The second child was also confused, "You don't need to write a resume to be a boss?"

Yang Dan said this with confidence that day, and it seemed to him that it was true, so he had no doubts.

Song Jiawen blinked, how to explain this?
The second child waved his hand and said, "Forget it, this is not important. What is important is that my brother said that these computers will be eliminated in the future. My little knowledge now is of no use at all, so I have to study and get tested."

As he said this, he reached out and touched his left cheek. He felt sleepy after watching it for less than 10 minutes last night, and immediately slapped himself. It hurt. Later, when he felt sleepy again, he couldn't bear to do it.

Remembering that Song Jiawen was still the top scholar, she turned around and asked with curiosity, "Jiajia, can you tell me an efficient learning method? How can I remember it after reading it once? I can't forget it during the exam. ?”

Song Jiawen felt that this question was quite difficult for her, because many people had asked her about her learning methods in the past, but the actual situation was that she didn't have any, really.

As for how to remember it after reading it once, use your eyes!
Of course I won’t forget it during the exam if I remember it. Needless to say?

She looked at the jagged head of the second child and asked, "How much can you remember after reading it once?"

"Let me tell you this, I am currently reading Chinese, Mathematics and English in the second grade of junior high school. I was basically confused the first time I read it. I barely knew what I was reading the second time. The third time I haven't tried it yet. I read it for the third time, but what’s certain is that I definitely couldn’t remember a single word from the first two times.”

Song Jiawen:
So are you joking?What else are you learning?

She sincerely advised the second child, "You are not suitable for studying, so don't take the exam."

Jiang Yan, who was assembling a computer at the side, paused when he heard this, then turned his head and looked over.

Song Jiawen ignored him and continued to persuade the second child, "If you are really interested in computers and want to continue in this industry in the future, then buy new models when they come out, take them apart and study them, and read computer books while studying. Are there any If you understand, just ask Jiang Yan. It shouldn't be too difficult for you to just study this. To say the least, if you really can't study it, then you can still be a cook and open a restaurant, right?"

Why do you have to study?Are you torturing the book or are you torturing you?

When he heard the word "cook", the second child's eyes lit up!

"Song Jiawen!"

Jiang Yan laughed angrily. Earlier, he had just set up a stage to trick his second son into taking the adult college entrance examination. Today, she dismantled the stage as soon as she came.

OK!really do!

"Don't forget that you bought the book on Chinese, math, and English."

Song Jiawen disagreed, "Didn't he promise from the beginning that he would definitely pass the exam? Who knew he was not the material?"

As she said that, she raised her hand and pointed to the plastic bag in the corner, "Look, the high school one I bought hasn't even been opened yet. Now the junior high school student can't even understand it. How do you want him to take the exam? Are you going to make up for it?"

"Uncle Liu is a junior high school teacher, he will help."

Song Jiawen looked at the second child, who raised his hand and said weakly, "Liu, Uncle Liu said he wanted to be clean and tidy after retirement, no, he didn't want to have high blood pressure anymore."

Jiang Yan:.
He sneered, "Okay, you want to be a cook in the future, right? Then let me tell you clearly in advance, I don't know how to open a restaurant."

It's not that it can't be opened, but the second child still has to read the books he should read. Otherwise, with his current level of education, the path he can take in the future will be too limited.Even if he is simply studying computers, can he understand those books?

Song Jiawen also thought about this, but she was more concerned about another point, "Can't the second child be a cook? I think he is so good at cooking, but I can't learn how to do it."

Jiang Yan said smoothly, "You don't have to learn, I won't let you do it in the future." The second child glanced at him and curled his lips, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Jiang Yan brought back the topic of the adult college entrance examination. The three of them discussed it for a while, and finally decided unanimously to hire a tutor!
Uncle Liu doesn't want to have high blood pressure, Song Jiawen and Jiang Yan are impatient, and he can't learn it himself, so he can only find others to teach him.

The repair shop's business was good, and Aunt Cheng was very generous, because her second brother helped Grandpa Cheng. First, she gave them the discarded computers from their factory, and then she invited Jiang Yan to work as a technician in her husband's new company, that is, in charge of the company. computer operation and security.

Giving Jiang Yan 4000 yuan a month may not seem like much, but the important thing is to accumulate contacts and experience.

Jiang Yan doesn't need to run to him all the time. If there are problems, he can control and solve them remotely from the school, which is very convenient.

So now they are fully capable of hiring a one-to-one tutor for their second child.

Jiang Yan thought of Qi Lihong, who was applying for a scholarship in his class and was working everywhere.

Even if the other party is a girl, it would be inconvenient for her to tutor the second child one-on-one.

The next day he found Weng Minhong and briefly explained the matter. Finally, he said, "First ask her if she is willing. The price will be based on the market price. One-on-one tutoring, two hours at a time, 100 yuan."

Weng Min's red eyes lit up, "If it's four times a month, it's four hundred. It's enough for her living expenses for a month. I'm sure she's willing."

Jiang Yan shook his head, "Four times is too little, at least eight times."

Eight times is eight hundred.

Weng Minhong hurried to find Qi Lihong. She knew that part-time job in the library was only 200 yuan a month. Although she didn't know how much she would be paid to help clean the canteen at night, it probably wouldn't be much, otherwise she wouldn't be busy every day. It feels like a spinning top. When I go back to the dormitory at night, I have to stay up late to catch up on my homework.

He was so thin that he felt like he could be blown over by a gust of wind.

"The other party is the squad leader's younger brother. He said that his foundation is very poor and he has to start from junior high school. Although he is about the same age as us, but if you believe in the squad leader's character, then his younger brother will definitely be the same. Besides, every time you Zhou only goes there twice and leaves right after teaching, so nothing will happen, right?"

In fact, according to Weng Minhong, this is not a problem at all. Most college students work as tutors for high school students. The high school students are both boys and girls, and they are not a few years younger than them. What is there to worry about?

But she also understood what Jiang Yan meant. She wanted to make it clear in advance so that if something happened, it would be difficult to talk to classmates.

But this kind of opportunity is really rare for Qi Lihong. It would be a pity if she couldn't seize it.

Sure enough, Qi Lihong nodded and agreed without much thought.

Weng Minhong breathed a sigh of relief and quickly got up and walked towards Jiang Yan. Wan Yuan, who was sitting not far away, narrowed his eyes when he saw it.

Obviously everyone is poor, but only Qi Lihong applied for the scholarship, and they usually favor her. What are they going to do now?Is there anything else you can help Qi Lihong apply for?
At lunch, Qi Lihong bought two steamed buns as usual, got a free portion of seaweed soup, sat in the corner and ate slowly with her head down.

Suddenly a shadow was cast above her head, and then a dinner plate was placed opposite her.

"Hey, just eat steamed buns?"

The temperature has dropped. Yesterday it was [-] degrees, but today it has suddenly become seven or eight degrees. My legs feel chilly as soon as I get downstairs, so I have to wear long johns.

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