Jiang Yan was surprised when he received a call from Teacher Chi, "What did you say?"

"I received a call from the Jeju City Public Security Bureau, saying that Qi Lihong..." Chi Zuo sighed and continued, "She surrendered to the Public Security Bureau and killed her father!"

Who to kill?

Jiang Yan suspected that he heard wrongly. Qi Lihong, she killed someone?

He confirmed with Teacher Chi again, "What did you say Qi Lihong did?"

"Don't ask. In fact, I don't know the details. I only know that her father died at home the night before yesterday and her mother was unconscious. She surrendered to the police and she was the one who killed her because her father beat their mother and daughter. , she fought back out of self-defense.”

Jiang Yan was stunned, never expecting Qi Lihong to do such a thing.

He asked Chi Zuo, "What does the police mean when they call you?"

"The first is to inform me, and the second is to inquire about Qi Lihong's grades and character. Jiang Yan, I want to go to Jeju. I won't talk about whether to give up or not, but as Qi Lihong's counselor, at least I have to know exactly what happened. "

Jiang Yan said without hesitation, "I'll go with you. Let's set off now. Where are you? I'll drive to pick you up."

After hanging up the phone with Teacher Chi, Jiang Yan thought for a while, then took out Liu Wenhu's phone number and dialed him--

"Hey, Brother Yan, what's the matter?"

Jiang Yan said straightforwardly, "Something happened to Qi Lihong. Teacher Chi and I are going to Jeju now. Do you want to go with us?"

Although this grandson usually behaves like he is very carefree, after Qi Lihong broke up with him, he pretended to go to find a school girl in his freshman year, but within a few days he stayed in the dormitory playing games and never saw him go out again.

"What's wrong? What happened to her?"

Liu Wenhu was really anxious when he heard that, "Shouldn't she be working in a computer store? Why did she return to Jeju so early?"

Jiang Yan took the car keys and walked out, saying, "She asked me for three days' leave, saying she was going back to pick up her mother."

After a pause, Jiang Yan asked, "Do you know something?"

"I only know that she has injuries every time she comes back from Jeju, and I won't tell her who hit her. You also know her character, like a dull gourd. By the way, you haven't said what happened to her?"

"Her father died, and she went to the police station to turn herself in and said she was the one who killed him."


There was no movement from Liu Wenhu, so Jiang Yan hung up the phone and went back to Qingheyuan to pack his clothes. After telling Mu Chenyan something, he hurried out and drove to pick up Chi Zuo.

As soon as the two met, Liu Wenhu called and said that he was starting from Kangcheng and would wait for them in Jeju first.

Jeju and Kangcheng are next to each other, and Liu Wenhu was much closer than the two of them from there. By the time they arrived, Liu Wenhu had already gotten an overview of the matter at the police station. He also ran to the community where Qi Lihong’s home was located. , asked several neighbors in their building.

Because human lives are involved, the police station is submitting a report to the city bureau, and Qi Lihong needs to be handed over to the city police station.

"Her neighbors reported that there was a quarrel at home shortly after she arrived home because her father often beat their mother and daughter. Everyone was used to it and no one thought much about it. It was only after 120 and the police came that everyone knew about this. This time the incident was quite big. But when 120 arrived, her father was already out of breath, and her mother fainted and has not woken up until now. She is still in the intensive care unit. She said she had hurt her head, which was quite serious." Liu Wenhu's face turned pale. Gloomy, the cigarette in his mouth was chewed by him after just one puff.

"I originally wanted to see Qi Lihong, but the police refused to let me see her, and she refused to see anyone. Teacher Chi, I have contacted a friend of my dad's and asked him to help find a lawyer. Do you have anything to do with me here? ?”

The most troublesome thing now is that Qi Lihong insists that she killed her father. However, the fingerprints collected by the police from the broken glass bottles are almost all her mother's. What does this mean? This shows that Qi Lihong is most likely taking the blame for her mother.

This idiot!

It doesn’t matter whether your mother can wake up from her current state, but you still have to take the blame for her. Isn’t that saying that your whole life has been in vain?

Chi Zuo, Jiang Yan and Liu Wenhu's family are not from Jeju. If they want to help Qi Lihong, they can only rely on connections. I don't know if it will be useful.

Fortunately, Chi Zuo had a classmate who worked in the municipal government here, and he had already contacted her on the way. The three of them waited at the door of the police station for a while before a black Mercedes-Benz slowly drove into a parking space not far away.

Two middle-aged men got out of the car. Liu Wenhu rushed to greet them and said to the shorter middle-aged man walking in front, "Uncle Niu, you came so fast."

Uncle Niu also speaks fluently and seems to have a good relationship with Liu Wenhu's father. Of course, the more important thing is that Liu Wenhu himself is a student of Peking University. Although he is still a student at the school, will he worry about not being able to do anything after graduation?

So Uncle Niu is very positive about Liu Wenhu.

"I happen to be working nearby, Wenhu. This is Lawyer Zhang. He often litigates criminal cases. Please tell him the details."

Liu Wenhu hurriedly greeted people, then introduced Chi Zuo and Jiang Yan, and then told Lawyer Zhang about Qi Lihong's case from beginning to end in a few words.

As he was talking, Jiang Yan looked at him and remembered the grandson's "bold words" in the dormitory: "A good horse never turns back and dares to break up with me. Huh, just wait, she will regret it!"

I don't know if Qi Lihong regrets it, but it is obvious that her grandson wants to turn around.

"I'm familiar with this place. I'll go and negotiate with the police."

After hearing this, Lawyer Zhang almost understood the general story of the matter. Simply put, it was resistance caused by domestic violence. As for whether it was self-defense or a mistake, you have to understand it in person with the client.

Jiang Yan thought for a moment and said, "Lawyer Zhang, if you go in later and Qi Lihong still refuses to see anyone, ask the police to tell her about her mother's situation and tell her that if she doesn't come out, no one will care about her mother." .”

This is also true, but when she turned herself in that night, she probably didn't expect that her mother's condition would be so serious that she might not wake up.

So this point must be made clear to her. Without her, based on her mother's current situation, to put it bluntly, what is the difference between being in a vegetative state and dying if she cannot wake up?

I believe she will cooperate with the lawyer after hearing this.

After all, Uncle Niu was older and more knowledgeable than them. He thought about it and said, "Lawyer Zhang, please ask the police carefully, was this girl's father really stabbed to death by a broken glass bottle? Generally like People who drink alcohol and have violent tendencies will have some physical problems, such as high blood pressure, cerebral infarction, myocardial infarction, etc., so could one of these diseases be induced during the scuffle? Can the forensic doctor re-examine the deceased? Would you like to check it out? Find out what the cause of death was."

When the three of them heard this, their eyes immediately lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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