In fact, Dai Lei also wanted to tell Gao Jie that she was not without fault. If she wanted to give him a love letter, why not give it in person?
How can it be guaranteed that it will end up in his hands if it passes through other people's hands?
But as soon as he was interrupted by the waiter, the emotion at that moment was washed away, and he couldn't say these words.

However, the previous words were obviously very effective. When the two of them got along next, Gao Jie was obviously not so resistant. She spoke softly to him, and no longer turned away and muttered awkwardly like before.

It was talking to him, but it was more like talking to the air.

It was still early after dinner. Although Dai Lei had no experience in dating girls, he knew that he couldn't go back to each house to find his own mother at this time.

So what should you do?

After thinking about it, he asked Gao Jie, who was looking ahead but not looking at him, "I heard that the fountain here at night is very beautiful. How about you take me to see it?"

But when Gao Jie heard this, her face turned red suspiciously.

Dai Lei didn't know what was going on and asked hesitantly, "What? Isn't it easy to go?"

"No, you can go." Gao Jie immediately shook his head and raised his hand to point in front, "It's just around the corner."

The two of them walked along the curb. Not long after the sky darkened, the street lights lit up one after another. The colorful lights in the shopping mall behind them were dazzling. The surrounding bustling shops and restaurants were noisy, and there were groups of teenagers and girls on vacation. Passing by, both of them were somewhat silent as they listened to their talk and cheerful laughter.

It should be a group of high school students. They think of their high school days. It seems that they have never wandered outside during this time. They are either studying questions or memorizing English. There are endless test papers and homework every day. Is it boring?
Now that I think about it, it seems a little bit, but at that time, I didn’t feel it at all, and I didn’t think about it that much.

"To be honest, what I hated the most in high school was English. But when I thought about you taking the first place in the exam, I was a little unconvinced. I forced myself to read, memorize and memorize every day, and I wanted to surpass you."

Gao Jie was the first to break the silence and couldn't help but laugh when she thought of the past. When she was in love, she always wanted to attract the other person's attention in a way he liked.

But it's a good thing that this is the case, otherwise she wouldn't be able to maintain the top spot in the liberal arts class.

"If you want to say that I am first in mathematics, physics and chemistry, I agree, but when did I get first in English? Isn't it always the same as you?"

He didn't like English very much either, it was the lameest of all his subjects. Of course, his so-called lameness is only compared to his nearly full score in mathematics, physics and chemistry.

"When I was a freshman in high school, you were ahead in all subjects except Chinese in the first semester. I thought I couldn't beat you in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, so I tried my best to improve my English and surpass you. So in the second semester, English and Chinese were I'm ahead."

Although she explained it in detail and gave a specific time, Dai Lei really didn't remember it at all. After all, for an academic like him, he no longer pays attention to rankings in many exams, but focuses on the difficulty level and total score of the test paper.

But even a nerd knows that this cannot be said so directly. He pretended to think for a moment, and was about to blurt out the topic when his neck suddenly hurt. He raised his hand reflexively and slapped the right side of his neck. .

Gao Jie was startled by his move and quickly turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It looks like I was bitten by a mosquito."

After saying that, he put down his right hand. Sure enough, there was a ball of blood in the palm of his hand, and a small insect that had been swatted to death, but it didn't seem to be a mosquito, but a small black insect.

Gao Jie took a look and quickly took out tissues from her small backpack, first gave him one to wipe his hands, and then used another to wipe his neck.

The two stood face to face. Dai Lei wiped his hands and tilted his head to expose the bitten area. Because of myopia and light, Gao Jie stood up slightly and moved closer to his neck, carefully wiping away the remaining blood on it.

The two of them were so close that they could feel each other's breath. But the focus of these two fools was not on this. One looked at the insect in his palm with some doubts, "It's not a mosquito. What kind of insect is this? Isn't it poisonous?" The other looked closer at the bite wound and said with certainty, "It's not poisonous. It's just like a mosquito bite. It's just a small red dot. Is it itchy?"

"Fortunately, it's not itchy."

"It should be fine, but I can't say for sure. We'll see if it happens after the party."

Then they separated from each other and continued walking towards Fountain Square with normal expressions.

Neither of them noticed that there were several people standing at the door of the hotel not far behind them, including Ren Li and Du Fei. The others were discussing in disbelief——
"Holy crap, were those Dai Lei and Gao Jie just now?"

"Yes, it's the two of them."

"Why are they two together?"

Judging from their position and distance, it looked like Dai Lei and Gao Jie were kissing just now, so there was no doubt that the two were in love.

Du Fei's eyes flashed with jealousy. She didn't expect that what Ji Bin said was true. Dai Lei and Gao Jie were actually dating tonight!

After the tutoring class ended in the morning, Ji Bin ran into a female classmate from his former class on the bus. He knew that she had a good relationship with Du Fei, so he "accidentally" revealed Dai Lei's movements tonight during the conversation. A female classmate still didn't believe it because she knew from Du Fei that Dai Lei was chasing her.

Although Du Fei chose Ren Li in the end, even so, you couldn't have fallen in love so quickly, right?

So she told Du Fei immediately after she separated from Ji Bin.

Ren Li happened to invite a few of them to have dinner and sing tonight, so Du Fei changed the location to near the Fountain Square. Unexpectedly, it was such a coincidence that he saw the two of them right after they came out of the meal.

The girl standing next to Du Fei looked at Dai Lei and Gao Jie's backs with complicated eyes as they walked away. Then she glanced at her friends beside her. She was a little unsure for a moment. Are those words she said before true?

Because both of them have reached the point of "kissing", it's obvious that they haven't been together for a day or two, and Dai Lei doesn't look like a playboy, so... forget it, why do you care about others? Du Fei didn't choose him anyway. Even if he had been with Gao Jie a long time ago, it wouldn't be considered a betrayal of Du Fei.

The girl shook her head and did not continue to think about it.

She turned around and wanted to ask Du Fei where she was going to sing. Unexpectedly, she said that she would go to the Fountain Square first and then sing at the party.

Ren Li said nothing, but nodded in agreement.

A group of people walked forward cheering.

At this time, Dai Lei and Gao Jie had arrived at Fountain Square.

Only when he got here did Dai Lei understand why Gao Jie blushed when he said he was coming.

Because around the round fountain, almost all of them are pairs. Some are hugging each other, some are holding hands, and there are also men and women like the two of them, just standing side by side. The distance cannot be said to be too close, but still within the scope of ambiguity

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