. Song Jiawen was mentally prepared for this, but she never expected it to happen so soon.

Countless eyes were looking at the track. Because she was covered by the hat, almost no one noticed that she was crying. Only Xue Weisong noticed something strange in the color of her camouflage uniform under her chin when she ran the third lap.

It was soaked with sweat and tears.

Also noticing this was Xia Shi, who had been paying close attention to her. She gloated that Song Jiawen was embarrassed or crying from exhaustion.

Of course, she prefers the first option. After all, how could a girl not feel embarrassed when she was punished and ran away in front of the entire physics department?

Until five laps were completed, Song Jiawen continued to run.

When the sixth lap was completed, even the instructor noticed something was wrong. He turned around and shouted to Song Jiawen, who had already started the seventh lap and was running far away, "Song Jiawen, return to the team!"

But I don't know whether it was because it was too far away or something, but Song Jiawen didn't seem to hear it and continued running without looking back.Xue Weisong stood beside the instructor with a record book, turned around and whispered, "Instructor, something is wrong with Song Jiawen."

"You go and have a look."

Only then did the instructor remember that after so many days of military training, this beautiful girl seemed to have always performed very well. She was neither late nor left early, and had never asked for leave once.

It really doesn’t make sense that it’s almost over in the end, and he actually takes a square step and lifts the wrong foot.

What's going on?
Some comrades who led other classes said that the girls in their class often made mistakes when they came there, or they would hold their stomachs and ask for leave altogether.

The science class is okay, there are not many girls. In the liberal arts class, people ask for leave almost every day. There are a few comrades who are so depressed that they want to ask directly. Can't you agree to come together?

This way we can take a vacation together as a group!

Xue Weisong ran over quickly, and when he got closer, he saw clearly Song Jiawen's usually dark eyes, which were crying silently.

Surprise flashed in his eyes, and he quickly raised his hand to grab her arm, "Song Jiawen, that's enough."

Song Jiawen shook his hand away reflexively, and then staggered a few steps to stand still.

She quickly reacted, lowered her head and raised her arms, wiped her face with her sleeves a few times, and then apologized to Xue Weisong in a slightly hoarse voice, "I'm sorry, just now."


Xue Weisong waved his hand nonchalantly and asked, "Are you okay?"

Song Jiawen shook her head, "It's okay."

She said it was okay, her eyes were red, and she could tell she had cried.

"You go back and rest, I'll give you a day off."

After Xue Weisong finished speaking, he turned around and left. Song Jiawen was stunned for a moment. She stood there and did not leave immediately until Xue Weisong returned to the instructor. Then the instructor nodded to her, and then she turned around and walked slowly outside the playground.

Xia Shi looked at Song Jiawen's back with dissatisfaction, then glanced at Xue Weisong with disdain, thinking what's so great about it?Doesn't it just have a face?

Unfortunately, no one paid attention to her dissatisfaction, and the military training continued as usual. After Song Jiawen walked out of the playground, she walked aimlessly along the school's asphalt road.

When passing by the playground of the School of Computer Science, Jiang Yan, who like Xue Weisong was holding a record book and standing next to the instructor to count the pass rate, looked up and saw that even though he was wearing a uniform camouflage uniform, he was extremely familiar.

this girl.
There was no need to pay special attention to her expression. Just by looking at the way she walked, Jiang Yan knew that she was in a trance.

what happened?
Fortunately, there was an intermission after a while. Jiang Yan handed the record book to Tian Xiaohui, said hello to the instructor, and then left the game in a grand manner.

He quickly chased Song Jiawen in the direction she left, and soon he saw her by the bench of the artificial lake where the two often stayed.

The third update is at five o'clock!

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