The world's richest man started by developing gutter oil

Chapter 211 202: When will it be free to watch?

"The website will be launched soon. Have you talked to the game company?" Han Chen picked up a piece of beef and put it in his mouth and asked.

"I have sent people to talk to major companies. The purpose of live broadcast is to help them promote games, so they are very willing to cooperate with us, and they have also won the permanent live broadcast rights of existing games." Wang Congcong replied.

"Every time there is a new game, you must follow it up. As long as you get the right to live broadcast the game, you have nothing to worry about in the future. The biggest fear of live broadcasting is that the game company will betray you. After the live broadcast industry becomes popular, they will want the live broadcasting rights back and then build a website. Compete with us.

At that time, the platform will not be able to live broadcast these games, and game fans will definitely follow the games.

Do you know anything about e-sports? " Han Chen asked.

"I only know WCG, but not much else." Wang Congcong replied.

"When you have time, go to Bangzi to learn about this industry. Bangzi has turned e-sports into an industrial chain. You must know that the entire Bangzi only has a population of 5000 million, and even a population of 5000 million can turn it into an industrial chain.

You must know that our country has a combined population of 13 billion, and our market is much larger than that of Bangzi.

E-sports and live broadcast complement each other. As long as you can integrate live broadcast and e-sports well, then you are more than half successful. "Han Chen said.

"Brother Chen, what should we do with the game anchors on the platform?" Wang Congcong asked.

"If you want a horse to run, you have to give it grass. Full-time live broadcasts must be paid. At the very least, they must be able to survive. If they can't survive, why live broadcasts? Anchors who are particularly optimistic must raise liquidated damages. Liquidated damages It must be at least 100 million, and the contract period is preferably ten or eight years.

The liquidated damages of 100 million are just a minimum guarantee. The specific amount of liquidated damages can be determined based on the evaluation. This regulation must be written in the contract.

Don’t underestimate these game anchors. Their ability to make money is no worse than that of celebrities. It is normal for a powerful anchor to earn one billion a year.

Of course, platforms should not think about making money through liquidated damages. We don’t need to earn this kind of unconscionable money.

If the anchor is unwilling to continue doing this, the platform can let him go, but the premise is that he cannot engage in live broadcasting and entertainment industry within 5 years. You can write it as a competition regulation in the contract. This will not only ensure the interests of us and the anchor, but also Can leave a good reputation in the live broadcast industry.

You must know that after our platform is launched, there will definitely be capital investing in this industry.

Once capital comes in, they will definitely spend crazy money to poach our people. At this time, high liquidated damages can prevent others from poaching people. If these people are really determined to poach people and you can't stop them, breach of contract will The money must be paid by the party poaching the person.

Sometimes the liquidated damages are too high and the anchor can't afford it. Even if we sue the anchor, it will be of no use. In the end, both parties will be unhappy. "Han Chen said.

Han Chen's idea is simple. It is not interesting at all to embarrass these anchors, and if the platform wants to continue operating, it must leave a good reputation. Using a non-competition agreement to replace high liquidated damages is a good method.

In this way, even if the anchor does not want to continue live broadcasting and leaves the platform, he can still leave a good reputation for the platform.

If the appearance is too ugly, it will easily be used by opponents as a topic to criticize the platform. If the platform is bad, it will be very difficult to sign artists. There is no need for anchors who are successful on the platform to be used as excuses.

In addition, the non-competition agreement can also prevent the anchor from finding employment on other platforms after resigning.

This completely eliminates the problem of other platforms trying to poach people without spending a penny.

As for letting other platforms pay liquidated damages, it is to avoid the situation where some platforms want to poach anchors with nothing.

In my previous life, there was an anchor who was deceived into switching jobs by another platform. That platform verbally promised to pay the anchor liquidated damages, but the anchor did not receive liquidated damages after changing jobs. In the end, the platform that signed the anchor had no choice but to sue the anchor for liquidated damages, but the anchor did not receive any liquidated damages. Enough to pay liquidated damages.

The anchor has already had a falling out with the platform because of his job-hopping, and it is impossible for the platform to renew his contract. In the end, it is the anchor and the contracting platform that suffer.

Adopting a transfer system not only allows the platform to make a fortune but also avoids such situations.

"Brother Chen, you mean to treat these anchors as players. If someone wants to poach him and he wants to work on another platform, let other platforms pay the transfer fee, right?" Wang Congcong said.

