In variety shows, I only poke the lungs of the main characters

Chapter 256 Of course my children are biased

Chu Ye opened his mouth, obviously a little shocked. This is an island, not some shoddy project!

He even wanted to see evidence on Yu Mumu's face that this was a joke.

It's a pity that Chu Ye was disappointed in the end, because Yu Mumu's face was only focused on the objects in the iron box, and the reply just now was obviously just taking time to answer him.

When Yu Mumu reached for the luminous pearl on the iron box, Chu Ye felt that his heart was in his throat, his throat was even a little astringent, and he could only suppress the words that came to his mouth.

Chu Ye was also worried that his voice would startle Yu Mumu, causing Yu Mumu to accidentally damage the night pearl, and what if the island would sink as a result.

After Ye Mingzhu was taken down, nothing happened in the main room. Chu Ye breathed a sigh of relief, but he still did not doubt what Yu Mumu said before.

"The formation mechanism in the main room has been broken, but now the corridor outside is full of killing moves. You'd better not make your own decisions. When the time comes, it's none of my business to die."

Lu Shiyan's gaze became increasingly hot when he looked at Yu Mumu, as if he was seeing the same kind of person.

"What are the things in the iron box?"

Chu Ye swore that he was really just curious and had no intention of coveting the contents inside.

"It's none of your business!"

As Yu Mumu's words fell, the iron box suddenly made a metallic sound, and then, in the eyes of the three people, the place where the iron box was located began to collapse and slowly fell down.

But even at such a slow speed, it only took a few minutes for the iron box to sink completely.

"This this this..."

For the first time, Chu Ye felt that he was like a person who had never seen the world. He wanted to ask everything and was amazed by everything.

"Let's go!"

When the group left the main room, as the door closed again, the lights inside slowly went out.

Lu Shiyan watched Yu Mumu place the night pearl directly on the grooves on the door.

There were another burst of heavy roars, and a dark tunnel entrance appeared in front of them. Before, there were no cracks in the ground here at all.


Chu Ye couldn't help but take a breath. What kind of terrifying construction power was this? Although he had no research on these histories, his eyes were still a measuring stick.

He could obviously tell that the companion tomb here had existed for at least a thousand years, and at that time, it was obviously impossible for productivity to reach such a level.

When Chu Ye looked at Yu Mumu, he also had a hint of fear.

He wanted to win over Yu Mumu before because he valued Yu Mumu, and Yu Mumu was a member of the Liang family in Nancheng. But now, there is a more mysterious force behind Yu Mumu.

In just that moment, Chu Ye immediately gave up his previous thoughts. When meeting Yu Mumu in the future, it would be better to be more respectful and less offending. Just try to win him over. He didn't have the courage.

"What is this?" The person who spoke was Lu Shiyan.

"This is the real mausoleum."

When Yu Mumu went down, Lu Shiyan and Chu Ye did not follow him this time. They clearly felt that Yu Mumu's tone had become a little more serious just now, which meant that what was below was very important to Yu Mumu.

All the previous events convinced the two of them that Yu Mumu would be at ease in a place like this, and having them around would be a burden.

Yu Mumu walked down with light steps, and every muscle in her body was tense. Even if she had passed down all the mechanisms here to Ah Su, there was no guarantee that there wouldn't be any trouble in the process.

"Host, the things that were placed in the iron box just now are clearly the things you gave to Ah Su. I didn't expect that he would use the specifications of the mausoleum to place them. It seems that Ah Su was really not dead back then. , I’m afraid it’s also extremely powerful.”

If there are not enough manpower and material resources, it is absolutely impossible to complete such a tomb.

But back then, Ah Su was just an orphan.

Xiao Taotao now has countless conspiracy theories, but she still doesn't want to blame Ah Su for all of them.

Who made it treat Ah Su as its own offspring? Even though it couldn't teach and take care of Ah Su personally, it also sacrificed a lot.

Yu Mumu didn't think that much, but what if Ah Su had problems with his identity from the beginning? She truly loved Ah Su, and Ah Su respected her from the bottom of his heart, even risking his life. If you are willing to pay, this is enough.

"No matter who Ah Su is or what he wants to do, he is still my disciple. Even if he does something wrong, if I can't teach him a lesson, I, as a teacher, can help him make up for it. Enough."

Xiao Taotao suddenly stopped talking, because she actually thought the same way. Of course, her own children also have biased hearts.

The tunnel was illuminated by a faint light, and Yu Mumu's footsteps echoed in such a place, with a hint of confusion.

I don’t know how long I walked, but I finally came to the end, and I didn’t encounter any more agencies. After all, the only people who could get to this point were people who knew these agencies very well.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Yu Mumu smelled a trace of the salty smell of sea water. Logically speaking, such an underground tomb should not be disturbed by such a smell.
  "Xiao Taotao, take a look and see if there is anything going on behind this door."

"Got it, host!"

Xiao Taotao immediately mobilized the points inquiry. Since the quarrel with the administration, they wanted to go through the back door. Their previous friendships could no longer be used, and they could only use their own points to go through the special channel.

Soon, Xiao Taotao replied: "Host, this underground tomb is very stable, and nothing unexpected happened. This smell should be your breath, because the space here is small, so..."

Fish Mu Mu: 6
  However, after confirming that there were no uncertain factors behind the door, Yu Mumu pressed a piece of black iron order from her body into the groove of the door, which she had previously avoided Lu Shiyan and Chu Ye.

There was a sound of gears turning, and the door slowly opened.

This time, the giant lamp thicker than an arm on the wall suddenly illuminated the room.

And on those walls, there were several ink portraits of young women hanging.

At first glance, I thought it was someone's work, but the bright mark on the face of the person in the painting is clearly the mark that was branded on her back then. (End of chapter)

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