Jiang Yan went outside to answer the phone and came back after a while.

I happened to hear Teacher Yu saying apologetically to Mu Jiawen, "I told the principal not to mention your names or to praise you or anything, but he was so excited. After all, this is the first time someone has given the school all the praise. Donate so many books. While praising you, I also want to encourage the students to work hard and prove to them that children from rural areas can still create a world. The starting point is good, but I am afraid that it will cause unnecessary unnecessary trouble to you two. So I didn’t let him hang the banner he made with your names on it in the library."

Jiang Yanxin asked, "Isn't there trouble? Now trouble has come to your door."

But he didn't say this out loud. After all, he had expected this when he heard about the school-wide praise from Xie Lin.

It doesn't matter, he earns money openly and gives it to whomever he wants, why should he keep hiding from them?
It's good to know, so that they can have a taste of the burning feeling.

He already had this attitude, and Mu Jiawen was even more indifferent. She didn't take it seriously.

After chatting with Teacher Yu for about an hour, Jiang Yan and Mu Jiawen stood up and left.

Xie Yanfeng is almost here. Although they won't follow him to Haishi, they still have to say it in person out of politeness.

The two came out of the high school and soon arrived at the street where Xie Yanhai's home was located.

When I was almost home, a man suddenly walked out of the alley next to me.


Jiang Yan and Mu Jiawen stopped and looked coldly at Jiang Laosan opposite. .

He turned his head slightly and saw Mrs. Jiang hurriedly climbing down from the tricycle. As she climbed, she shouted, "Third brother, stop him!"

Jiang Laosan had a headache. How could he have wasted what he had just said for more than an hour?
They came here today not to fight with Jiang Yan, but to ease the relationship. Otherwise, do you want to make people willingly give up their money by scolding them?

What about dreaming?
Jiang Laosan frowned, feeling once again that his mother was getting more and more confused as she got older, and that she was becoming more and more unable to handle things.

"Why are you stopping me? Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Laosan looked at Jiang Yan. He hadn't seen him for more than a year. The young man in front of him had grown out of his immature youth. He was tall, with regular features, and his eyes were calm and filled with an indescribable coldness. His face shape is like his elder brother's, but his eyebrows and eyebrows are more like his mother's.

Why Mrs. Jiang doesn't like him is because she hates Shu Wan more. She hates that she always thinks of herself as a city dweller and looks down on them from the countryside. Although she was married to Jiang Fengwei, she never came back a few times. She didn't consider herself a member of the Jiang family, let alone serve her parents-in-law with tea and water.

In the past, I was only nice to Jiang Yan because Jiang Fengwei had an iron job and gave him money every month. Once this interest entanglement was gone, Mrs. Jiang was of course impatient to deal with him anymore. Even now that she knew that he had money and refused to give it to the family, she donated books like a fool, and she became even more angry with him.

But Jiang Laosan knew that he couldn't get angry today. Not only could he not get angry, he had to coax him home with good words.

"You kid, what do you mean something is wrong? You said you were coming back, how could you not go home? You haven't seen me for more than a year, and you are still alienated from your family?"

Jiang Laosan gave a smile that he thought was kind and said, "As soon as your grandma heard that you were back, she immediately asked me to bring her to you. Let's take a walk and go home with Third Uncle."

As he said this, Jiang Laosan took two steps forward and wanted to tease Jiang Yan, but he ducked out of the way.

Jiang Yan sneered, "Home? Whose home? Have you forgotten what my dad told you in the hospital the year before last? We have nothing to do with the Jiang family anymore." "It doesn't matter? I gave birth to him and raised him. If you kill him, it doesn’t matter if he says it doesn’t matter?”

Mrs. Jiang got off the tricycle and hurried this way. Before she got there, she immediately became furious when she heard Jiang Yan's words, and immediately threw the instructions her third son had just given out of her mind.

She pointed at Jiang Yan and cursed angrily, "You heartless bastard, I used to raise you, but now that you have grown up and your wings have hardened, you don't care about me, an old woman. You are still a college student, and you don't even support the elderly. You All the books went into the dog's belly."

Mrs. Jiang was probably out of anger, and she said that if Jiang Fengwei didn't support her in prison, then his son would have to support her.
Jiang Yan sneered, it was exactly the same as what he said in his previous life. At that time, she used this method to kidnap him and asked him to provide for Jiang Fengwei in their old age.

Too lazy to pay attention to her, Jiang Yan took Mu Jiawen and planned to bypass her and go to Xie's house.

But Mr. Jiang had such a hard time finding someone, how could he let him go so easily?
She stretched out her arms to stop him, and said fiercely, "You are not allowed to go anywhere until we explain clearly the matter of old age care!"

As he spoke, he shouted to the people around him, "His father is my eldest son and he won't support me in his old age. He won't support me, an old woman, even after he goes to college and can make money. Tell me, is this still justified?"

"If his father doesn't support you, why don't you go find his father? He's not dead, so why are you pestering your grandson?"

Mu Jiawen took a step forward and stared at Mrs. Jiang coldly, then pointed at Mrs. Jiang and said, "This is your son too, right? Do you regard him as a dead person? So you don't need to provide for him in old age?"


Jiang Laosan's face changed greatly, and Mrs. Jiang's eyes were so angry that she said, "Damn girl, who do you think is dead? You are the only one who died. If your whole family is dead, my son will be fine too."

"Since he's not dead, how can you look for a grandson to take care of you in old age? I thought your son was dead, so you decided on a grandson. After all, I've never heard of someone who has a son but insists on having a grandson to take care of him in old age."

After Mu Jiawen finished speaking, the onlookers echoed, "Although the little girl doesn't sound nice, the truth is true. Old lady, if you have a son, you should look for a son to take care of you in old age. If you can't find a grandson."

"That's right, your son won't follow you now. He's not disabled and has lost his labor force. There's no reason to look for a grandson."

Mrs. Jiang shouted angrily, "What do you know? He is rich, and if he is rich, he should support me in his old age!"

Some people couldn't stand listening, "If your grandson wants to give you money, it's because he is filial. If he doesn't give it to you, there's nothing wrong with him. I've never seen anyone insist on pestering his grandson to support him in his old age."

"No, and old lady, you look young and in good health, right? Now you need a junior to take care of you?"

"My mother is over seventy and she still doesn't need us to take care of her."

It is human nature to watch the excitement, and when it comes to issues that everyone is concerned about, they also like to comment on others from the moral high ground. When Mrs. Jiang said that from the beginning, she wanted people to put pressure on Jiang Yan and then force him to give her how much money he would give her every year.

But she didn't expect that not only did she fail to achieve her goal, but she also had others criticize her because of Mu Jiawen's few words.

I don’t know if I was really angry, but my eyesight turned black, my ears buzzed, and other people’s voices gradually faded away, until my mind went blank and I lost all consciousness.
The third update is here!

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