A heavy rain in autumn came quickly and hard, hitting the car windows with crackling sounds, which caught people off guard.

Jiang Yan lowered the speed of the car and moved the wipers very quickly, but the windshield was still foggy and it was difficult to see the road ahead.

Fortunately, there was a service area not far ahead. He turned the steering wheel and slowly drove in. After parking the car, he turned to look at the back seat.

Song Jiawen's sleep was not stable. She opened her eyes just after the heavy rain started. When she saw the car stopped, she rolled over and sat up wrapped in a blanket.

One of them turned to look at the pouring rain outside the window, and the other put his arm on the steering wheel and looked sideways at the person in the back seat who turned his head.

The light outside the window flickered on and off, making Song Jiawen's profile also hazy, making it difficult to see clearly!
I originally planned to take the train back, but it was approaching the National Day and it was hard to get a ticket at the train station.

Jiang Yan thought again about the green train that must stop at every station. It was worse than their second-hand van.

So as soon as the military training ended on the afternoon of NO. 30, the two immediately packed their simple luggage and drove on the road.

Because there is a shop, the second child did not come with him.He has been with Jiang Yan for a long time and has seen a lot. He can also fix some simple problems on the computer.

"what time is it now?"

Jiang Yan raised the watch on his wrist and looked at the light, "Nine fifty."

The two set off from Kyoto at six o'clock. According to the normal time (driving slower at night), they arrived in Yunzhou at almost two o'clock in the morning.

But now that it’s raining heavily, we can only wait until the rain stops before setting off.

Song Jiawen looked at Jiang Yan, "Why don't you take a nap?"

Driving at night is very tiring, especially driving all night long.

Jiang Yan shook his head, "I'm not sleepy."

Then he said, "If you don't want to continue sleeping, why don't you tell me about your grandmother?"

Since she learned about her grandmother's death, she has spoken very little in the past two days and spent most of her time sitting blankly.There were black and blue under his eyes, and it was obvious that he had not slept well at night.

Mu Chenyan was very distressed when she found out, but also helpless.

In order not to push her daughter away, she chose to let her handle Jiang Hai's affairs by herself.

She wanted to pay homage to the old man, but she was afraid that Xiaosi would be unhappy and disturb her uncle's family.

In the end, he could only suppress his thoughts and turn to deal with Yu Zexiao's bloody divorce lawsuit.

As for Yu Xin's escape, no one except Yu Ci paid attention to it.

"When I was very young, I should be four years old, because Xie Jingying kept me at home when I was three years old and didn't allow me to go out. It wasn't until I was four years old that my uncle came to the house and saw me and took me to their house. Grandma helped me at night I took a shower and kept searching on my back. I didn't know what she was looking for, but I could clearly see the confusion in her eyes.

So I think she should have discovered by then that I was not her original granddaughter! "

Jiang Yan was slightly surprised, because he knew how good her grandmother was to her.When she went to City No. [-] Middle School, Xie Yanhai gave her a card. Song Jiawen ignored it at first. Later, after the college entrance examination, she wanted to return the card to Xie Yanhai.

Of course Xie Yanhai wouldn't answer it. Not only did he not answer it, but he also told her that the money in it was actually given to her by her grandmother.

Grandma didn't let Xie Yanhai use their own money, but hers.There was a total of [-] yuan in it, and she also left [-] yuan for Xie Lin.

It's like dividing his savings over the years into two!

"You have never met my grandpa. He is also a very good person. At that time, Xie Jingying was not happy that I was living at my grandma's house, so my grandpa always found various reasons to take me over to live for a few days. My calligraphy and Chinese painting They were all enlightened by him, and they may have their own talents in them, but if no one enlightens them, they will still be buried."

Hearing her mention her grandfather, Jiang Yan asked, "How did your grandfather pass away? Is he sick?"

Song Jiawen looked at the raindrops on the windshield in front and said softly, "As long as I can remember, my grandpa has been lame in one leg. He used to be the principal of Jianghai Town Junior High School, and some people secretly called him Lame School. Later, he died because of that leg. I heard from my aunt that during the operation, a piece of bone in the knee was missing and it was already inflamed. I don’t remember exactly what happened. I only know that my grandfather was in pain during that time. I begged Xie Jingying to let me go to the hospital to accompany my grandfather, but she refused. Later, when my sister came home, she took me there.

At that time, people from the Shi family went to the hospital to see grandpa, but grandma threw something at them. I clearly heard grandma scolding them. How could they have the dignity to do so? "

Jiang Yan was surprised and said, "Why does this sound like there is a story? Was your grandpa's leg caused by your grandma's family?"

Song Jiawen shook her head, "I don't know, grandma never mentioned it. But everyone knows that she hates the Shi family and never associates with her natal family. One time, one of her younger brothers went to school to find his uncle. Later, when grandma found out, she took a bamboo stick and beat her hard I gave my uncle thirty lashes and warned him not to have any contact with the Shi family again."

"It seems there is a big grudge."

"It should be more than that."

Jiang Yan looked at Song Jiawen. Her cold white face was looking forward solemnly, her eyes were unfocused, and her voice sounded a little hollow, "When I was with my grandpa in the hospital, they all thought I was asleep. I heard grandpa and According to grandma’s conversation, Xie Jingying is probably not grandpa’s biological child!”

".What's the meaning?"

After Jiang Yan asked Song Jiawen's answer, he got to the center of the gossip, "Xie Jingying is your grandma's biological child, but not your grandpa's?"

Song Jiawen nodded, "If they hadn't said it themselves, it would be difficult for anyone to find out, because my grandfather was really very good to Xie Jingying, and when he passed away, Xie Jingying was really sad."

It's normal to treat sincerity with sincerity.

But what Song Jiawen didn't say was that it was hard for her grandma to mention it at that time, and she even spoke with gnashing anger, but grandpa instead tried to persuade her, and said, "You gave birth to Yanhai for me, and I am content with this life." .

Song Jiawen was already ten years old at that time, so she naturally understood what this sentence meant.

Putting aside the misty remarks above, the last sentence is enough to prove that Xie Jingying is not her grandfather’s biological child.

"I've never met your grandpa, but when I met your grandma before, I always felt that she had an unusual temperament. She didn't look like an old country lady at all. Sure enough, there's quite a story!"

Song Jiawen didn't say a word. She thought that if she had a choice in life, her grandmother would definitely want to be an authentic old country lady.
The rain outside gradually became lighter, and then it continued to rain for more than half an hour.

For safety reasons, Jiang Yan waited until the rain stopped before setting out on the road.

At four o'clock in the morning on October [-]st, Song Jiawen returned to Jianghai Town.

Jiang Yan watched her step by step into the yard filled with wreaths at the door, and then drove to Lao Er's Internet cafe to sleep.

Xie Yanhai and Xie Lin were kneeling under the erected canopy to keep vigil. Both father and son looked a little tired, staring blankly at the brazier in front of them.

At this time, someone walked into the funeral shed and fell to his knees.
Third update, arrive on time!

See you tomorrow.

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