When he received a call from Jing Junyang, Jiang Yan was cooking New Year's Eve dinner, with his second brother helping him nearby, and Mu Jiawen running in from time to time to have a bite.

The four brothers of the Yu family were playing mahjong in the living room. Because each of them had a high IQ and was very good at counting cards, the originally ordinary mahjong seemed to have turned into a sharp blade in the killing field in their hands. It was difficult to distinguish between the cards. Shit, it's been half an hour and no one's confused yet.

Mu Jiawen felt very bored watching it.

"What did you say?"

Jiang Yan was holding a mobile phone in one hand and a spatula in the other. Mu Jiawen was afraid that the food would be burnt, so she hurriedly came over and took the mobile phone from his hand and pressed it against his ear.

Jiang Yan gestured to press the speakerphone, and then Jing Junyang's harsh voice sounded on the phone, "After the New Year, on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, can you come over and give me a favor? I took over my family's company, and my father didn't I drove you away after you handed over to me. My aunt is too busy, so I have to find someone to help me take care of it. After much thought, you are the only one who is most suitable."

It’s no wonder that Jing Junyang thought of him, because he wrote their company’s rules and regulations from the beginning to the early and mid-term plans. He even helped renovate the electronics factory, which made the factory director look at him with admiration. , I want him to work part-time as a consultant again.

Jing's is a big company, and it actually lacks a general manager, but as long as there are people in other important positions, there won't be any big problem. As Jing Junyang's biological father, Jing Xu will never give it to him no matter what. Son, dig a hole.

But who would have thought that he could really do this? Maybe he was out of anger. Before leaving, he actually deleted many important files in the computer, and some signed contracts could not be found.

Jing Junyang laughed angrily at his father. Is this something a human can do?

It was obvious that he no longer regarded him as his son. If grandpa did not change his heir, the Jing family would probably have nothing to do with him.

"Don't you want me to have some free time?"

Jiang Yan was speechless when he heard what he said. How busy was he already? Why would you find him another job? Can't we just let him spend the New Year in peace?

He also heard a little bit about Jing Junyang's family, but he didn't bother to ask. He told it on his own initiative.

First, his cousin beat the illegitimate son his father kept outside, and then his father's lover got so angry that he went to the old house to make trouble, and he poured a bucket of water used by his aunt at home to clean pig intestines all over his head and face.

Although it was a relief, it was still embarrassing. The old man was so angry that he almost went to the hospital. As a result, the originally soft-hearted plan to discuss with Jing Junyang about letting his father manage a branch in other provinces also came to nothing.

So after his grandfather announced to all shareholders that Jing Junyang was the heir, he completely ignored it.

When the company was handed over to Jing Junyang, he was not polite to his father at all. The relationship between father and son was gone, so why should he be polite?

This is also the reason for the current chaotic situation. Now his aunt is doing the liquidation alone in the finance department where she used to work. This is not difficult, after all, I am familiar with the job, but his aunt does not know that much about other departments, and it requires background.

Jiang Yan was also really convinced by him.

After all, they were brothers and partners, so Jiang Yan couldn't refuse directly. He only said that we would talk after the New Year, and he had to let him take a breather.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Jiawen was a little unhappy, "You promised to go skiing with me, why do you regret it again?"

"Who said you have to go back on your word? I've already made a plan. Let's go in the third grade and play for a week before coming back."

The second child who was chopping vegetables next to him became a little moved when he heard it. Hong Jing was also on holiday. He hadn't gone out to play with her yet. Can we come together?

"Brother, are you going by car?"

He knew that Jiang Yan liked to travel by car, mainly to save trouble and worry, and to have fun along the way, which was very refreshing just thinking about it.

Jiang Yan glanced at him sideways, "I want to drive by myself, don't follow us, it's hard to have a world for two of us, and I don't want to be disturbed by you."

"I'm not worried that you'll be tired from driving alone. I can change with you if I follow you. It's great to have four people together."

Jiang Yan did not follow what he said and asked instead, "Do Hong Jing's parents know about your relationship?" The second child's face stiffened, and then he shook his head, "Not yet, I didn't let her say it, mainly because "A little scared.

He knew in his heart that he was not worthy of Hong Jing at all, and her parents knew that there was a high probability that they would object. Not to mention being on tenterhooks when it comes to dating now, I always feel like it's just one day at a time, without any sense of security at all.

Jiang Yan thought for a while and asked him, "Why don't you stop working hard and take a graduate degree by yourself?"

What the hell?

The hand holding the knife trembled and he almost cut off his finger. He looked at Jiang Yan in shock, "Brother, to be honest, you are kidding me, right?"

He has already worked hard to get into this bachelor's degree, and he is asked to take the postgraduate entrance examination. If he doesn't want him to live, just say so!

Jiang Yan curled his lips, "Look at your future."

"No, brother, don't you know how tiring studying is?"

Just at this moment, Mu Jiawen, who had been wandering around outside for a while, walked in. When she heard this, she said without thinking, "What's the point of being tired in studying? You only feel tired if you are not smart enough and are not interested. It’s actually fun to learn.”

Jiang Yan gave her a funny look, and the second child rolled his eyes. He didn't want to say a word to her in this regard.

After the last dish was fried, Lao Er and Mu Jiawen were taking the dishes out, and Jiang Yan's cell phone rang again.

When he saw the caller ID above, he was stunned for a moment and thought to himself, no, what happened last year and what will happen this year?

He took his mobile phone and went to the yard outside to answer the call, "Police Officer Wang, happy New Year."

"Happy Chinese New Year Jiang Yan, Uncle Jiang asked me to ask you, will you return to Yunzhou during the winter vacation this year?"

Just asking this?

Jiang Yan was relieved and said, "I won't come back. How is he recently?"

After all, it is his father, and he will not be able to escape the responsibility of supporting him in the future, so there is no need to escape.

"Uncle Jiang is fine, I just miss you a little." Officer Xiao Wang is still in charge of the prison and seems much more cheerful than before. He told Jiang Yan with some joy, "I have good news for you, because Uncle Jiang If he behaves well, he will be released from prison next March.”

Is this good news?

Jiang Yan felt a little complicated. In his last life, Lao Jiang was still there until his death. In this life, I don't know if it was because he was irritated by going to prison after being admitted to college. First he fell out with the Jiang family, and then... He saved people and was honest, but in the end he was released so many years in advance.

For a moment he didn't know what to say.

"But Jiang Yan, can you find a place for Uncle Jiang to live further away from Yunzhou?"

"Is it okay to go further to Beicheng?"

He didn't want Lao Jiang to live in Yunzhou, fearing that he would accidentally get involved with the Jiang family again, so he asked Xiao Qi to help look after a house in Beicheng.

"Uncle Jiang means, can you find him a small town with nice scenery and just live there for his retirement?"

He actually picked a small town with nice scenery.

I'm going back today, I hope there won't be any traffic jams on the road.

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