i'm not a bad man

Chapter 183 The Last Night

Chapter 183 The Last Night

Judging from the current situation where everyone has to go their separate ways, it seems like a very cost-effective thing to exchange a pair of earrings for the promise of a bakery, but this kind of behavior also challenges my definition of a man. , I think men must be masculine, and earrings, which require a hole in the ear to be worn, should not belong to men at all.

Based on this thought, I shook my head and replied: "I won't wear it, I can't stand such a girly thing."

"You shouldn't have such a prejudice, right? Many male celebrities wear earrings."

"I have never liked any male celebrities. I think they are the main culprits of the sissy trend."

"You can say that today's male celebrities are very sissy, but those NBA stars are not sissy anymore..."

I don’t know why Qiao Jiao was so insistent on letting me wear earrings. In order to convince me, she immediately took out her mobile phone, searched for it, and then raised it in front of me and said, "Look, these are Allen Iverson’s earrings." Pictures of earrings, this is Kobe, this is Garnett, this is Wade, this is Jordan... Which one is not a well-known tough guy in the league... So, earrings are not the fault of sissies at all, they are It’s a decoration, it’s a trend, especially suitable for men with short hair, so don’t be sleazy, okay?”

I just watched Qiao Jiao's fingers quickly swipe across the screen of the phone, and the stars wearing earrings also came into my sight one by one; at this moment, they seemed to become a kind of evidence that made me Hard to refute...

But I still didn't want to imagine myself wearing earrings, so I still shook my head and said to Qiao Jiao: "I really can't accept this trend, so please don't embarrass me."

Qiao Jiao finally put down her mobile phone and earrings. I thought she would be very unhappy, but she just sighed and said: "My evaluation of you is still very fair, you are a very awesome person... Back then, The reason why there are four things we agreed on is because you want to use these four things to exchange for the RV that has been with you for several years and followed you all over the world... You said that you have a lot of affection for this RV. But you are unwilling to do anything in exchange for it... At first, I asked you to pretend to be my boyfriend, but you failed. Later, I asked you to help me open a bakery, and you ran away again... Now, it's just I asked you to wear earrings, but you didn't want to... So, for you, as long as it is something that has been lost, you will not miss it, even if you were inseparable, even if it accompanied you through the most difficult time in your life. A period of time..."

I really wanted to get that RV back, but since I discovered that Qiao Jiao had transformed it into a home, I didn’t seem to be so eager anymore; I didn’t know how to tell Qiao Jiao about this transformation, so I couldn’t help it for a while. Fell into silence.

At this time, Qiao Jiao suddenly smiled again: "Tell me, when you want to leave Zuo Xiaowei one day, will you be so determined?"

I was stunned, and I didn’t even know how to answer. At least, I haven’t thought about leaving Zuo Xiaowei or the small town yet; I just felt that my small town life with Zuo Xiaowei had just begun, and I even did something about it Some long-term plans, such as completing something with Chang Yuli first, and then using the money earned to open a musical instrument training class.


From the bottom of my heart, I really don’t want to talk to Qiao Jiao about what happened between me and Zuo Xiaowei. She is different from others and will always use this to stimulate my emotions. I am the one who doesn’t want to People who admit they have done wrong easily, not to mention that there is no result yet, so I took the initiative to change the topic and said: "Give me those earrings, people will change, maybe one day I will be willing to wear them ...The same goes for you. After staying abroad for a while and adapting to the new environment, you may not be so afraid of loneliness."

After saying that, I took the initiative to take the box containing the earrings from Qiao Jiao, and opened it to look at it. It was a very simple earring. If I wanted to wear it, it could be regarded as a long earring. Two pimples...

By the way, if you wear these earrings, you may really feel like you are back to your youth. At least you will look rebellious and have your own attitude.


I looked at the time and saw that it was already 09:30 at night. I was really hungry, so I said to Qiao Jiao: "After working like this for a long time, I really have no energy at all. Let's find a place to eat. …I’ll treat you to whatever you want to eat.”

"I want to watch a movie. Please go watch a movie with me."

"You are in the rebellious stage. Whatever I say, you have to go against me."

"Why don't you tell me that your thinking is limited? We can buy some food and eat while watching a movie."...

Qiao Jiao has always taken the initiative when it comes to having fun. After we found a snack street nearby, she started to get busy. She went to buy oden for a while, fried skewers for a while, and also bought a lot of drinks, not only for herself I bought milk tea and a cup of Coke for me. Looking at the convenience bags she was carrying, I suddenly felt: This might really be her last carnival before going abroad, and she also had a lot of unwillingness in her heart. It's a pity, so I resorted to such a way to comfort myself...

This is very similar to the day Luan Yu left me. Before that, she had not called me "husband" for a long time, but she leaned into my arms and called me several times. She also made breakfast for me and washed me. Days of accumulated dirty laundry.

It's just that Qiao Jiao and I are not that close, but I feel that the meaning of doing these things is the same, all to say goodbye forcefully... So, looking at her busy back, I felt a little sad in my heart, Because she had to go abroad, I have a big responsibility. I shouldn't force her to keep Luan Yu's secret with me...

But sometimes life is so uncontrollable. She tortured me all night. Just when I thought I was about to withstand the pressure, she unexpectedly saw the photo of me and Luan Yu. As a result, there was more love between us. It is a debt whose nature is difficult to define. This debt has entangled us from Qingdao to BJ, but until now we have not been able to negotiate a reasonable solution.

It didn't seem to matter anymore. When Qiao Jiao was making preparations for fun in full swing, I knew she didn't want to worry about it for the time being.


I took all the snacks and snacks, while Qiao Jiao took the drinks, and we walked to the cinema together. When passing by an alley, we happened to meet a group of old people watching an outdoor movie...

I am a person who has a hard time being distracted, so I didn’t regard this place as a stop. However, Qiao Jiao stopped and said to me with great interest: “We won’t go to the cinema, we will just go to the cinema.” Let’s watch an outdoor movie here.”

“I’ve bought movie tickets, and it’s so cold here!”

"I'm leaving tomorrow, can't you just let me have sex for once?"

I didn't answer Qiao Jiao immediately, but looked at the movie that was playing. It seemed to be about the "Korean War". It was a black and white film, full of a sense of the times, so it attracted only the elderly people in the alley. Elderly people; our generation has not experienced war. Of course, it is difficult for us to have a sense of empathy for such a film. But I don’t know why, but I suddenly feel that being able to sit here and watch a black and white film seems to be something that can leave a deep impression on people. It was a matter of impression, so he nodded and agreed to Qiao Jiao's request.


It is rare for two young people to be willing to transcend the gap of generations to experience the war years that those elders experienced, so they both showed great enthusiasm and friendliness to me and Qiao Jiao, and kept giving us a warm welcome during the movie. Explaining some plots that were not fully shown in the movie, Qiao Jiao also shared the food she bought with them. The atmosphere was indescribably harmonious...

But I knew that Qiao Jiao was not very involved in watching the movie. She just wanted to use this way to enrich her last night before going abroad; so, after a while, she fell asleep on my shoulder.

Looking at her short hair, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable...

We have been arguing for so long, and I really don't seem to have done anything right in her world. Whether I did it intentionally or unintentionally, in short, I didn't put much effort into pretending to be her boyfriend; nor did I do anything like that. Her wish was to stay in Qingdao and open a bakery with her; even on this last night, I made her lose her beloved long hair. When she wanted me to wear earrings, she refused without hesitation. …

When these regrets poured into my heart like a tide, I suddenly had an urge to keep her!

(End of this chapter)

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