During the next journey, Yu Mumu led them to successfully avoid other dangers.

If Yu Mumu were not around, these dangers would mean that even if they could not be wiped out, at least half of them would be killed or injured. How could it be like now, where everyone still had to be killed.

"I can't take you in the place in front. There is a wing in the mausoleum. You can go there to rest."

After walking in such a corridor for almost half an hour, not to mention whether the body was tired or not, the mood was really like riding a roller coaster, and the spirit was indeed exhausted a lot.

Yu Mumu found them a seemingly safe penthouse, in which many precious treasures were placed.

"You'd better not touch the things inside easily, otherwise, I don't know how you will die by then."

In the auricle, the danger is really not big enough. However, if the most precious thing in the auricle is touched, the auricle will collapse.

The most precious thing in such a penthouse may be a book, a pen, or gold and silver jewelry.

Even descendants of the tombkeeper lineage like Yu Mumu cannot easily tell the difference, so the best way is not to touch anything inside.

Assistant Feng nodded quickly: "Don't worry, Miss Yu, if anyone dares to touch anything inside, I will skin him!"

Yu Mumu nodded. Although Feng Hai was a bit noisy, he was very reliable.

When turning around, Yu Mumu suddenly saw the people who had been knocked unconscious: "It's best to tie them all up."

Even though there were so many grown men here, the ones who were knocked unconscious were all little girls who looked cute, but in terms of destructive power, there was no distinction between men and women.

Feng Hai nodded immediately and tied Zhang Qingya and others tightly.

Yu Mumu then left, and Lu Shiyan and Chu Ye followed him in unison.

"Let's follow. At least we'll have someone to take care of us."

Chu Ye's voice was a little dry, maybe because he saw Yu Mumu's fierceness in the previous half hour, so he didn't have much confidence in what he said now.

But in fact, Chu Ye's trust in Yu Mumu did not reach the point of directly risking his life. No matter what Yu Mumu was going to do, he still felt more at ease watching.

"Don't worry, no matter what I see, I will never talk too much. Although I, Chu Ye, am not a good person, I have been able to survive until now and my integrity is no problem."

Lu Shiyan didn't say anything, but his eyes made it clear that no matter what Yu Mumu did, he would follow him.

Yu Mumu originally needed some help, but at least at this stage, these two people were trustworthy.

If she couldn't trust these two people, she would get rid of them before they threatened her.

Of course, there is a more important reason. Lu Shiyan and Chu Ye have been in this world longer than her, and they may know many secrets.

"Then go ahead."

Yu Mumu and his party soon arrived at the intersection of three corridors.

The gate that appears here is the real gate, not a deception.

There were two mascots guarding the door, and the color left on them made Chu Ye couldn't help but sigh.

"I now understand why so many people are obsessed with these antiques. From these objects, you can imagine the uncanny craftsmanship of the original ones."

Chu Ye even wanted to touch it, but Yu Mumu said lightly: "If you still want this hand, don't touch it." Chu Ye was a little confused when he saw the gloves on his hands. It's poisonous, so it's impossible to wear it directly through gloves.

"There are many sleeping insect eggs on it. Once they come into contact with human body temperature, they will immediately come to life and then burrow into your body.

In the end, I will treat you as a petri dish and eat your flesh and blood bit by bit, not even your bone marrow.

With just a gentle push, your bones will turn into powder. The only chance to save you is to chop off your hands when they touch these eggs! "

Yu Mu Mu was serious when he was talking about these things, but the content of these words made Chu Ye couldn't help but shudder.

"Hey, why is there such a disgusting thing!"

"What's so disgusting? These eggs are the best companions for those who want to protect the mausoleum!"

Since ancient times, wealth has moved people's hearts, and the tombs that can be guarded by the tombkeeper family contain rare treasures. There are countless people who will come one after another to destroy the peace here.

If it all depends on the agencies and the tomb-keepers inside, how can we defend it? Naturally, we need to use some special things.

Hearing Yu Mumu's rebuttal, Chu Ye and Lu Shiyan's expressions changed slightly. They are both smart people.

They can probably guess now that even if Yu Mumu is not from the tombkeeper family, he is still a related person.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

Chu Ye was flexible and flexible, but Yu Mumu didn't care about these words. After all, their positions were just different.

Yu Mumu opened the door. It was originally dark inside, but due to contact with the air, the lights on the wall lit up one by one.

The treasures inside looked even more hazy and mysterious under such dim and unclear light.

Yu Mumu didn't even look at the treasures. Her eyes fell directly on the giant iron box in the center.

On the top of the iron box, there are seven luminous pearls.

Chu Ye just wanted to say that Yu Mumu had such a good eye and could see the most precious things at a glance. No wonder he didn't like the ones before.

Fortunately, both Chu Ye and Lu Shiyan are people who have seen too many valuable items. Even many of the things here are greedy.

But it wasn't enough to make them reach out to get it greedily. Instead, they were watching from a distance not far from Yu Mumu.

"Host, do you think there are things left by Ah Su here?"

"I don't know. No matter what Asu wants to do, as a teacher, I will always have to bear the consequences."

Yu Mumu stepped forward directly and followed some lines on the iron box to attract the luminous pearls.

Soon, a formation was set up, and the iron box opened with a click.

"What would happen if someone else came in and saw the pearls on the iron box and took them down?"

Chu Ye was really curious. Yu Mumu would never do useless work, but what would happen if it was taken down by someone who didn't understand?

"If someone removes the luminous pearl here, the mechanism below the mausoleum will be activated, and the entire island will sink to the bottom of the sea." (End of Chapter)

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