At half past nine, Yang Dan arrived at Xinyu Computer Shop carrying coffee and milk tea.

When the second child saw that she was carrying so much, he hurriedly put down the things in his hands and stood up to pick them up. He also tried to persuade her, "You are not an outsider. You really don't need to come here to deliver. It's so far away and it's cold." Mainly, they don't like drinking this stuff very much, so just try it for the first time.

But this Yang Dan is really stubborn. He comes to deliver it every week and refuses to listen.

But this time before he finished speaking, the second child said "Hey", "What's wrong with your wrist?"

After Yang Dan handed the coffee and milk tea to the second child, he quickly retracted his hand, pulled down the sleeves of his cotton-padded jacket, lowered his head and whispered, "It's okay."

Jiang Yan was checking the list of accessories to be purchased today when he heard this and looked up.

Yang Dan wore a black down jacket on his upper body. It looked very new. He probably bought it not long ago. But the clothes are a little baggy, and a little bit of white can be seen vaguely at the black cuffs. Even though she tried her best to cover it up, the gauze she saw when the second child glanced over was unmistakable.

He put the coffee and milk tea on the table and reached out to pull Yang Dan's arm, "Are you burned or something? Let me take a look."

Yang Dan tried his best to dodge, "It's okay Xiaotie, I accidentally touched it, it's just a little injury."

When the second child saw what she said and insisted not to look at her, he had no choice but to give up, "If something happens, you have to speak up. We all came from the same place and we won't let you be bullied."

"I know, don't worry." Yang Dan smiled gratefully.

Jiang Yan didn't think much and continued to deal with the order.

Yang Dan did not disturb the two of them from their work. He sat next to her and waited for them to stop before speaking, "What happened to Jia Jia yesterday? Where is she now?"

Song Jiawen's mobile phone number hadn't been given to her yet, so she had to call her dormitory to contact someone.

"She has a cold and a fever. She is at her mother's place now. I will send you there in a moment."

"Her mother? Her mother is here?"

Yang Dan felt strange. She knew that Song Jiawen's parents were not good to her. Why did she still come to Kyoto to see her now?
  "It's not that mother, I'm talking about her biological mother. Her family found her after arriving in Kyoto."

Hearing this, not only Yang Dan's eyes widened in surprise, but even the second child looked shocked.

"No, when did it happen? Why didn't you tell me? You two were hiding it too tightly!"

Jiang Yan was helpless and said concisely, "She met a human trafficker when she was three years old. Then she ran away and injured her head. Later, she was picked up by her sister. Anyway, it's not a good memory, what can I say? And Jia Jia's character You also know that her biological mother is still trying to reconcile with her carefully, and she doesn’t like to talk much, and she still doesn’t know how to explain to you.”

The two of them thought about it.

The second child lamented, "Jia Jia is so pitiful. He is a hateful human trafficker who harms countless children and families every year. If such a person is caught, he should be shot directly."

Compared with the second child's indignation, Yang Dan is more curious about Jia Jia's current family.

"Is her biological mother's house in Kyoto? What does she do?"

"It's in Kyoto. Please hand me the small box at the back."

Yang Dan bent down to help Jiang Yan pick up what he wanted. When he handed it out, the cuffs slid down, revealing the dense white gauze wrapped around his wrist, which was at least ten centimeters wide.

Jiang Yan took the box, stared at her wrist, and asked, "Did you touch it by accident?" Yang Dan hurriedly lowered her arms to pull down the sleeves, but because her arms were long, she usually wore short arms if she wore suitable clothes. A little, so even if she pulled again, she could still vaguely see some white gauze.

It was wrapped so tightly and yet so wide, so it was obvious that the injury was not caused by "accidental touch" as she said.

The second child also saw it, and he was surprised and said, "With such thick gauze, how serious is your injury?"

Yang Dan explained in a low voice, "It's not serious, it's just that it's too cold in winter, and I'm afraid it will cause scars if it freezes, so, that's why I wrapped it so thickly."

Jiang Yan suddenly said, "Who permed you?"

Yang Dan suddenly raised his head and looked at him in surprise.

Yes, you guessed it!
  Jiang Yan put the box down, sat on the small bench and said, "Tell me, what's going on?"

The second child was advising her, "Besides us, you don't have any other friends here. If you don't discuss something with us, who will you talk to? And you have to go see Gaga later. She sees you are injured, can she?" Do not ask?"

Yang Dan bit her lip and lowered her shoulders in frustration, "She's Sister Qiao's cousin. She's the manager of a milk tea shop. Maybe she saw that I didn't work much but got a lot of salary, and she felt unbalanced. She took advantage of me to make coffee. When he was walking, he touched me and all the boiling water he received spilled on my wrist."

In fact, even a piece of his right hand was burned at that time. However, he put his hand into cold water in time and the condition was less severe. But looking at the hand now, it was still a little red and swollen. Jiang Yan thought it was because of the cold and didn't think about anything else.

The reason why my wrist was so serious was that I wasn't too careful when I rolled up my sleeves. The burned area stuck to my clothes and was torn off.

Jiang Yan and Lao Er couldn't help but hiss when they heard the skin on her wrists being torn off along with her clothes. How painful it was.

He asked, "How did Qiao Yuning handle it?"

Yang Dan said, "Because her cousin kept apologizing and said that she bumped into her accidentally, so she was scolded as to what else she could do. Sister Qiao paid for the medical expenses."

"This is so fucking bullying." The second child said angrily, "I don't believe your boss doesn't know the virtues of her cousin. He's a relative of his own, so he's protecting her."

Jiang Yan narrowed his eyes, took out his phone, opened the pink cover, and said to Yang Dan, "Do you remember Qiao Yuning's phone number?"

Yang Dan looked at the small, shiny pink phone in his hand and was stunned for a moment. The second brother explained with a smile, "This is Jia Jia's phone. She didn't like the color, so she secretly transferred the phone card to her brother's phone. Change it."

He always thought that Jiang Yan bought this mobile phone for Jia Jia, and he was still wondering, since he bought it, why not buy it in a color she likes? Was this one on sale at that time?

Yang Dan came to his senses and hurriedly called out the serial number.

Qiao Yuning was doing business, so he would definitely answer calls from strangers.

Jiang Yan said straightforwardly, "I'm Jiang Yan, Boss Qiao. Do you know the status of the injury on Yang Dan's hand? Don't fool me by saying it was an accident. Your cousin knows exactly how it was burned, and so does Yang Dan. The reason why she didn't argue with your cousin is because of the face of you as the boss. But in my opinion, you as the boss are really not doing very well!
  Let's not talk about whether it is right for you to use a relative who doesn't know much about the situation. Just say that a girl injured her right hand and the injury was so serious. You just pay some medical expenses and treat her like a beggar? Even if it’s medical expenses, they won’t be paid by the initiator. Do you think it’s reasonable? "

"How to deal with it? Don't you know how to deal with it yourself? Our demands here are very simple. First, your cousin must compensate Yang Dan [-] yuan; second, let her leave the milk tea shop!"

 It's a little late. I came back and listened to Banana's live class for more than an hour. You know Banana, right? The author of the son-in-law.

  You can't say that the course is useless, but it is more suitable for male channels, not female channels, it has little effect.

  see you tomorrow!
    (End of this chapter)

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