"Yes, why do you do this? You can think about it yourself after you go back." Han Chen said.

"Brother Chen's approach is to avoid malicious poaching by other platforms, which will eventually lead to both the anchor and the platform becoming victims." Wang Congcong said with a grin.

"Yes, yes, you have a good understanding. Just do what I said first. The money in the company's books will not be used for long. You have to be mentally prepared. Maybe there will be a second capital injection at the end of the year. Well, it will take at least three years for the anchor platform to be profitable," Han Chen said.

"Brother Chen, don't worry. I have been mentally prepared for a long time. I have also talked with the old man. He can support me at least several hundred million in the future." Wang Congcong replied.

"Okay, stop chatting and hurry up and eat." Changsun Chuanfu said when he saw the two chatting for so long.

After dinner, Wang Congcong also planned to make arrangements for tonight's nightlife.

Because Han Chen had to follow Cheng Congwu tomorrow morning, he rejected Wang Congcong's proposal.

In an apartment in Beijing CBD.

Gu Lina and Zhou Yingling were lying on the sofa watching TV series when suddenly the doorbell rang in the room.

"Who is it so late?" Zhou Yingling said angrily.

"Isn't it the real estate agent who wants to collect property fees?" Gulina said.

Then Zhou Yingling got up from the sofa and ran to the door to open the door. When she saw Han Chen standing at the door, Zhou Yingling was stunned.

"Mr. Han." Zhou Yingling greeted.

"Sister Ling is here too." Han Chen smiled.

"Nana is watching TV inside." Zhou Yingling said with a smile.

Han Chen took off his shoes and changed into slippers when he entered the door. Zhou Yingling walked in while Han Chen was changing shoes.

"Who is Sister Ling?" Gulina asked.

"Your Prince Charming is here. I'm going back to live tonight." Zhou Yingling said and took off her coat from the hanger.

"My husband is here." Gulina got up from the sofa excitedly and looked towards the door.

When Han Chen walked in, Zhou Yingling came towards him with her coat. Zhou Yingling said hello to Han Chen and left. After Zhou Yingling left, Gu Lina ran to Han Chen excitedly and jumped like a Hanging on Han Chen like a koala.

"Honey, when did you arrive in the capital?" Gulina asked after kissing Han Chen.

"I arrived just after 4 p.m. and had a meal with people from the company. I came over to your place after the meal." Han Chen replied, holding Gulina's buttocks. Gulina's plump buttocks are getting more and more upturned. In a certain posture, they look exactly like a peach. Women are really envious of men and their hearts flutter.

"You sit down for a while and I'll get you some fruit." Gulina got off Han Chen and pulled him to the sofa and said.

After Han Chen sat down, he saw the TV series "Beauty's Scheming" playing on the TV. After a while, Gulina brought a bowl of cherries, and then Gulina sat directly next to Han Chen.

"Honey, do you want to try it?" Gulina stuffed a cherry into Han Chen's mouth and said.

Then the two of them sat on the sofa and watched TV.

It will be 3 a.m. on March 27, China time.

Han Chen took a taxi and came to the Amap headquarters early in the morning.

When Han Chen arrived, Changsun Chuanfu and his lawyer were already waiting for him downstairs in Gaode. Then the three of them were led to the conference room by the lady at the front desk of Gaode Map. When they arrived at the conference room, they saw Cheng Congwu and a young man. .

"Mr. Cheng, this is our President Han from Deep Blue Capital." Changsun Chuanfu introduced.

"Mr. Han, nice to meet you." Cheng Congwu stretched out his hand and smiled.

"Mr. Cheng, it's nice to meet you." Han Chen replied after shaking hands with the other party.

"Mr. Cheng, look, let's sign the contract first. We can talk about anything after signing the contract." Changsun Chuanfu said.

"Okay, no problem." Cheng Congwu nodded.

Then the two parties sat down at the conference table. Since the contract had been finalized by both parties, they only needed to sign it.

Amap will not be under the name of Deep Blue Capital. Amap will be directly under the name of Deep Blue Group, so this time the contract needs Han Chen’s signature. After sitting down, Han Chen re-opened the contract out of caution.

After confirming that there are no problems with the contract, both parties sign their names on the contract.

"Mr. Cheng, I will have the money transferred to your account immediately." Han Chen said.

"It's okay to delay the money matter. Why don't Mr. Han come to my office to talk. I want to hear your plans for the future." Cheng Congwu said.

