Xie Yanfeng is five years older than Xie Yanhai and is the eldest son of Xie Chenhua, Xie's grandfather's second brother.

When the Xie family was in trouble, Xie Chenhua was studying abroad. Grandpa Xie used all his savings to find someone to contact his second brother abroad, and told him to stay there and never come back if he could.

The situation is critical, we must leave some incense for Lao Xie's family.

Xie Chenhua didn't come back in those two years, but after a few years, he thought that the limelight was almost over, so he wanted to come back and take a look, but the procedures couldn't be completed and he couldn't come back.

Later, someone inquired about it and found out that no one in the Xie family in Yunzhou was running away. The Xie family was completely in ruins.

"When my father heard that his third uncle had been beaten to death, he thought that he was too. He was disheartened at the time. It took him a year to regain his strength. After saving a sum of money, he started a business with his friends. He thought that thanks to There was no one at home, so he didn’t think about coming back. But half a year ago, when my father went to see a music performance, he happened to meet a young son from Yunzhou. Because he looked like him when he was young, he couldn’t help but go there. Ask before.

The man said he heard it from the Yang family. The year before last, there was a provincial champion in Yunzhou City, and she was Xie Chenyang's granddaughter."

Xie Yanfeng said and looked outside with emotion. Mu Jiawen and Jiang Yan Xie Lin were sitting under the pomegranate tree chatting. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on their bodies, giving the girl with delicate features a layer of light.

As expected of my uncle's descendants, they are indeed outstanding.

Xie Yanhai didn't explain much about this. When his father was alive, he did regard Jia Jia as his granddaughter. He taught her calligraphy and painting with all his heart. It is not inappropriate to say that she is his descendant!

"Then the second uncle is now"

Xie Yanhai has wanted to ask this question since just now, are people still alive?
Xie Yanfeng understood what he meant, "My dad is still here, but he is not in good health. He worked hard during those years when he was young and started his own business, and he was injured. I returned to Haishi last month. He was probably shy about being close to home. When I got off the plane, He fell ill, and we two brothers had to take care of him while settling down the company. We finally found some time in the past two days, so I came to see you immediately."

Xie Yanhai asked worriedly, "Is the second uncle okay now?"

"It's much better, but the doctor did not recommend that he be discharged from the hospital. I also promised again and again that I will find you, so he can stay there with peace of mind."

After saying that, Xie Yanfeng asked, "Yanhai, can you take your younger siblings and Xiaolin Jiajia to Haishi with me? My dad wants to see you so much, but his body is not strong enough to support him from the long journey, so..."

"There's nothing wrong with this. Don't say that my second uncle is sick. Even if he's not sick, it's right for us to visit his old man."

Xie Yanfeng breathed a sigh of relief immediately. To be honest, he had been feeling uneasy when he came to the house to recognize his relatives. Although they are cousins, they haven't contacted each other for so many years, and they don't have much affection for each other. If they really don't agree, it's hard for him to say anything.

Fortunately, it was not his father who had shaved his head and had a hot temper. This cousin still respected his father very much.

But he still felt a little regretful, "The eldest sister left in such a hurry. I really wanted her to come with me. There are only two brothers in our family, and you are only two siblings. After all, there are only four of us in the Xie family. I think my father also wants to see her."

Xie Yanhai was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then said, "You are right, she should go together. I will call her again to persuade her."

Xie Jingying has been through a lot of hardships this year, not just in life, but mentally. As a result, she looks ten years older than Mu Jiawen saw her last year. She already knew that Song Xiwen inherited the old man's property, bought a separate villa for her and Song Laosan, and deposited a sum of money into their cards.

But how could she want it?
For the first time in her life, she beat Song Xiwen and angrily accused her of being ungrateful and lacking in conscience. She had completely forgotten how much her grandparents loved her when they were still alive. She was so short of money that she wanted that bastard!

Although she didn't say anything about severing the relationship between mother and daughter, she was obviously extremely disappointed with Song Xiwen.

This kind of blow was undoubtedly a huge blow to Xie Jingying. She had been ill for almost a month before she got up from the bed. Not to mention frustrated, she had no energy left. Li Yun and Xie Yanhai took turns to relieve themselves. She gradually returned to normal after that.

It's normal, but it's obviously different from before. She's as gloomy and silent as an old lady in her sixties. Sometimes when I sit down, I feel like she can pass at any time.

Xie Yanhai was very worried about this. When he called her, he said without waiting for her to refuse, "You also know that when dad was here, he treated you as his own daughter and as a member of the Xie family. Then my second uncle is also your biological father." Second uncle, he is sick now, wouldn’t it be inappropriate for you as my niece not to go and see him?”

There was silence for a while, and after a while Xie Jingying said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

After hanging up the phone, an idea suddenly flashed in Xie Yanhai's mind. Yes, you can use this as an excuse to take leave!
My second uncle is sick, and his nephew has to stay by his bedside to accompany him for ten days and a half and twenty days. Isn't that too much?
But it's much better than a broken leg. What if my colleagues come to visit me at home again, what if the secret is accidentally exposed?
However, Xie Yanhai did not call to ask for leave immediately. He would wait until the vacation was almost over before asking for leave.

When he called Xie Jingying, Xie Yanfeng went to the yard to talk to Mu Jiawen and Xie Lin, and did not leave back to Yunzhou until after dinner in the evening.

Since the vacation only lasted a few days, in order not to delay work and school, it was agreed that he would drive over to pick them up the next morning.

In fact, Xie Yanfeng brought a driver to Yunzhou, but when he arrived, he found that the Xie family's old house was still there, and it was not demolished for some unknown reason, so he asked the driver to find out what the situation was and whether he could buy it. ?

But he didn't tell Xie Yanhai any of this, knowing that they had always lived in the countryside and their family conditions were limited, so he probably was powerless when it came to the Xie family's ancestral home.

Jiang Yan stayed with Xie Lin at night, and Mu Jiawen still stayed in her old room. Li Yun kept it for her and didn't touch anything.

The house was tidied up, the children went back to their respective rooms, and the main room suddenly became quiet.

Xie Yanhai looked at Li Yun, who was sitting on the bedside reading a book after washing. She lowered her head slightly, her expression was calm, and she seemed not to notice, or turn a blind eye to, his gaze.

Just like tonight, although she was busy cooking a table of dishes, from the time he got home to now, she didn't even give him a straight look. That is to say, she didn't give him a straight face for the sake of her cousin Xie Yanfeng.

Although we had quarrels and cold wars in the past, whenever someone came to the house, they would immediately climb down the pole and make up without saying anything.

But this time it's obviously different from the past, it's a big deal (End of Chapter)

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