It wasn't his father. Mu Jiawen guessed that it was the male owner of the family he had provoked.

But obviously this person is still too gentle. He just wants to control this little devil. How is it possible?

Mu Jiawen had beaten him before, and she knew that this kid might not look tall, but he was very strong. She almost used all her strength to beat him to tears that day, but if it were anyone else, especially the middle-aged man in front of her, most of them would be embarrassed to attack a child.

But there are many kinds of children, okay?

Because of the commotion here, many neighbors came to watch the fun. Some people who knew the middle-aged man asked, "Teacher Lu, has this kid messed with your kitten again?"

Teacher Lu’s wife likes to raise kittens. The little kitten that was almost strangled to death by this little devil was his. At that time, his wife cried for a long time.

While struggling to catch the little devil, Teacher Lu said with a gloomy face and gritted his teeth, "He used rat poison to kill all my cats." Two adult puppets and a kitten that he had tortured last time, three The cat's body was now lying in the yard, and his wife was devastated.

The onlookers gasped and looked at the little devil with disgust.

"He still has rat poison on him. Could someone please call Director Cheng?"

When they heard that he still had medicine on him, many people were furious. A young man immediately said, "I'll call him."

He turned around and trotted away.

Before Director Cheng and his wife arrived, Teacher Lu's wife came over holding the kitten's body.

Her eyes were red and there were tears on her face. As soon as she came over, she slapped the little devil who was still struggling to run away, and she cursed, "Asshole, how dare you do this?" Do it and see if I don’t beat you to death.”

"Honey, calm down."

Teacher Lu was relatively sensible and knew that things would inevitably get messy if an adult attacked a child. He hurriedly twisted the little devil to avoid his wife's second slap, and called two neighbors to stop his wife.

"Teacher Zhang, please calm down and ask for compensation from their family."

"That's right, I'll order more in a minute."

But this is just a comfort. Which family living in this community will be short of money?

No matter how much money she pays, she can get back cats that are familiar with her and well-trained?

After being slapped twice and being quiet for less than three seconds, the little devil began to scream again at the top of his lungs, "Ahhhh, kill, kill, kill!"

Suddenly there was a "bang", and a piece of white wood as big as a slap hit the little devil's head. His voice stopped suddenly, and he turned his head to look over. Mu Jiawen glared at him and said coldly, "Ask me to twist off your head again." .”

The little devil didn't dare to say anything.

Teacher Zhang, who was stopped by someone, looked down at the snow-white kitten in her arms, tears falling down. Suddenly she took out her mobile phone and said in a trembling voice, "Call the police. I want to call the police. He is poisoning." Even if the police don’t care, I will sue them.”

The "they" she was talking about were of course not only the little devil, but also his family members.

Just because the child is too young to bear legal responsibility, can he be allowed to do whatever he wants? What do guardians eat? do you died?

The onlookers were stunned, and even Teacher Lu watched helplessly as his wife called the police without making a sound to stop him.

Today, we have to break up with Director Cheng on this matter. If they plead for mercy in private, it will be settled, so it would be better to go to the public.

As soon as Teacher Zhang called the police and hung up the phone, Director Cheng and his wife hurried over.

"Hey, what's going on? Teacher Lu, please let go first. What's wrong with my grandson's face?" "Grandma, she hit me, she, that woman."

The little devil's hands were restrained and he couldn't move, so he raised his chin and pointed in the direction of Teacher Zhang, and shouted loudly, "Fight back, grandma, help me fight back."

Director Cheng's wife turned to look at Teacher Zhang with a sullen face, "Teacher Zhang, my grandson is just a child who has just turned ten. You are still a teacher, so you have the heart to do such a heavy hand to a child? And you, Teacher Lu, we The old couple are here, they have something to talk about, why are you still holding on to a child? You"

"Shut up!"

Before the old woman could finish speaking, Director Cheng scolded her with a dark face.

Teacher Lu and he were colleagues in the same school, and he knew his temperament well. If his grandson hadn't done something too extreme, he wouldn't have caught a child. In addition, he just noticed the kitten in Teacher Zhang's arms, which was motionless.

Director Cheng's heart skipped a beat and he had a bad feeling.

"Teacher Zhang, your kitten."

"Dead!" Teacher Zhang sneered, took a step forward, raised the kitten with its eyes closed in his arms to Director Cheng's wife, and asked loudly, "I slapped him twice and you felt bad, but what about my kitten? What if he killed all three cats in our house? You pay for my cat, resurrect my cat and I will let you fight back, pay for it, pay for it."

Director Cheng's wife was so frightened that she backed away and looked away, not daring to look at the kitten.

Director Cheng's face was livid and he glared at his wife, "Get used to it, get used to it as hard as you can. Once you get used to it, will you be happy? Huh?"

His wife glanced at him and whispered, "It's just a cat. Do you have to pay for it if it dies? Why do you have to yell at me outside?"

The worst case scenario is losing money?

Teacher Lu laughed angrily and said, "Director Cheng, you should inform your son and daughter-in-law that your grandson fed rat poison to the cats in our house, which is an act of poisoning. We have called the police, and his parents, as guardians, must be present. "

The scene was silent. Three seconds later, Director Cheng's wife reacted and screamed, "Calling the police? Are you calling the police?"

Her face turned red with anger, and she glared at Teacher Lu, "We live in a community, and you don't care about face at all? It's not enough to beat the child, but you actually call the police for this little thing, really..."

Teacher Lu's face was calm. He looked at Director Cheng and said, "Director, your grandson has never done anything to my cat before. At that time, my wife lived in the same community and tolerated it every time. But I don't know if it's because of us. Your repeated forbearance only allowed your child to take advantage of it and unscrupulously harm my cat. You also know that your child is only ten years old. A ten-year-old child has such a cruel and disrespectful attitude towards life. As teachers, don’t you reflect on it? Is his behavior abnormal?"

The police station in the jurisdiction is quite close to Qinghe Garden. The two families here have not finished talking. Before Director Cheng could inform his son, two policemen in police uniforms arrived.

"Who called the police?"

Teacher Zhang took a step forward with the kitten in his arms and said, "I signed up."

Then she raised her finger and pointed at the naughty kid, "He sprinkled rat poison on my house and killed three of my cats. He still has some in his pocket. You can search for them."

"Comrade police, my grandson is still young and he doesn't know that it is rat poison."

The onlookers shook their heads when they saw that Director Cheng's wife wanted to defend the child again at this time. (End of chapter)

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