i'm not a bad man

Chapter 184 The God-like Woman

Chapter 184 A Godlike Woman
I didn’t pay much attention to watching this outdoor movie, so I didn’t know when the movie ended. It wasn’t until I saw someone packing up the equipment for playing the movie that I suddenly came back to my senses; looking at Qiao Jiao again, she was still relying on On my shoulder, looking like a sound sleeper.

I didn't wake her up immediately, but I thought about the impulse to keep her. I couldn't help but feel dangerous and absurd. I could neither give her a promise of making a living, nor could I give her a good place to go. , why keep her?
If she is really brought to the small town, where will Zuo Xiaowei be left?

Just when I was thinking about this, Qiao Jiao stretched and finally woke up. Our eyes met and then looked away together. There was no one else in the alley except us. Only a few street lamps were shining alone, a cold wind blew over, and a few dead leaves swayed down, and finally fell on the shadow of the lamps, making the entire alley look even more lonely and gloomy.

It's already 11:30 late at night.

I finally spoke, neither proposing to go back to rest, nor telling her about the impulse to keep her. I just said to her: "Sister Jiao, didn't you show me a bank card before? I remember what's in it." There is a balance of more than 300 million..."

Qiao Jiao really has a moody character. She first pushed me hard, and then said: "A beautiful woman like me is sitting next to you. What you think of is not robbing sex, but robbing wealth. Are you a man?"

I was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the alley that had fallen into silence. It really had an atmosphere of murder and arson in the dark and windy sky. I couldn't help laughing and replied: "Can you stop thinking wrongly? I don't want to rob money." I don’t want to rob you of sex, I just want to borrow the balance of your card to take a look.”

"What's so beautiful about that?"

After lighting a cigarette and taking a deep breath, I squinted and replied, "I just want to see if putting so much money in my bank card can make me feel excited."

"Then you still want to steal money!"

"I really don't steal money." After a short pause, I said seriously: "Until now, I haven't recognized what kind of person I am. I have never had the desire to fight for money, but recently Some of the things that happened have made me understand more about money. It seems to bring people a sense of security... I need a little sensory stimulation. Maybe this can arouse my desire for money. I can’t just be a salted fish for the rest of my life..."

Qiao Jiao breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded and said to me: "It turns out you don't want to be a salted fish anymore... Then you have really found the right person."

As she said that, Qiao Jiao took her mobile phone out of her bag, opened online banking, and raised her mobile phone in front of me. I looked closer, and then counted the digits with my hands.

Her wealth has increased unexpectedly. I remember that there were more than 300 million yuan on this card before, but now it is more than 600 million yuan, but my heart is still numb in front of these cold numbers. It took me a while to speak. Said: "Did you go rob a bank?"

"My dad said that if I meet someone I like abroad, don't go back. This 600 million is considered as my dowry. The previous 300 million is on another card, which is my small treasury."

I looked at Qiao Jiao and was speechless for a moment; Qiao Jiao came closer to me again and asked: "How are you feeling? If not, I will show you the 300 million yuan." look."

"Aren't you afraid that I will really rob you?"

Qiao Jiao looked at me, suddenly feeling inspired, and then she patted my shoulder heavily and said, "Why don't you do something more cruel? Just kidnap me, so I don't have to go abroad..."

I smiled coquettishly: "Are you out of your mind?"


Back at the hotel, I lay on the bed alone.Chang Yuli didn't come back tonight, saying he was staying at a friend's house. With nothing to do and unable to fall asleep, I fell into a state of emptiness and emptiness facing the ceiling...

In addition to feeling empty and a little depressed, I couldn't even feel my heart beating at the millions in balance on Qiao Jiao's card. Is it possible that being indifferent to fame and wealth is really something engraved in my genes?
Not necessarily. The reason why I didn't ignite a strong desire was probably because I lacked a sufficient sense of crisis. Even Zuo Xiaowei's serious contract dispute was caused by the sale of the copyright and the two bracelets Ren Ran gave me. It was solved easily; I seemed to be used to being in debt to Ren Ran, so I had no urgent desire to return the favor.


I have forgotten how I fell asleep. I fell into a deep sleep. It was not until the rapid ringing of the doorbell came from outside that I woke up...

"Han Chao, open the door."

It was Qiao Jiao's voice. She also stayed at the hotel where I stayed last night. She should have come to say goodbye to me.

I put on my pajamas and opened the door. She was carrying two huge bags. As soon as I opened the door, she gave one of them to me. I underestimated the weight of the bag and almost dropped it on the ground. I couldn't help but ask. Said: "What's in it?"

Qiao Jiao didn't answer, walked directly to the bed, picked up the bag, and poured all the contents onto the bed...

It turned out to be bundles of cash, all laid out on the bed, full of visual impact, and I was stunned!

"What are you doing standing still? Pour your bag on the bed. There's still one on the trolley outside."

I mechanically dumped the bag of money in my hand on the bed. Qiao Jiao had already pushed the trolley outside the door into the room. There were four identical bags on the trolley...

After pouring everything out, she put her hands on her hips and looked at the bed of cash and said, "BJ is BJ. You don't need to make an appointment to withdraw 600 million in cash. The only trouble is to tell you the use of the money... Guess what?" What did you say?"

I finally came to my senses and shook my head. It was really difficult to guess, because with the popularity of electronic money, almost no one would use cash to buy a house or a car.

"I said, a friend of mine who has never seen the world wants to see how much 600 million in cash is. I withdraw this money just to open his eyes... You don't even know the teller's expression at that time. He was completely dumbfounded. ...Hahahaha... I really don’t know if I don’t take it. When I took it out, I was shocked. They used five money counting machines for the 600 million in cash. It took more than an hour in total to count it out... and then again He drove the escort vehicle and sent me to the hotel."

I can no longer define Qiao Jiao's behavior. I just feel that she is like a god-like woman. Although the world is generally boring, she can still do all kinds of incredible things.

While I was dumbfounded, Qiao Jiao took off her shoes and sat down on the pile of money. Then she leaned forward and asked me, "How are you? The cash is already in front of you. I feel excited." Yet?"

600 million in cash was too much. When Qiao Jiao asked, several bundles of money had already slipped under the bed due to the pressure of her sitting on it. This state of movement was even more shocking. I just feel that what I see in front of me is not money, but mansions, cars, beautiful women, and all kinds of luxuries... And Qiao Jiao sitting among the money is the female version of the God of Wealth!
I finally nodded and replied, "I'm excited!"

(End of this chapter)

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