They did come to see Jiang Yan, but when they walked in and scanned around, they didn't see anyone.

Mrs. Jiang didn't say anything. Mr. Jiang smiled and greeted Xie Yanhai, then asked, "Uncle Jia Jia, have you seen our Jiang Yan?"

Song Xiaoli said that that bastard made a lot of money, and was encouraged by that damn girl Jia Jia to donate 500,000 yuan to Jianghai Middle School. The money was shared by the two of them, so Jiang Yan gave the school 250,000 yuan in vain?

Two hundred and fifty thousand.
Mrs. Jiang and Mr. Jiang felt distressed when they thought about it. Jiang Fengwei had not given him that much in the past years. What a bastard. He did evil. If he had money, he would not give it to his own family and give it to outsiders. What a heartless person!
The Jiang family had not received any news about donating books to the school. First, after Jiang Yan had a falling out the year he was admitted to Beijing University, Mrs. Jiang cursed him at home for several days. Neighbors and even the whole village knew about it. Boss Jiang's son had a falling out with their family. The child didn't grow up in the village, let alone his biological mother who was a teacher at the university.

This way we will definitely have nothing to do with each other in the future.

Therefore, even if someone in the village knew that Jiang Yan was donating books with Mu Jiawen, no one went over to tell them specifically, and none of their children attended Jianghai Middle School, so naturally they didn't know about it.

Secondly, Mu Jiawen was ranked ahead of Jiang Yan, and since her surname change was causing quite a stir, Jiang Yan was naturally ignored.

If Song Xiaoli hadn't gone over to tell Mrs. Jiang, she would still be in the dark.

However, as people get older, she didn't believe all Song Xiaoli's words. Before arriving, she specifically asked the third child to call a relative who was a teacher at Jianghai Middle School and asked him who donated the library built in the school. of?

The other party hesitated for a while, and finally said in a complicated tone that Jiang Yan was involved.

A fire suddenly started to burn in Mrs. Jiang's heart.

When I went to town with Jiang Laosan, I happened to bump into Xie Jingying at the gate. She asked with a gloomy face, "Song Laosan's family, is your second girl back? Is she at your brother's house?"

Xie Jingying was cleaning the way to the door with a big broom, as if she didn't hear Mrs. Jiang's words and ignored her.


Mrs. Jiang cursed in a low voice and turned around to get on the tricycle that Mr. Jiang was riding towards.

Although Xie Yanhai didn't know very much about Jiang Yan's family, he had heard from Jia Jia that since his father's accident, he had been despised by everyone when he returned to the Jiang family. Even the tuition his mother had given him had been squandered by his grandmother. They withheld it and refused to give it to him. Later, he was transferred to City No. 1 Middle School, and he was not given a penny.

He has long since lost contact with his grandma's family and has nothing to do with him.

So now these two people come to our door and say "our Jiang Yan", what do they want to do?
To avoid trouble, he said calmly, "He has already left. He said he made an appointment with his classmates to return to Kyoto today."


Mrs. Jiang's voice suddenly rose sharply, "Impossible, you are lying! The fourth girl from Song's family said she saw him and your second girl hugging each other on the street in the morning. Why did he leave so quickly? ?I don’t believe it, call that second girl out and I’ll ask her.”

Without Jiang Fengwei's support and subsidies in the past two years, Mrs. Jiang's life is really not as comfortable as before. Not only do her two sons not give her money, but they also come to her place to play in the autumn breeze from time to time. The little pension money she has saved is now not enough. Not much left.

This is how people are, it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Once life gets tight, people's tempers become irritable and impulsive, and they no longer look as shrewd as before. Those who yell will go to Jia Jia, "She found her rich parents and wanted to throw money away." Throw it away by yourself, what's the point of teasing Jiang Yan? Our whole family is still drinking the northwest wind, how can we have the money to let her behave like this? She has a foxy face and hooks up."

"Who are you talking about?"

Li Yun rushed out of the house, picked up the big broom in the yard, waved it at Mrs. Jiang, and said angrily, "Try to curse again?"

Xie Yanhai's face was also livid. He glared at Jiang Laosan, "You came to my house to make trouble, right?"

Things happened so fast. It only took a few dozen seconds from the time Xie Yanhai said that Jiang Yan had left to when Mrs. Jiang started scolding her. Even if Mrs. Jiang wanted to stop her, she didn't have time to stop him.

The main reason is that I didn't expect that his mother would be so careless today, scolding someone in front of my uncle, aren't you just trying to make yourself uncomfortable?

"Brother Xie, I'm sorry. My mother is old and confused. Don't be as knowledgeable as her. Leave now. I'll take her away right now."

I originally wanted to get Jiang Yan's phone number through Xie Yanhai, but now I can.
Jiang Laosan felt annoyed. He stretched out his hand and grabbed Mrs. Jiang's arm and pulled her out without any explanation. She gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Mom, please shut up."

Li Yun chased her outside the gate with a broom, and came back after watching the dead old woman get on a tricycle and leave.

"No wonder Jiang Yan has severed ties with them. They are a bunch of money-crazed people, so shameless!"

Li Yun cursed angrily before throwing down the broom. Remembering what the old woman had just said, he quickly went into the house to make a phone call.

She called Xie Jingying. She first briefly explained the Jiang family's mother and son's intention to come to find Jiang Yan, and then focused on Song Laosi's daughter, "Why are girls so vicious? Not only are they talking nonsense, but they are also She is happy to stir up troubles and make other people's families run wild, right? She's quite mean-spirited for her young age. Sister, you have to tell your brother-in-law and ask him to warn his brother to take care of his daughter. If there's anything else Next time I come and tear her mouth apart.”

Xie Jingying put down the phone with a sullen face and turned around just in time to see Song Laosan entering the room.

She got up and walked out, "Go to the fourth child's house. Song Xiaoli went to Jiang's house to stir up trouble. That damn old woman just made a scene at Yan Hai's house."

Song Laosan was stunned when he heard this. When he came back to his senses, Xie Jingying had already reached the gate and hurriedly turned around and chased after her.

Song Xiaoli was currently instructing her younger brother to do homework at the low table in her yard. The door was open, and there were rapid footsteps approaching from far away. She didn't think much about it, or even raised her head. Until her hair was pulled up, and then she began to be slapped on the face, one after another without stopping, which made her dizzy and her head was buzzing.

Next to her, Song Xiaoli's brother was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly shouted, "Mom."

Although he was tall and strong, seeing the vicious force with which his third aunt beat his sister, he was stunned and did not dare to move.

Fourth Aunt Song came out of the main room after hearing the sound. When she saw the scene in the courtyard and heard the snapping sound, she was stunned for a moment. After a few seconds, she realized what she was doing and rushed towards her, "Stop it, you lunatic."

In the end, Song Xiaoli was finally torn away from Xie Jingying's hands. Her hair was messed up and she was slapped twice on the face. The mother and daughter fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed state. (End of chapter)

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