Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 373: Take precautions before they happen

Sprinkling rat poison into someone's yard definitely constitutes poisoning, but the problem is that the person who sprinkled it is only ten years old.

Both police officers were troubled, and what was even more troublesome was the cover-up of his parents!

Among them, the older policeman interrupted Director Cheng's wife and said with a serious face, "Please inform the parents of the child to come over immediately. Now let's go to the scene of the first crime."

Director Cheng turned around and called his son, growling at him and asking him to bring his wife and come here quickly.

Then a group of people went to Teacher Lu's house cheering.

Mu Jiawen said regretfully, "Teacher Lu still pays too much attention to face. He even caught him and didn't give him a good beating before venting his anger. No matter how old he is, can't he still be beaten if he breaks into someone else's house and does bad things?"

Jiang Yan said, "If the parents don't care about this kind of child, and the school doesn't manage it well, they will have to be handed over to the police in the future."

Mu Jiawen nodded, "I'm optimistic about him, he's the type to go to jail!"

This sentence made everyone laugh.

Mu Chenyan patted her head and called to the others, "Let's go back to eat."

Mu Jiawen thought of the rat poison in the naughty child's pocket and told Mu Chenyan, "Mom, you have to watch out for Xiao Hei and don't let this little devil enter our yard."

Sometimes the most powerless thing is that even if you beat him or do something to him, the damage has already been done and is irreversible. Just like Mr. Zhang’s well-raised cat, his family will not be able to survive no matter how much money they pay. .

It was Teacher Zhang’s helpless move to call the police. What else would he do?

"I'll install some cameras in the yard tomorrow." Jiang Yan looked at the low wall and pondered, "Find someone to install a circle of iron railings around the wall, not only to protect Xiao Hei, but also Auntie's flowers. It’s not cheap, and it’s dangerous to leave it like this.”

Mu Chenyan felt that Jiang Yan was still ironing his clothes and had thought of everything, unlike those three in her family who could do anything?

But at this moment Yu Heng suddenly said, "Mom, don't be so used to this child in our family in the future. Although I know that you are different from ordinary old ladies, but we are married across generations."


Mu Chenyan interrupted him with a dark face, "Who are you calling the old lady? Huh? Also, who said I would take care of your children? I'm so busy all day long, and one of my paintings is more than your annual salary. If you want more, you want me to take care of your child?"

Yu Heng touched his nose and said, "What? This is your eldest grandson." Although he really wanted a daughter, Yu Feng had already done a B-ultrasound and was sure to be a brat.

"Shouldn't the Yu family's grandson be thrown back to Yu City? Your father happens to be there, let him take it."

"That won't work." Yu Heng flatly refused, then waved his hand and said, "Forget it, there's still half a year left, let's talk about it then."

In fact, he only saw that naughty kid mentioning it casually, but his mouth was a bit mean and what he said was not pleasant to the ear.

But how could a family like theirs lack someone to take care of their children?

The next day, Mu Chenyan inquired specifically. In fact, without asking, she could probably guess that a ten-year-old child does not need to bear criminal legal responsibility. The final result would definitely be to order the parents to educate and compensate.

Teacher Lu and his wife asked for 100,000 yuan. If they didn't agree, they would sue them, saying that the child's parents had instigated the child to sprinkle rat poison in his yard.

Anyway, they were already torn apart, and the couple didn't mind continuing to tear each other apart.

What's more, I didn't see this naughty kid restraining himself even if I gave them face before.

I heard that after waiting for the naughty child's parents to come over last night, Director Cheng dragged his wife home and asked his son and his wife to handle the matter. They didn't care and wouldn't help pay for it. From the last time she met this child's father, Mu Chenyan knew where all his bad habits came from.

Although it is none of his business what other people's children do, the problem is that his current behavior has endangered everyone's safety, especially those with pets at home.

"Do you know where he got his rat poison?"

Mu Chenyan asked a female neighbor who had a good relationship with Teacher Zhang.

"This kid is also very smart. I guess his grandma's words inspired him. At first, he didn't admit that it was rat poison. He only said that he picked it up on the road. He didn't know what it was and wanted to try it on a kitten. He refused to eat or not, and pretended to say that he didn't want the kittens to die, but only wanted to feed them, and cried. But it was thundering but not raining, who couldn't tell that it was fake crying? In the end, he was reprimanded by the police and all were charged. .”

"How to say?"

"He bought the rat poison by asking a card vendor at the gate of their school. He gave him fifty yuan and asked him to buy three packs of rat poison. The extra money belonged to the vendor. Good guy, one pack of rats. How much does the medicine cost? Can the hawker do it? I guess the police will go to the gate of their school today to arrest the hawker. This kid is too young to commit a crime, but it is said that the hawker will have to be detained or fined. We don’t know the details. , I can’t forgive him lightly anyway.”

"So this kid spilled one bag into Teacher Zhang's yard, and he still has two bags on him?"


Mu Chenyan frowned, "If Teacher Lu didn't catch him yesterday, does he plan to drug all the pets in our community to death?"

Thinking about it, the female neighbor took a deep breath. She also had a teddy, and she couldn't bear the thought of her baby lying in the yard with its limbs stiff and foaming at the mouth.

"Teacher Mu, this won't work. It's his incompetent parents who are being fined. This kid will never have a long memory. He will dare to do this next time."

Mu Chenyan looked at her, "What do you want to do?"

"I would like to inform some families who have pets to go find Director Cheng and his wife. Although we have no power to drive them out, we must take precautions before they happen and warn them not to let that kid step into our home again. One step away from Qingheyuan, otherwise"

Otherwise what?

The female neighbor thought for a long time but couldn't think of a suitable plan, so she asked Mu Chenyan, "Teacher Mu, do you have any good ideas?"

"Go call the real estate agent." Mu Chenyan said simply, "This matter should be under their control and let them talk to Director Cheng and his wife. Of course, we must also make our requirements clear to them, and don't let that kid step in again." If we don't listen to Director Cheng and his wife's guarantee, it will be useless to enter Qinghe Garden."

"That's right, that's right. Looking for a real estate agent. This matter should be under the property management. Why did I forget about this?"

The female neighbor hurriedly went to find a property. Even so, Mu Chenyan did not relax her vigilance in the next few days. After all, it is not sure whether verbal education or even warnings like this for a naughty child will be effective. He is not a kitten. The puppy can be tied up at home, and he can bribe others to buy rat poison for him. Who knows what he will do next?

Fortunately, the next period of time was calm, and we didn't see the kid again until the winter vacation. Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When many people saw the new iron railings outside Mu Chenyan's yard, they followed suit and surrounded it.

Tomorrow is the 30th, and I wish you all good luck in the Year of the Dragon, happiness to your family, and lots of wealth in the New Year!

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