"I don't have time to find a place for him right now."

This notice must have been too urgent. He was released from prison in March, and it was already almost mid-February. He only had one month to find a small town with beautiful scenery for him.

"How about you let him stay in there for a few more months, and then let him come out after I find a good place."

Of course I was joking, what kind of place was that? Stay when you want, leave when you want?

Although he knew Jiang Yan didn't mean what he said, Officer Wang was still speechless.

In fact, the notice of commutation of sentence had already come out. Officer Wang originally wanted to notify Jiang Yan two months ago, but Jiang Fengwei refused because he wanted to tell his son in person, but he didn't expect that the Chinese New Year was coming and the kid hadn't gone yet. To see him.

It’s okay if you’re busy working part-time during the summer vacation and don’t go back. Why don’t you visit him during the Chinese New Year?

Not only did no one go, there wasn’t even a phone call in between.

Jiang Fengwei was extremely depressed during this period.

He knew that Jiang Yan was resenting him in his heart, and he also knew that he had never been a good father, but didn't he wake up last year? So he also wanted to make up for it, and wanted to restore the relationship between father and son, but Jiang Yan didn't see him at all. Now Jiang Fengwei felt Completely panicked.

Only then did he realize that Jiang Yan had said before that when he gets old, he would only give him a pension of one thousand a month to stay away from him. This was not a joke, he was serious!

There has never been a moment when Jiang Fengwei felt so helpless, and he never thought that one day he would be so dependent on Jiang Yan. Without the burdens of his parents and brothers, he realized that if his son didn't want him, then he would really become a loner.

A fear that he had never experienced before arose in his heart. Even if he confessed some unspeakable secrets, he was afraid that those people would retaliate against him, but Jiang Yan would not let him make him more afraid.

The good news that he thought was a reduced sentence may not be a surprise to Jiang Yan, but it may be a shock.

Jiang Fengwei did not dare to delay any further and anxiously asked Officer Wang to call Jiang Yan and ask him to tell him all his hidden worries.

"You mean, after Lao Jiang comes out, someone will take revenge on him?"

This was something that had never happened in his previous life, and it was not until this moment that he realized that Lao Jiang had indeed been dragged into the water. He had entered someone else's trap without knowing it. When he found out that something was wrong, It was too late and I had no choice but to take over the apartment.

It was the large house of more than 100 square meters where their father and son lived before.

Mrs. Jiang had thought about that house before. She thought it was a waste for the father and son to live in such a big house. She wanted Jiang Fengwei to sell it and buy two small houses, one of which would have her name on it. As for her, she couldn't live in it. , or give it to a grandson as a wedding room, that will be a matter of the future.

It's just that God's calculations are not as good as those of humans. Before the big house could be dealt with, Lao Jiang was caught.

For this reason, Mrs. Jiang scolded Jiang Fengwei at home, saying that he was too stubborn to do as she asked, otherwise the big house would not be taken away. At least it was in her name and they couldn't take it away for no reason. ?

It’s really a selfish and stupid idea!

"This is just Uncle Jiang's unilateral concern. In fact, I went to inquire and found that basically all the relevant personnel were arrested, and it can be said that no one was left out. Revenge is meaningless to them, and being caught by the police with evidence can only aggravate the situation. Their punishment is completely unnecessary.”

Just listen to this kind of official talk, you still have to be careful.

Jiang Yan only hoped that it would not affect him. After all, no matter how close or distant he was, he was the first person the other party wanted to find.


Why was it so difficult for him to live a quiet life?

"Do you have to visit Uncle Jiang before the winter vacation ends?"

Jiang Yan said angrily, "I still have to find a place for him, and I have to earn money for my own tuition and living expenses. I don't have time to see him. Or can these problems be solved by going to see him?" Officer Wang choked up. Stop, speechless.

He knew that Jiang Yan was not easy, and he also understood the helplessness in his words, but he just felt that Jiang Fengwei was pitiful and wanted him to come and see him.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yan stood in the yard and raised his head to face the night sky and exhaled.

It's really troublesome, where should I put him?

"Why don't you come in? Everyone is waiting for you to eat."

Mu Jiawen walked out of the room, came to him and held his hand.

He came out to answer the phone without wearing a coat, and his hands were already cold by now.

Mu Jiawen rubbed him one by one, and then quickly pulled him into the house.

This year's New Year's Eve dinner is extremely rich, and the variety of dishes is second only to Mu Jiawen's eighteenth birthday. The huge round table is filled to the brim, and various aromas are intertwined in the nose, making people unable to help but whet their appetite. .

Yufeng was thirty this year and still worked half a day at work. She didn't eat much in the hospital at noon, so she was just waiting for this meal.

Sure enough, he was not disappointed!

It was the first time in Yu Ye's life to celebrate the Spring Festival in China, and it was also the first time that a large family gathered together to eat. For him, the rich food was second to the people.

He glanced at the circle of people sitting around the table. The eldest brother and the second brother were pouring red wine for everyone, his parents were helping the eldest aunt with soup, and the fourth child was putting spoons into everyone's bowls, but his eyes were looking at the round table. Pineapple rice in the middle.

Her little eyes made him want to laugh just looking at her.

A few days ago, she gave her 20,000 yuan, and today he also prepared a big red envelope for her. In these years, besides studying, he also worked. He received scholarships, wages, and bonuses from some invention and creation awards. The money was all lying in his card. It has not been used yet, and the amount is indeed quite large.

A few days ago, his elder brother persuaded him to buy several properties in Kyoto and some funds. However, he was not interested in any of these. He felt far less accomplished than giving red envelopes to Xiaosi. After all, it was his first time to be an older brother, and besides, he and Xiao Si were in the same boat. They both lived abroad for more than ten years before truly returning to their families and reuniting with their relatives.

So compared to his three cousins, he is closer to this cousin.

The meal lasted for more than an hour. After the meal, Mu Chenyan originally wanted her sons to clean up the dining table and kitchen, but Mu Jiawen rolled up her sleeves and offered to let her do it.

Mu Chenyan couldn't bear to let her daughter suffer, and said to her, "Your eldest brother has already got married and is going to be a father soon. You have to give him a chance to practice and get him used to washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Otherwise, you will blame your sister-in-law." , what happened?"

Mu Jiawen felt that what her mother said made sense, and was about to nod in agreement when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw her eldest brother take out a red envelope from his pocket and silently wave it to her. When he made alms with them before, he had agreed not to receive red envelopes during the New Year. Yes, the 20,000 yuan is considered to be given in advance.

But they were so polite that they patted their pockets at her right after the meal.

Mu Jiawen understood instantly.

Forget it, it's just a hands-on matter. As a younger sister, what should she be afraid of doing more work?

When we set off at 9:30 yesterday morning, the navigation was not very busy, but strangely, the more I turned on the navigation, the longer the navigation time was displayed. It wasn't until midnight, no, it was early this morning when I got home.

The originally six-hour journey turned into fourteen hours of driving, and my calves were swollen!

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