In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 254 Yu Mumu is such a ruthless person

After all, Yu Mumu was a person who had gone through a lot of things, and he quickly regained his composure. Looking at Lu Shiyan, he was still thinking of ways to break the mechanism.

He stopped them immediately: "If you open it according to the normal process, there will be only a handful of people who can survive here today."

Lu Shiyan was okay, probably because he had endured a lot of pursuits before, so he was probably used to such situations.

But when Chu Ye heard this, his eyes suddenly widened, and there was even a blatant accusation.

Apparently he felt that Yu Mumu was seriously ill.

Now that he knows the situation here, why didn't he say something like this before? If the Lu family made a mistake and affected his life, he would be the biggest grievance this year.

However, seeing that Lu Shiyan clearly wanted to side with Yu Mumu unconditionally, Chu Ye did not say this out loud.

Lu Shiyan stretched out his hand and waved, and his men immediately stopped and stood aside respectfully, waiting for the next instructions.

Yu Mumu casually took the tool from someone's hand and walked directly to the place where the totem was engraved.

Then he looked at the direction of the totem and hit it hard in a completely unrelated place.


The heavy sound of the stone gate rang out, but the place that Lu Shiyan's men had previously judged to be the gate did not move at all. The opened gate was in an inconspicuous corner nearby.

Yu Mumu put on the gas mask directly, and the others followed suit and took off the masks directly.

As soon as the air in the corridor and the air behind the stone door met, a burst of rotten air rushed out.

They could even see with their naked eyes that the air was actually colored.


Yu Mumu nodded. Even if the descendants of the tomb keeper tried to open the tomb that passed through their hands, they would still be attacked.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't be the only one left in the tombkeeper clan.

When other people open such a tomb, the vanguard has almost no chance of survival, and those who have been hiding behind and stepping on the corpse of the vanguard may be able to barely get in.

This is the ancestral motto of the Tomb Keeper clan. They would rather die together than give any intruder a way to survive.

The gate she just selected was the only one among the gates of death that had a chance of cheating.

"There are a total of three corridors here. The one I choose now is the one with the least danger."

The eyes of the others were slightly stunned and frightened. They even felt that they and Yu Mumu did not share the same language system.

The obviously colored air just now can be regarded as the least dangerous. How dangerous are the other corridors?
  Fortunately, neither Lu Shiyan nor Chu Ye are gossips.

The two of them didn't say anything, and the rest of them didn't dare to speak even if they felt like cats scratching their heads.

"Let's go!"

Yu Mumu walked at the front, but her footsteps did not stop at all, and she did not even cautiously test. She was completely walking through a normal passage.

Chu Ye couldn't help but sigh in his heart, Yu Mumu is really a cruel person, and he can still be so stable in such a dangerous place.

The mentality of the rest of the people was basically the same. If they were polite to Yu Mumu before, it was because of the boss's order.   So now, their respect for Yu Mumu comes from the bottom of their hearts.

Even if the new corridor was built on an island, there is no smell of moisture at all. It is unknown how much manpower and material resources were spent on the construction of the new corridor, and how high the skills were.

This kind of construction power is enough to make many people today sigh. To say that it is miraculous is not an exaggeration.

Lu Shiyan's eyes had never left Yu Mumu's body before. Now Yu Mumu looked more and more like a mystery to him.

After walking less than 100 meters, Yu Mumu stopped and tapped a few times on a wall with a halo.

Both the sounds and movements are very irregular. People who don't know better would think that Yu Mumu is tapping randomly.

As Yu Mumu stopped tapping the wall, the sound of "swish, swish, swish" immediately sounded.

Soon, there was the sound of metal colliding, and everyone only saw that there were countless arrows lying in the previously spacious corridor, and some arrows were directly embedded in the ground, and the entire arrow was not penetrated.

With such penetrating power, even if you wear similar protective clothing, you may still be penetrated.

Some people were already breaking out in cold sweats. They had only thought that there would be danger here, but because Yu Mumu said, the danger here was the least.

So they subconsciously thought that the risk was minimal, which almost equaled no danger. How could they have imagined that such a scene would be considered the least dangerous.

What about the other corridors? If they had opened another tunnel at that time, and they didn't have Yu Mumu, who seemed to be familiar with this companion, they might have all been left here.

Feng Hai patted his heart. Just now, he felt that his heart was about to jump out: "Miss Yu, you are really amazing~"

Yu Mumu:......

This is her family heritage after all. If she can't even avoid this trap, she will probably make her eight generations of ancestors angry to death.

"As long as you don't make your own decisions, nothing will happen!"

Feng Hai knew that Yu Mumu was warning them in kind not to seek death.

"Don't worry, Miss Yu, if you ask me to go east, I will definitely not go west!"

If the third young master hadn't been here now, he would have even wanted to kneel down and offer Yu Mumu up, having seen such a dangerous place.

And Yu Mumu can obviously come and go freely. Isn't he a proper boss? If he doesn't hug his thighs, he is really mentally ill.

When all the arrows stopped and the sound of metal collision stopped, Yu Mumu picked up the previous arrows one by one and stuffed them back.

Those arrows that didn't penetrate the entire arrowhead were pulled out by Yu Mumu with a single effort.

At this time, even Chu Ye's face couldn't help but turn pale.

Yu Mumu had never revealed his true skills before, so many people subconsciously thought that Yu Mumu was a weakling because he was so delicate.

But now that he saw Yu Mumu showing his hand, Chu Ye knew very well that if he really made a move, he would not be Yu Mumu's opponent.

Thinking back to the time when he used Yu Mumu's identity to avoid Wen Fengyi's search.

He was immediately extremely glad that he was very polite at the time and did not directly threaten him. Otherwise, it is not certain who would suffer. (End of chapter)

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