"Why don't we go to the third canteen today? I want to eat the casserole over there."

After school, the four of them walked downstairs. Ding Yuanyuan tightened her tight clothes after saying, "The weather is really bad. It's cold even if it's cold."

Sha Yali turned her head and said, "You should be happy that it's cold."

Ding Yuanyuan was confused, "Why should I be happy?"

"It expands with heat and contracts with cold. It saves you from always saying you are fat."


Song Jiawen and Liang Yujun couldn't help laughing.

Ding Yuanyuan stretched out her hand to scratch Sha Yali's head, "I want to complain to auntie. You scratched your hair again while doing the questions last night."

The four of them walked to the cafeteria in a noisy manner. The autumn sunshine was just right and it was warm on their bodies.

A girl with exquisite appearance can create a scene of her own wherever she goes, and boys and girls who come and go can't help but glance at her secretly.

Mu Shaoning and Yu Heng stood not far away and watched this scene.

"She's as beautiful as she was when she was little"

Mu Shaoning murmured, and a soft white dumpling appeared in her mind calling her uncle, asking him to hold her and lift her high.
But now, can he still let her call him uncle?
After Song Jiawen walked away, Mu Shaoning turned around and left sadly.

Mu Wan walked inconspicuously among the students. Just now she saw her second uncle and her eldest cousin, and then, following their line of sight, she naturally saw her little cousin.

It turns out that she is studying at Beijing University!

Mu Wan followed Song Jiawen and the others at a short distance. After the canteen, he grabbed a meal and sat near them. He heard the topics they discussed and guessed that they were in the physics department.

She felt sour, and now she could finally understand her mother's mood.

Her mother said that as long as her aunt was around, no one would look at her father; as long as there were a few children from the Yu family, the other children would just be foils!
Back then, she went through a lot of effort to get into the Chinese department, which had the lowest score, with only marginal scores. She didn't like this major very much, but she had no choice, she had no choice.

But my little cousin was admitted to Beijing University with the highest score and the best major at a dissatisfied age.

If she goes to Mu's house, she must be proud of her grandparents.

Mu Wan finished her meal tastelessly, and when she saw them collecting their plates and walking out, she quickly collected her own plate and followed them.

When they were approaching the girls' dormitory, Liang Yujun suddenly stopped and turned around. She looked at Mu Wan, who was about 20 meters away from them, and said to several people, "She has been following us for a long time."

Liang Yujun noticed that this girl always looked at them when they were eating in the cafeteria. When they left the cafeteria after eating, she followed them again.

So she guessed that she was already following them before the cafeteria.

Liang Yujun asked Song Jiawen if they knew her, and all three of them shook their heads.

Song Jiawen really didn't remember Mu Wan. She was always too lazy to look at others outside. She never raised her head when Yu Ci was talking to Mu Zhe that day. She didn't even notice what Mu Zhe looked like, let alone Mu Wan who was following him.

Mu Wan didn't panic when someone discovered her. She walked forward slowly, looked at Song Jiawen and said directly, "Xiao Si, I am Mu Wan, your cousin."

Song Jiawen frowned slightly when she heard the other party said her surname was Mu and claimed to be her cousin.

After a few seconds, she shook her head and said, "I don't know you. Let's go."

After saying that, she turned around and left. Liang Yujun and the others quickly followed, leaving Mu Wan alone in the same place.

She bit her lip. She didn't expect that this little cousin had such a bad temper. She even said she was her cousin, but she actually said she didn't know her in public!
I originally thought that if she was easy to talk to, I would take her back to the old house to meet her grandpa.As long as she is willing to go to Mu's house, there will definitely be no problem with her aunt, grandma will not continue to blame her parents, and grandpa's eightieth birthday can be held happily.

But why are these people so selfish and only care about themselves, regardless of how the old man feels?

Song Jiawen and others returned to the dormitory. Ding Yuanyuan saw that she seemed not to be affected by the girl who claimed to be her cousin, and continued to read novels after returning.

I couldn't help but gossip and asked, "Jia Jia, is that girl really your cousin?"

Song Jiawen said without raising her head, "Probably, but my mother has cut off contact with their family."

They had lived together for more than two months. This was the first time they heard the word "Mom" from Song Jiawen, and they were all a little curious for a moment.

Song Jiawen thought that she would have to change her name next semester, and she would have to explain to them then, so she wrote lightly, "I got lost when I was a child, and the family I found after I came to Kyoto, well. The girl just now is from her family. Lost me."

Is that why we cut off all contact?

The three of them suddenly realized!

"Damn! How did she have the nerve to call herself cousin in front of you?" Ding Yuanyuan felt incredible, "She must be too thick-skinned."

Liang Yujun looked at Song Jiawen with concern and asked, "Jia Jia, are you okay?"

Song Jiawen raised her head and smiled, "Do you think I'm in trouble?"

I have survived the darkest and most difficult moments. Now I just meet an insignificant person. What can happen?

Sha Yali thought of a question, "Did that girl just call you Xiaosi? Isn't that your online name?"

Ding Yuanyuan also reacted, "Ah, yes, didn't you come up with the online name based on the order of our dormitories?"

Liang Yujun adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "I changed my online name to Boss."

Ding Yuanyuan collapsed, "As soon as I go online, those people call me 'waiter serving tea'."

Sha Yali said with a guilty conscience, "I didn't change it to mistress. It's really easy for people to misunderstand this name, but I changed it to third sister."

Song Jiawen looked innocent, "Xiaosi is the nickname given to me by my mother. I have three brothers above me."

The three of them gritted their teeth and stared at her, "Then why don't you explain?"

Song Jiawen was even more innocent, "You didn't even ask me."

Liang Yujun and three others:
They take it for granted!
But this is not about unity, we have to be gregarious. Who would have thought that this guy would use his nickname as his online name.

Several people turned around and quickly turned on their computers to go online and change their online names.

Song Jiawen looked at their eager expressions and was puzzled. Is the online name so important?

I mentioned it casually when I went to Xinyu with Jiang Yan in the evening. The second person next to me looked very experienced. He said, "That must be important. A person's online name can sometimes reflect a person's status. For example, me, Now I have changed my online name to 'Hard-working Boy'. Because I study really hard now, studying until ten o'clock every night." I wonder if the time I fell asleep in the middle counts?Let's forget it.

Song Jiawen said in surprise, "Have you started studying? Are you sure you will take the adult college entrance examination next year?"

"That must be confirmed, otherwise how will I write my resume in the future? What do you think I can do in the future without a diploma?"

This is true, but it doesn't seem quite right.

Song Jiawen was a little confused. She looked at this small shop with a business license and asked, "Aren't you already the boss now? Who are you writing your resume to?" (End of Chapter)

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