Why do you still need to roll up after being reborn?

Chapter 432: Can the chapter be turned over?

Because the person he was going to watch a movie with changed, Dai Lei hurriedly queued up to buy popcorn and drinks. It was almost three o'clock when he bought popcorn and drinks, so the two of them quickly checked in and went in.

After finding a seat and sitting down, he handed over the popcorn and Coke he was holding.

Gao Jie didn't look at him and took it with her head lowered.

After sitting down, Dai Lei secretly exhaled a breath, shook his right hand and found that his palm was full of sweat.

Hey, it’s really useless!

It’s just a movie, are you so nervous?

After repeatedly despising himself in his heart, Dai Lei's pounding heart finally returned to normal, and Dai Lei felt much better.

But who would have thought that just as the mood calmed down, all the lights in the cinema were turned off, and the big screen in front of them that was originally playing advertisements also suddenly went dark, and then a bloody hand came out with a cry, occupying the entire area. Big screen.

But this was actually just a shock, not enough to scare Dai Lei. What made his heart skip a beat was a girl in the front row screaming, "Ah."

The scream disappeared in an instant, and she herself plunged into the arms of the boy next to her.

Dai Lei:.
Damn it, are you scared or are you looking for an excuse?
After looking at the previous pair, he finally remembered to see Gao Jie.

Turning around, Gao Jie looked at the big screen in front of her with her mouth slightly open and a look of shock in the dim light.

Realizing that Dai Lei was looking at her, he turned his head and asked in a hesitant voice, "How did you buy a horror movie?"

Dai Lei:.
He said to himself, if I had known it was you, I would never have bought this kind of movie.

But I was a little surprised when I saw her outside, so I forgot what movie I bought. The same was true for Gao Jie. Because she was nervous, she didn't even look at the title of the movie.

After the two of them came in and sat down in a daze, they didn't realize until the movie officially started that they were about to watch a horror movie.

"How about we go out? I'll buy it again."

Gao Jie glanced at the screen, then quickly lowered her head, "Forget it, I'm already here, let's just finish it. I won't watch the clips that are too big to be scary."

She thought Dai Lei liked watching this kind of movie.

After a moment of silence, Dai Lei did not dare to tell the truth.

So during this movie, the two of them closed their eyes for almost half of the time, and finally listened to it from beginning to end.

When they came out of the cinema, both of them breathed a long sigh of relief. It was finally over. It was so scary!
Dai Lei looked at Gao Jie apologetically, "Sorry, you can choose what you want to see next time."

Gao Jie nodded, "I like to watch funny movies, or police and gangster martial arts movies, and fighting movies too. Just don't watch ghost movies anymore. I won't be able to sleep at night."

Dai Leixin said so did I.

Seeing that it was almost five o'clock, he asked Gao Jie, "Shall we have dinner together? What do you want to eat?"

"It's a little early to eat now. Xinhua Bookstore is right across the street. I want to buy two books first."


The two walked out side by side. Gao Jie found the book she wanted. After paying the money, she and Dai Lei went to a nearby famous casserole shop.

"Do you like chicken feet? The ones they make taste great and are coupled."

Gao Jie's home is not far from here, and she is very familiar with it. "Since it's a specialty, let's try them all. Is there anything else delicious?"

They both looked down at the menu, their heads so close that from a distance it looked like their heads were touching.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded next to him, "Xiaojie?"

Gao Jie turned her head and looked over, her smiling face froze for a moment, and then returned to normal, but the voice of greeting the other party was obviously very light, "Hello Aunt Peng."

"Is this your boyfriend?"

The middle-aged woman named Aunt Peng looked Dai Lei up and down with a smile, and the scrutiny in her eyes made him feel very uncomfortable.

"This is my classmate, Dai Lei."

"It turned out to be a classmate."

He said this, but it could be heard from his tone that he didn't believe it at all. Suddenly Aunt Peng was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and said in surprise, "Dai Lei? Why does this name feel so familiar to me?"

Gao Jie raised her hand to adjust the glasses on the bridge of her nose and said with a smile, "He was the only one in our class who was admitted to Kyoto University. The school hung a banner with his name at the school gate for a month. Oh, by the way. His senior year of high school was in the same class as your Duffy, so it's normal for you to be familiar with his name."

Aunt Peng reacted and finally remembered who Dai Lei was.

At the parent-teacher conference at that time, the name of the top student in the science class was always this. In order to learn from the experience, she seemed to have memorized Dai Lei's home phone number, and also called his home once to ask his mother about his study methods or the tutors he hired. of.

But Dai Lei's mother's answer made her very angry. She said that he had never hired a tutor and that he relied on his own consciousness to learn, and they didn't care about it.

Hey, some parents are selfish. If their children learn well, they are afraid that others will learn from them. They don't want to reveal a word of it.

So after making that phone call, she never called again.

After the college entrance examination, I also heard that the child was admitted to Beijing University, which made people envious and jealous.

Now two years have passed, when she had forgotten the name, she unexpectedly met this boy and Gao Jie, and it seemed that one of them was from Kyoto University and the other was from Kyoto University of Communication. Just hearing these two The name of the school was a perfect match, but Aunt Peng felt a little uncomfortable.

When Aunt Peng finished saying hello and left, Dai Lei looked at Gao Jie and said nothing.

Gao Jie adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose again and snorted, "What are you looking at me for?"

The name Du Fei is now considered a taboo between the two of them, and no one wants to mention it, but they happened to meet her mother while having a meal.

Gao Jie's mother is simple-minded and has always regarded this old classmate as a friend. Little does she know that she has to compare herself with her on everything, including her work, her husband, and her children. If she cannot compare with her, she will feel unbalanced.

Of course, this was what Gao Jie figured out during this period. She had never thought about this before. After all, Aunt Peng watched her grow up. She truly regarded her as an elder and regarded Du Fei as a friend.

However, the human heart is really difficult to understand.
Dai Lei felt that it was necessary for the two of them to talk things out, and they could no longer fall into some kind of embarrassment and deadlock because of Du Fei.

So he said, "I know you have an opinion on me now and think I like Du Fei. I have to make it clear to you. Before, I just had a good impression of her, which didn't count as a liking. Otherwise, I wouldn't have made it clear. It’s over. Not to mention now, I have no other thoughts except disgust. So, with Duffy on my side, can you please turn the page? "

Hearing him explain so much in one breath, Gao Jie's face turned slightly red. She lowered her head and whispered, "What does it have to do with you and her?"

"Is it really none of your business?"

Dai Lei was about to continue asking why you scolded me, when the waiter came over and asked, "Has your order been ready?"

good night!

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