Looking around, Dai Lei's face couldn't help but feel a little hot.

Not to mention Gao Jie, she turned her head and looked away, as if the water spraying out there was more beautiful.

He coughed lightly, lowered his head and approached her and whispered, "Go sit over there for a while."

It's true that this place is close to the fountain, but the question is who comes here to really look at the water?

The main reason is that the two of them are not in a good position right now. They are hugging each other from front to back and left and right. The guy on the left is even more extreme and kisses his girlfriend on the face from time to time.

Today's young people are so careless about influence.

It made them both extremely embarrassed.

Gao Jie nodded slightly and followed Dai Lei as quietly as possible to leave this blushing and heart-pounding area.

The two of them found a corner with few people and sat down. While looking at the fountain and the crowd in front of them, they chatted casually about some dry and unnutritious topics.

Suddenly, Gao Jie's gaze froze in front of her. She raised her hand to adjust her glasses, and a sarcastic smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

I bumped into her mother while eating, and now I bump into her again, what a coincidence?
"Look who's that over there?"

Dai Lei looked in the direction she pointed and frowned, thinking that he was really unlucky. How could he meet these people wherever he went?

He didn't want to say hello to them, so he said to Gao Jie, "Shall I take you home? I'm going to grandma's house tomorrow, and I'll call you the day after tomorrow."

The two got up and walked out from the other side.

By the time Dai Lei got home, it was only half past eight in the evening.

Ji Bin, who had been waiting at his house for a long time, saw him coming back so early, and his eyes widened in surprise, "I'll go, brother, have you not finished it yet?"

Dai Lei's parents, who were sitting on the sofa watching TV, also turned to look over at the same time, their eyes full of curiosity and gossip.

It's true that this son is their pride, but sometimes it makes them feel very unfulfilled.

No one is dissatisfied with an age that dogs would dislike, don’t be rebellious at a rebellious age, don’t fall in love early in adolescence, don’t worry about studying, and don’t hire a tutor.

Not only that, every parent-teacher meeting is treated politely by the teacher like a guest, and other parents are also rushing to get their numbers and ask about their education methods.

What kind of education?

Dai Lei's father is a mechanical engineer and his mother is an accountant. They are both ordinary workers. They work from 9 to 5. Apart from the normal pick-up and drop-off every day, they have no time to take care of him.

As for caring about his studies, before he was promoted from elementary school to junior high school, Dai Lei's father spent some time with him doing test papers every night. When he waited for the high school entrance examination, he originally wanted to do the same thing, but when he saw the test papers and questions for the third grade of junior high school, he was dumbfounded. He couldn't do it at all.

Later, the couple could only make more efforts in life to make him eat and drink more comfortably.

It's really worry-free for my son to worry about it, but at the same time, I'm also afraid that he will become a nerd. He is already a sophomore and has never been in love once.

Dai Lei's mother asked, "What movie did you watch? Was it good?"

His dad asked, "Did you invite me to dinner? What did you eat?"

Dai Lei:.
"I haven't seen you for two years. Can you become fat in one breath?"

Ji Bin pouted, "You still want to boil a frog in warm water and take your time? Don't forget that Gao Jie likes you. You just want to tell me how you feel about me when we meet today, right?"

What does it feel like?
It was impossible to say that he was not moved at all. Dai Lei pondered, could he directly tell his thoughts about Gao Jie now?

Before he could think of an answer, Ji Bin exclaimed, "Hey, let me go, what is this?"

As soon as Dai Lei sat down on the single sofa nearby, Ji Bin suddenly rushed over from the side, pushed his head to the side, and lay on his neck as if to bite him, "My dear, are you kissing me? "

Ji Bin looked at Dai Lei in shock, "You are such a bad boy that you actually know how to pretend."

Dai Lei's parents were intrigued by what he said, and they gathered around to see what was going on. "Uncle, look, is this something like that?"

"Well, it seems so."

"Really, aunt?"

Dai Lei's mother stared at Dai Lei and asked, "Son, how do you feel when you are kissed by a girl for the first time?"

What else could you feel? It feels like a slap will kill you.

But even though he tried his best to explain, none of the three people believed it.

"It's a mosquito bite. Do you think I've never been bitten by a mosquito? Didn't you know that mosquito bites cause swelling? Go and look in the mirror for yourself. It's narrow on both sides and wide in the middle. There are obvious bite marks. There's also a mosquito bite. You're lying. Woolen cloth?"

Dai Lei was surprised. He quickly got up and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror. The red mark in the middle of his neck was really narrow on both sides and wide in the middle. He had no experience in whether it looked like sucking, but it obviously didn't look like a mosquito bag.

No, that's not a mosquito, it's a little black insect I don't recognize.

After taking a shower and going to bed, he suddenly became teasing and sent Gao Jie a text message on his mobile phone: "Didn't my neck get bitten by a black insect at night?" Do you know what that piece of skin looks like now? 】

Gao Jie quickly replied with a message: [What is it like? Don't you need to go to the hospital? 】

[That’s not necessary, it’s just a mark left behind, my brother said, it looks like it was chewed out. 】

【Sucked it out? What came out? 】

Dai Lei:.
Hey, this girl is more innocent than him, and she doesn't even see the meaning.

[Nothing, just go to sleep. 】

[How to speak only half the words? 】

[It came out through the mouth, do you understand? 】

This text message passed, and there was no reply from the other party.

Dai Lei smiled, put down his phone, and picked up a program book to read.

It was almost twelve o'clock when Du Fei, Ren Li and his gang returned home after singing.

She opened the door softly, then closed it and changed her shoes. Just as she was turning around to go to her bedroom, the light in the living room suddenly clicked on.

She was startled, and turned around to find her mother standing at the door of their bedroom in pajamas, looking at her with a cold face.

"It's been more than 20 days since the holiday. Are you having a class reunion every day?"

Du Fei explained in a low voice, "Today is my classmate's birthday, and he's treating me to a treat."

"It's my classmate's birthday. Did Gao Jie go?"

She replied without thinking, "Yes, she just came home."

With a "pop" sound, Du Fei's mother slammed the air conditioner remote control she was holding on the floor, raised her finger and pointed at Du Fei and yelled, "What else? You can tell lies now, right?" ? Do you think that this noble person is just like you? Not only did she have a boyfriend from Peking University, but she also went home early after a date. How is that like you? You dress up in a devilish and seductive way every day, and hang out with a bunch of low-life people. The students in the school are fooling around and..."

"Why are we so noisy again? Please keep your voice down in the middle of the night."

Du Fei's father was asleep at first, but was woken up by his wife's roar. He sat up quickly and shouted impatiently.

Du Fei's mother ignored him and still pointed at Du Fei and scolded, "Go back to your room. From now until the start of school, you stay at home and read. You don't go anywhere anymore. Prepare for the postgraduate entrance examination next year. The university will follow I'm a long way from being noble. If you don't pass the postgraduate entrance exam next year, you might as well die."

"Go to hell, go to hell, I'll die for you right now."

After Du Fei finished speaking, he turned around and ran out the door.
good night!

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