"A piece of skin was torn off. A report on this injury can lead to prosecution. Don't think I'm scaring you. Since I can say this, I can do it. So if your cousin doesn't agree to compensate, you can , just hire a lawyer, it’s very simple.”

"Boss Qiao is in business and should understand that if you don't give back a slap, you will get slapped again next time."

"But this means that the contract with you will have to be torn up, but this is your fault, not ours. After all, Yang Dan was injured in your store, and he has not been treated fairly and justly. It can be said that it is You are unilaterally breaking the contract."

Qiao Yuning was still calm when she heard the previous talk about Yang Dan's injury. But when Jiang Yan asked Yang Dan to break the contract with her, she panicked.

Yang Dan is a rare and ingenious beverage developer. She is talented and innovative. The most important thing is that she has Jiang Yan behind her.

Although the boy was young, he was full of strange and fresh ideas, and any one of them would keep her busy for half a year.

She also knew in her heart that this was unfair to Yang Dan. Her hands might not be tight, but there would most likely be scars on her wrists.

But what can she do?

Before she even said she was going to be punished, her aunt, aunt, and father all came to plead for mercy. They also said why should she hurt the sisterhood for an outsider? Besides, the injury was not serious, and she could still write even if her hand was still there. Can work.

After all, she is a girl from the countryside, with solid skin and not so delicate.

Qiao Yuning decided to discuss it, "Brother."

"Boss Qiao, you can call me Jiang Yan or Xiao Jiang."

Qiao Yuning sighed, "Xiao Jiang, do we have other choices?"

"No, Boss Qiao. It's half past nine in the morning. I'll give you half a day to think about it. I'll wait for your reply at two in the afternoon. Let me remind you, the ten thousand yuan is just for your sake. Boss Qiao has seen a lot. If you are knowledgeable, you should understand that if it is scar removal, this amount of money is simply not enough.”

After speaking, Jiang Yan hung up the phone.

The second child was okay. Jiang Yan often used this tone when talking about business, and he was used to it.

But this was the first time that Yang Dan heard Jiang Yan negotiate with someone so forcefully and domineeringly. No, this was not even a negotiation, it was him unilaterally pronouncing a verdict.

She was stunned!
  After she woke up, she asked Jiang Yan worriedly, "What if Sister Qiao doesn't agree to the two conditions you mentioned?"

"Then hire a lawyer."

Jiang Yanyun finished speaking calmly, stood up and said to Yang Dan, "Don't worry, she will definitely agree. Come on, I will take you to Jia Jia's place first, and then I have to go to Electronic City."

Jiang Yan sent Yang Dan to the gate of Qinghe Garden and told her that she was in Building 103, [-], so she could just go and find Jia Jia.

It was the first time in his life that he came to such a high-end community, and Yang Dan was a little nervous.

Jiang Yan only said that Jia Jia's biological parents lived in Kyoto, but did not tell her what they did. She originally thought they were just ordinary city dwellers, but now it seems that those who can afford to live in such a community must not be ordinary people.

After breakfast, Song Jiawen was given a bowl of Chinese patent medicine by her second brother, and she was sleeping in her room.

But before going to bed, she told Mu Chenyan that a high school classmate would come over. Mu Chenyan was very happy. This was the first classmate her daughter invited besides Jiang Yan. From the unnatural alienation at the beginning to the closeness and harmony now, Xiaosi is gradually returning to this home.

So when Yang Dan stumbled to find Building 103, Building [-], he was warmly welcomed by Mu Chenyan.

"Yang Dan, please come in, I'm Jia Jia's mother, just call me Aunt Mu. Jia Jia still has a fever and is sleeping upstairs. If you sit down for a while, she will probably wake up soon. "

Mu Chenyan took out the prepared fruits and went to make a cup of coffee for Yang Dan. Smelling the mellow aroma of coffee beans floating in the air, Yang Dan knew that this was different from the cheap coffee sold in their milk tea shop.

She held the delicate coffee cup cautiously and took a sip.

"Yang Dan, can you tell auntie about Xiaosi, Jia Jia, what happened when she was in high school?"

Yang Dan nodded, "Jiajia and I were roommates when we were in the first year of high school. At first, the teachers saw how beautiful she was and didn't think about getting good grades. The English teacher even complained because the male classmates always looked at her, right? She was a little dissatisfied, but later she discovered that she was too smart and didn't talk much to boys, so she became the teacher who treated her the best, and even showed her the English books and Oxford dictionaries she read in college. You don’t know that when the English teacher tested her on recitation, she could memorize twenty pages word for word in one breath. And physics.”

Yang Dan said excitedly, and gradually her restraint disappeared, "She is young. Some of our rural children who started studying later are three years older than her. I am two years older than her, so we have been together for a long time. After understanding her character, we basically treat her as a younger sister. Of course, there are some petty and jealous people who will say bad things about her, like Song Xiaoli and a few people in the repeat class, but they only dare to say a few words secretly. After all, we The head teacher is very protective."

It is rare to find a genius in a rural middle school. The teachers are eager for talents and will naturally take care of them in every possible way when they meet one.

Mu Chenyan felt a little more relaxed after listening to Yang Dan's narration.

When Yang Dan was about to say something, he raised his head and looked upstairs. His eyes suddenly collided with a young and handsome man. His heart skipped a beat and he was startled.

Yu Heng didn't know how long he stood at the stairs. When he saw Yang Dan looking over, he smiled at her and said, "Hello, I'm Brother Jia Jia. Just like her, please call me Brother."

Mu Chenyan called him, "Go and see if Xiao Si is awake?"

After saying that, he turned to Yang Dan and said, "Jiang Yan told me about your wrist injury. My second brother is a doctor. After lunch, I will ask my boss to take you to the hospital for an evaluation of the injury."

After coming twice, Jiang Yan and Mu Chenyan had added each other's phone numbers. When he sent Yang Dan into the community and left, he informed Mu Chenyan about this.

With Brother Yu’s ready-made network of doctors available, why bother going to another hospital?

Yang Dan was flattered, "Ah, Auntie, why are you so embarrassed?"

Mu Chenyan smiled and said, "I told you not to see auntie outside. You used to take care of us, the fourth one. Isn't it right for us to take care of you now?"

Yang Dan was ashamed. In fact, she had never helped Jiajia. Instead, she relied on Jiajia for help in her studies.

After a while, Yu Heng came down from upstairs, and Song Jiawen slowly followed behind. She was wearing an off-white furry home clothes. Because she had just woken up, her cheeks were a little red, and her eyes were hazy, as if they were covered with a layer of blood. It was foggy, and the hair was a little messy hanging on the back of the head.

When he raised his eyes and looked downstairs, he looked stupid, stupid and cute.

It was completely different from the cold appearance in high school, something Yang Dan had never seen before.

so envious
  It’s the weekend, two updates today!

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