Fourth Aunt Song turned around and saw her son standing there stupidly, and yelled angrily, "You idiot, why don't you call your dad!"

Little Brother Song reacted, avoided Xie Jingying, and ran out.

Fourth Aunt Song got up from the ground, pointed at Xie Jingying with her arms akimbo, and yelled, "You're crazy, why are you so crazy about beating Xiaoli? She provoked you? The child just came back from vacation for two days, why did you beat her like this?" go to school?"

During the argument just now, Xie Jingying was pushed to the ground by Fourth Aunt Song, but she didn't care. She got up calmly and patted the dirt on her body. She raised her head and looked at the mother and daughter with a gloomy voice, saying in a gloomy voice, "She Have you ever provoked me? Ask her. At such a young age, she is viciously trying to sow discord and let the Jiang family go to my brother's house to cause trouble. What does this damn girl have in mind? If she doesn't reveal the ugly Yinmao today, let's see if I don't tear her to pieces. Q!"

As she said this, Xie Jingying glared at Song Xiaoli fiercely, making her tremble violently. Before she even got up from the ground, she shrank and kicked her feet back, hiding behind her mother.

Song Laosan stood at the gate and glanced at the three people in the yard, showing no intention of stepping forward to participate.

It's not appropriate for him to care about women's affairs.

As soon as Fourth Aunt Song heard Xie Jingying's words, she almost understood what was going on. She secretly scolded Song Xiaoli for being such a mouthful. Her father had told her not to get involved with that girl Jia Jia, so why didn't she listen? And the Jiang family is not a good bird either.

It's okay now, it's not unreasonable to be beaten by this crazy woman.

I understand in my heart, but I can't admit it with my mouth.

Fourth Aunt Song gritted her teeth and said loudly, "The Jiang family went to your brother's house to make trouble, so why don't you go find them? What's the matter with Guan Xiaoli? She's just a child. She just says whatever people ask her. How come she's sowing discord? What's the truth? What is it, you don’t want people to talk about it anymore?”

As she said something, she seemed to have thought of something and sneered, "You don't let anyone tell Jia Jia and Jiang Yan that they are in love because she is not your biological child. She was taken away by her own parents and disowned you two, right?" ?

That’s right. You two have never raised someone well since you were young, and you almost sold the child. It’s good if the biological parents don’t trouble you. How dare you think of anything else? So now you don’t even mention Gaga’s name to anyone, just because you feel guilty and you don’t dare, right? "

The doors of almost every household in rural areas are open, and sometimes they squat at the door with a bowl in hand to eat. Therefore, if there is any loud movement in the yard, the neighbors can hear it.

At this time, many neighbors gathered around the door of Fourth Aunt Song's house. At first, Song Xiaoli's face was blood red from being beaten, and it soon became swollen. They all pointed and said that Xie Jingying was really cruel. How could a girl go out after beating her face like this?

When they heard the reason again, they felt that Song Xiaoli was very thoughtful. Before they could think about it, they suddenly heard the rumor that everyone had been curious about - the second girl from Song Laosan's family was the provincial champion two years ago. Aren't they the biological children of Song Laosan and his wife?

Not only that, but what else did they hear?
Is this second girl recognized by her wealthy parents in love with the son of the eldest son of the Jiang family?
hiss! What does this girl think?

Everyone in the crowd looked at Aunt Song with wide eyes, hoping she could say a few more details. I also looked at Xie Jingying, hoping that she could give a more detailed rebuttal. In short, no one went to the yard to break up the fight. Instead, I hoped that the two of them would continue to quarrel for a while.

However, they all ignored that Xie Jingying's temperament now was very different from before. She just said those words just to make Fourth Aunt Song understand why she wanted to beat Song Xiaoli.

No matter she was talking about Jiang Yan or Jia Jia, or even Jia Jia changing her surname was not her biological matter, she didn't care. After all, she had experienced grief that was greater than heartbreak. How could she care about these rumors?
But she should never instigate people to make trouble at Xie Yanhai's house.

Now, in her heart, only her brother's family are her real relatives. If Li Yun wants to tear someone's mouth apart, then she will tear that person's mouth apart for her.

So after Fourth Aunt Song finished speaking, Xie Jingying went up and beat her without saying a word. Xie Jingying is half a head taller than Fourth Aunt Song. She usually does farm work all day long. She looks very thin, but she is very strong. In addition, she strikes hard and without hesitation. In one moment, Fourth Aunt Song can't even parry. No.

Song Xiaoli wanted to step forward to help, but was slapped aside by Xie Jingying and fell to the ground. Her face, which was already swollen and burning, was numb with pain.


Song Laosi finally ran back from outside out of breath. As soon as he entered the door and saw the scene in his yard, he took a breath.

Just as he was about to step forward to help, Song Laosan grabbed him and said, "Why are you joining in the fight at a woman's house?"

Song Laosi was shocked and said in disbelief, "Third brother, you are here, and you are just watching?"

"Otherwise? Shall I go up and beat your wife with your third sister-in-law?"

Song Laosi:.
He turned his head and glanced at the two women who were fighting together. No, it was not a scuffle. It was Xie Jingying who was beating them unilaterally. His wife was beaten so hard that the corners of her mouth were bloody.

I really didn’t expect that this girl, who usually looks quite elegant, would be so ruthless in a fight!
I can’t hit him any more. If I keep hitting him, do I still want this face?

On the way back, he had already listened to his son briefly explain the origin and process of the incident, and he also scolded Song Xiaoli in his heart, "You damn girl is looking for trouble, why are you messing with those vampires from the Jiang family?"
Who doesn't know that they are used to squeezing their eldest son, and now that the eldest son is gone, they have to cling to their eldest grandson.

Why Jiang Yan hasn't interacted with them in the past two years is not because of this.

Dead girl really is
Song Laosi cursed in his heart, and turned around to see Song Xiaoli's face was swollen and lifeless, her hair was disheveled, and she was sitting on the ground stupidly, like a crazy woman.

For a moment I couldn't bear to scold her anymore.

"Third sister-in-law, let go to save my face. Can you please let go first? I will teach her mother a lesson."

After letting out a breath of bad breath, Xie Jingying lost the desire to continue beating her. After all, her right hand was numb after being slapped.

She let go of Fourth Aunt Song, stood up, patted the dirt on her body, smoothed her messy hair, and said coldly to Fourth Song, "If I hear any of you talk about my family again, I'll kill her! Anyway, Now you all say that I am a lunatic, and at worst one life is worth another, but if someone makes me unhappy, then I will definitely make her unhappy too!"

When she said the last sentence, she glanced at the gate and looked at everyone. Obviously, this is also a warning to everyone.

Nowadays, Xie Jingying no longer cares about her fellow villagers or her face. She really seems to have changed into a different person and become a psycho!

At this time, Mu Jiawen and Jiang Yan were sitting in the living room of Teacher Yu's house. Before they even started chatting, Jiang Yan received a call from Xie Yanhai (End of Chapter)

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