It is definitely impossible to say that Xie Yanhai does not have Li Yun in his heart.

Although the two fell in love and got married after being introduced by someone, it was also because he fell in love with her at first sight. After many years of living together, their love turned into daily necessities, and they became inseparable relatives.

He believed that it was because he had feelings for Li Yun that he was angry when she doubted him like others.

Jiang Yan found this point very incomprehensible, "Are you still angry? What's your point of being angry? My aunt was the one who was hurt the most in this matter. The girl can still get comfort from you, but What did Auntie get? Complaints and quarrels? Or discouragement and disappointment?"

Xie Yanhai's expression froze, but he forcefully explained, "I didn't want to comfort the girl, I just cherished her talent and wanted her to stay after graduation. You don't know how many teachers our school is lacking now."

Jiang Yan interrupted before he could finish, "No matter how many teachers there are, the principal and the Education Bureau are responsible for it, so you don't need to worry about it, right? I remember you said before that you just want to be a teacher in a down-to-earth manner. , I’m not interested in power, and I can’t be an official even if I don’t want to. What? Now that I’m a dean, I’m interested in power again?”

"What nonsense are you talking about? I don't want to be the director either. The principal gave me the job."

After saying that, he added, "I really have no idea about that girl. She calls me master, she is very capable, and can endure hardships, so I try my best to take care of her. The family conditions are not very good, and she doesn't even have a mobile phone." None, but I only lent it to her twice.”

I only borrowed it twice, and one of them happened to answer a call from my aunt.

Speaking of which, Xie Yanhai also thought it was too coincidental.

"Uncle, I won't judge your apprentice, let's just discuss the matter," Jiang Yan said, tapping his fingers on the table, "A college student who is about to graduate, in his twenties, doesn't know that mobile phones are other people's private property? Can she answer the phone casually? Does she not regard herself as an outsider, or is she careless and careless, thinking that answering the phone is nothing?
If she usually does things this way, then I will understand why you two have a scandal, because you have no sense of propriety when getting along with others! "

Jiang Yan meant the last three words very strongly and they were emphasized.

Xie Yanhai frowned and did not explain to his apprentice this time. After thinking for a long time, he finally sighed and asked, "Does Jia Jia have the same idea as you?"

He knew that Li Yun had answered Jia Jia's call the night before, but it was not clear what the two said specifically. It was just that starting from yesterday, Li Yun had no part in cooking for him.

Not only that, the clothes he was supposed to wash yesterday were still soaking in the basin, and she seemed to be in a state of not caring even if they were soaked.

He didn't think much about it at first, but when he heard Jiang Yan say this, he suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. This girl was probably on her aunt's side!
Jiang Yanxiao gloated, "Before I came here, Jiajia bought almost a trunk full of things for my aunt, including cosmetics, clothes, shoes, bags, and a gold necklace. It was less than 20,000 yuan, but it seemed to be 18,000 yuan."


Xie Yanhai couldn't help but gasp, "Does this girl have money to burn? How can she buy me anything with such money?"

"It seems there is nothing you can use. Apart from these things belonging to my aunt, they are just two pairs of sportswear and two pairs of shoes belonging to Xie Lin. They are gone."

Xie Yanhai was dumbfounded, "Didn't you buy me anything?"

Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows, thinking that you made people angry. She put so much effort into helping to coax her, but she still wants to buy it for you?

How is that possible? This is not her style.

"This girl is fine. Her aunt did not love her in vain."

Xie Yanhai shook his head and smiled bitterly. He was not angry at all, but he felt quite unhappy and a little jealous. He always felt that his status in Jia Jia's heart had dropped.

Jiang Yan and Xie Yanhai stayed in the library for more than half an hour. It was almost five o'clock when they went to Xie Lin's classroom and asked him to go back together. On the way, Xie Yanhai was still thinking. In one month, Li Meiying's internship will end, and he has taught everything he should teach in the previous three months. There is really no need to have too much contact in the remaining time.

But the more troublesome thing is that she is an intern who follows him, and the desk is right next to him. As long as she is not in class, she is face to face, and it is really difficult not to have contact with her.

Xie Yanhai had a headache.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Jiang Yan next to him, thinking that this bad boy had many evil ideas, why not ask him?
This is so simple for Jiang Yan.

"Won't you finish asking for leave?"

"Asking for leave?" Xie Yanhai glared, "Okay, what kind of leave should I ask for? One month?"

"Is she going to intern with you to teach your current class?"

Xie Yanhai nodded, "That's right."

"Since someone is teaching for you and your abilities are good, what do you have to worry about? Just leave it to her and then go back when the internship is about to end and stamp a summary, right?"

That's what I say, but...
"What's the reason for my leave?"

"It's broken, my foot is burned, my leg is broken, just pull one off."

He was indeed right, this kid was really full of evil, even asking for leave would leave him completely injured and life-threatening, but other than that, he had no other good tricks!

If not, go home and draw lots to choose one.

When they were almost home, they saw two cars parked in front of their house.

Xie Lin asked strangely, "My sister and my brother drove the Audi. Whose is the other Mercedes-Benz? Dad, have you seen it? Do you know who came to our house?"

The distance was a bit far and the license plate number could not be clearly seen, but Xie Yanhai was sure that he had never seen this model of Mercedes-Benz, because no one even from the Shi family in Yunzhou had driven this kind of car.

Arriving home with doubts in mind, she met Xie Jingying pushing her bicycle out. A middle-aged man whom she had never seen before was following behind, trying to persuade her to stay, "Sister, why don't you wait for Yan Hai to come back?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw three people coming in from the gate. Xie Yanfeng raised his eyes and looked at Xie Yanhai who was walking in the middle. He was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise, "Are you Yan Hai?"

Xie Yanhai looked at the man with a puzzled look, then turned to look at Xie Jingying, who said calmly, "This is Xie Yanfeng, he says he is our second uncle's son. He has something to discuss with you. You...whatever you decide, sister." I’ll listen to you. But I’m busy at home, so I won’t go out to other places.”

This was said without any beginning or end, which made Xie Yanhai look confused.

At this time, Li Yun walked out of the kitchen. She had just put away the dishes sent by Xie Jingying. Without looking at Xie Yanhai, she sent Xie Jingying to the door and told her to be careful on the way. She only turned around and returned to the yard after she had gone far.

Xie Yanhai had already brought Xie Yanfeng back to the living room, and he probably understood what was going on after hearing a few words from him.

Not long after Xie Yanfeng arrived at their home, Xie Jingying came over to deliver food, and Li Yun introduced her as their eldest sister. Xie Yanfeng thought she was his uncle's biological daughter, so he called her eldest sister and invited her to Haishi, saying that they had just returned from abroad and had temporarily settled their company and home there. (End of chapter)

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