"No problem." Han Chen replied.

"Just leave the finishing touches to me." Changsun Chuanfu said.

Han Chen nodded and followed Cheng Congwu to his office. The two sat down at the tea table and Cheng Congwu started making tea.

"Mr. Han, I wonder what your plans are for the development of Amap?" Cheng Congwu asked while making tea.

"Mr. Cheng, do you think maps can continue to be charged?" Han Chen asked.

After hearing Han Chen's question, Cheng Congwu pondered for a long time and did not answer, because the only source of income for Amap is from fees.

"I don't know." Cheng Congwu said after thinking.

"Paid maps cannot continue forever. The map business will eventually become free. This is the final result of competition in the map industry. If the map business wants to continue to be profitable, it must change the way Amap operates.

If Qiandu Map wants to compete with Amap, Qiandu Map will definitely make the map free, and Amap can only follow suit and make the map free. "Han Chen said.

"But the cost of map surveying is very high. How can the company make money if it's free?" Cheng Congwu asked curiously.

“The first type of advertising promotion, Amap can provide advertising promotion services to various enterprises and merchants. In Amap advertising and promotional information, as long as the number of users is large enough, the advertising revenue will not be lower than the revenue from the paid model.

The second type is bidding advertising. I believe Chengdu should know about bidding advertising. Most of Qiandu’s profits come from bidding advertising. When a customer needs to find a merchant, we can provide the customer with the merchant address on the map. The merchant wants If you are ranked at the top, you will have to pay the bidding advertising fee.

The third option is to cooperate with car companies. In the future, cars will be equipped with smart central controls. If car companies install Amap on the central control, they will not only increase the value of the car but also make it more convenient for customers. Of course, we do not provide it for free. For car companies, the car companies need to pay us a certain fee.

The fourth method is to open API interfaces. We can provide open API interfaces for users in various industries to help them quickly access maps and build their own business application platforms. They are used in logistics, tourism, games, cultural relics protection, urban management and other fields. to the map.

The fourth method is to provide customers with voice packages. We can invite celebrities to come back and record voice packages. The power of fans cannot be ignored.

The last kind of service is to provide online car-hailing services. We provide online car-hailing calling services on the Amap map. Customers locate themselves through the Amap map, and taxi drivers find customers through positioning, so that customers do not have to go to the street. Find a taxi.

This kind of service not only solves the problem of customers finding a car, but also solves the problem of taxis finding customers. There are already related cases of this service in the United States.

If you have time, Chengdu can search the uber platform online. China’s market of 1.4 billion people is no smaller than that of the United States. "Han Chen said.

Some people may say that even though Cheng Congwu has sold the company to you, you can't spend all your money at once. If someone uses your money to start a business again, they will no longer be your opponent.

The reason why Han Chen dared to tell the other party about his boss was because there was a stipulation in the acquisition contract that Cheng Congwu had to work in Amap for three years after the acquisition. Even if Cheng Congwu left Amap after the expiration, he could no longer work in the map industry. In the absence of Han Chen making any changes to the company's strategy, Amap's revenue must not be less than 80% of last year.

Even if Cheng Congwu resigns after three years, he still needs to abide by the five-year non-compete agreement, which means that Cheng Congwu will not be allowed to engage in the map industry within five years.

This period adds up to eight years. In eight years, the world has changed.

"Mr. Han, you mean that we are going to transform in the direction you just mentioned. Then when will we make the Amap free?" Cheng Congwu placed a sterilized cup in front of Han Chen and asked.

"Whenever Qiandu is free, we will make it free. The next thing Chengdu needs to do is to develop the functions just mentioned. We can take advantage of this period to fully understand these businesses. After everyone has converted to the free version, we will then Features are rolled out to the market.

However, those participating in these businesses must sign confidentiality agreements and bidding agreements.

As for the transfer of the Amap map, it must be kept confidential and cannot be made public until Qiandu Map is free. "Han Chen said.

After hearing Han Chen's words, Cheng Congwu felt that he was facing a thousand-year-old fox. In his eyes, Han Chen was not only far-sighted but also very experienced in layout.

If Cheng Congwu Xindao had not sold the Gaode map to Han Chen, he would have had no chance of winning against such an enemy.

At this moment, Cheng Congwu was very happy to sell the Gaode map to Han Chen. (End of chapter)

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