Lawyer Zhang went in for almost two hours before coming out.

"How are you, Lawyer Zhang? Have you met Qi Lihong?"

As soon as he came out, Liu Wenhu couldn't wait to step forward and asked.

Lawyer Zhang nodded and said with a smile, "Yes, as this little brother said, she refused to see me at first, especially when she heard that I was the lawyer hired by brother Liu. "

Liu Wenhu was stunned when he heard this, and then his face became a little unnatural.

I heard Lawyer Zhang say again, "But later I asked the police to bring her what brother Jiang said, and the little girl relented after a while. She told me that her father never regarded her and her mother as human beings. Look, she can hit her whenever she wants, scold her whenever she wants, and she never hesitates. When she got home, her mother’s head had been smashed by her father. Later, it was because her father beat her and wanted to sell her to an old bachelor. This That made her angry. But Qi Lihong said that she smashed the broken wine bottle that killed her father, and she stabbed it first. Later, her mother snatched it away and stabbed her father three times in the stomach. She didn’t know whether her father’s death was caused by these three blows, but when 120 people arrived, he was found to be not breathing.”

"This is the specific story of what happened at that time. The police also recorded what she said, which is basically consistent with the on-site investigation. I also asked the forensic doctor to re-examine the body of Qi Lihong's father, but it will probably take a while." Several people They all breathed a sigh of relief, so that Qi Lihong could be released on bail and there would be no specific criminal responsibility. After all, she didn't kill the person, she just resisted a few times out of self-defense. This can also be seen from the injuries on her face and body.

"Then, Lawyer Zhang, when can Qi Lihong be released?" Liu Wenhu asked.

"We have to wait a little longer. After all, it is different from what she said when she first surrendered. The police station also needs to go through the process."

It was only now that Uncle Niu figured out the true relationship between the Beijing University girl who surrendered at the police station and his eldest nephew. Good guy, this guy didn't tell him at first, saying he was his classmate.

He was already very curious about Liu Wenhu, but when he heard that Liu Wenhu was his classmate from Beijing University, as well as teachers and monitors, he also came over. How could he not be attentive? I quickly called for the boss of the law firm I often cooperated with to come over.

But my classmates are real, and my girlfriend is real too.

"Okay, okay, let's go eat first. Maybe Xiao Qi will be able to come out after dinner."

The few of them didn't go far, so they found a restaurant nearby to have something to eat. By three o'clock in the afternoon, the autopsy results from the police station came out first, and Qi Lihong was later released without charge.

At that time, Uncle Niu just had an idea and said that he was a businessman. According to his thinking, even if this beast did not die of heart attack and cerebral infarction, he could still die like this.

To be honest, if he died like this, it would be an advantage for him. How could he be allowed to harm the women and children who had been bullied by him all his life?

But I didn’t expect that the cause of death found in the autopsy results was really myocardial infarction!

Qi Shengdong, Qi Lihong’s father, suffered from leg disabilities caused by polio when he was young. He always felt that his family owed him a debt because his parents had to take care of his younger brother, who was two years younger than him, so they neglected him. As a result, he contracted polio, which left his legs disabled for the rest of his life.

Later, when he was admitted to junior high school and high school, Qi Shengdong was admitted to No. 1 Middle School with the first score in the city, but his parents begged him on their knees to give up the opportunity to attend high school to his younger brother. Their reason is also straightforward. He is disabled. Even if he goes to high school, no one may want to go to college. Instead of wasting time, it is better to let his younger brother go to high school in his name. What can he do?

Without the support of his parents and with a disabled body, he could not continue reading.

It's okay to just give up the quota, but he asked his parents to transfer the family house to his name.

Later, many people thought that his parents gave him the building to get him a wife. No, that was not the case. He paid for it with the opportunity to study.

Even though Qi Shengdong was disabled at that time, his temper was gentle, far less eccentric and cruel than he is now. It may be that he has a mental problem, or it may be that all these unfair things have happened to him, and that others look at him strangely when he goes out, which has brought his inner endurance to a breaking point. , which caused his temperament to change drastically after marriage, and he found that after beating his wife, he felt strangely at ease.

He is also very dissatisfied with his wife. He knows that he is smart. When he was in junior high school, his teacher praised him for his superior intelligence. If his body is normal, people like him will definitely achieve great things in the future.

So why find him a mute?

Or is it that only a mute can be worthy of a cripple like him?

But he is a genius, genius, why do he have to live like this? To end up like this?

Qi Shengdong's psychology gradually became distorted in this way. He would beat his wife and daughter at home, and would also cause trouble when he went to his parents' house during holidays. Especially when he saw his younger brother who used to go to school in his name and later went to work in his name, he made a lot of sarcastic and unpleasant remarks, which caused his younger brother to take the initiative to transfer his job to another place. Now he has not come back for several years. .

Even when he comes back, he avoids him and doesn't meet him if possible.

His parents were also afraid of him. While they were afraid, they comforted Qi Lihong and her daughter, saying that he had only been like this in the past few years and that he would be fine when he got older. As a wife, you have to tolerate him, and as a daughter, you have to take care of him.

While they themselves were shirking their responsibilities and seeing him less often, they brainwashed Qi Lihong and her daughter and tied them to him.

Qi Shengdong's body was actually riddled with holes due to years of alcoholism and mental illness. He suffered from high blood pressure and myocardial infarction, but he didn't care. He just muddle along and live one day at a time.

Qi Lihong, his only daughter, never looked down upon him. He was so jealous that he almost wanted to strangle her when she was admitted to Beijing University. He couldn't go to college, so why could she?

What's the use of the honor and face given by his daughter when he himself is living like a dog?

When Qi Lihong stabbed his back with a broken glass bottle, although he screamed in pain, he felt very happy in his heart. pain? He can still feel pain?

so good!

Later, when his mute wife took the broken glass bottle and stabbed him in the stomach, he not only felt pain, but also felt ironic.

Look, look, now even a mute resists him and wants to kill him, is he really worse than a dog?

When he pinched the mute wife's neck with both hands, although her stomach hurt and blood flowed out, her heart felt even worse. The throbbing pain was so severe that stars appeared in front of her eyes.

His life was passing by, and he thought he was going to die soon.

This fucking life is finally over.

When Qi Lihong called the police and waited for the police to examine Qi Shengdong's body, she heard the forensic doctor mutter strangely, "It's strange, why does the expression on his face feel so relieved and there is no pain?" (End of Chapter)

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