i'm not a bad man

Chapter 339 Is the visitor bad?

Chapter 339 Is the visitor bad?
I'm not sure when Qiao Jiao woke up, but she must have heard my laughter. Of course I knew I laughed because I was angry, but she didn't know. She only knew that I was in a depressed mood for several days. She had never laughed before, but in such a quiet night, she laughed out of nowhere. This was of course a very scary thing for her.

I don't know whether I should talk to Qiao Jiao about this woman Zhao Yingrou. Anyway, in my mind, she is quite redundant. If she hadn't taken the initiative to find me, I would never have inquired about her information with anyone. Although I I accepted the proposal of a peaceful breakup, but I’m not stupid. I know why she broke up. She didn’t want to bear the bad mood after the family’s collapse with me. She was even more afraid that I would drag down her pursuit of material life. For such a person who only wanted to break up, If I still have unrealistic fantasies about women who can share joys and sorrows, I will look down on myself.

"Han Chao... you are talking... can you stop scaring me?!"

I then turned to look at Qiao Jiao. In order to prevent her from continuing to be in a state of panic, I had to say truthfully: "I was chatting with someone just now. I wasn't possessed by a demon."

Qiao Jiao had an incredible expression on her face, and she sighed: "At this time, there is still someone who can make you laugh?"

"I'm not really laughing, I'm angry... Sometimes, laughter is also a way to express anger."

"Laughing back from anger?"

I briefly recalled my feelings just now, and then replied: "Actually, I'm not that angry. I just don't believe that a person can be so shameless that I find it incredible!"

"Who is this person in the middle of the night?"

Qiao Jiao was already awake, so I no longer had so many worries. I first turned on the bedside lamp, then lit a cigarette and said to her, "She is my first girlfriend."

Qiao Jiao was taken aback and asked, "Isn't Luan Yu your first love?"

"No, my first love was my high school classmate, and we dated for over a year and almost two years."

"You started looking for a girlfriend in high school? You are so precocious!"

"This...isn't this a strange thing?"

Qiao Jiao ignored my doubts and turned to me: "Tell me, why does your first girlfriend make you so angry?"

I took a deep breath of cigarette, and all the past experiences between me and Zhao Yingrou came to mind again. Even though I had something I wanted to say, after pondering for a moment, I still said to Qiao Jiao: "I am not a person. After a breakup, people who like to talk about each other's right and wrong...you know I don't just laugh out of nowhere."

Qiao Jiao responded with an even stronger tone: "No, you have aroused my curiosity... Moreover, you just said bad things about her, you called her shameless."

"I'm telling you why I'm laughing. The purpose is not to make you scared, not to tell her right or wrong. Can you not understand such a simple logic?"

"No, no... you have to say... don't you know that I am a person who will be tortured to death by curiosity? If you don't say it, my desire to live will torture you to death first!"

This is probably Qiao Jiao. With her by my side, I never know what it means to be bored, but sometimes she can be very noisy, a kind of noisyness that I can't resist...

I really couldn't resist, so I could only compromise and said to her: "I won't talk about the past. The reason why I think she is thick-skinned is because she just asked me to borrow money to buy a house and said she didn't want to live with her parents. Together."

"You are her first boyfriend. She is in trouble. Isn't it shameless to ask you to borrow some money?"

"This is not a difficulty, this is purely a desire... It's not like her family doesn't have a house in Tianjin, and if she really can't afford it, she can rent a house. Why must she borrow it?" After a short pause, I said again: "Based on my understanding of her, this is not a loan at all, this is a request. She will not pay back a penny. At most, she will just treat me to a meal."

"Oh...it seems that you were tricked by her a lot when you were together." "Back then, I had money, so I was tricked. But now, I can't scrape out 1 yuan from my body, and I still can't." Do you think it’s exciting to pluck wool from my body like this?”

"I feel... boring..." Qiao Jiao deliberately lengthened her voice, and then said: "But have you ever thought that she might not really want to borrow money from you, but just wants to test your current life? Is that okay... By the way, what does she do?"

Qiao Jiao interpreted Zhao Yingrou's behavior from another angle, which really surprised me. It took me a while before she replied: "A doctor from the oncology department."

"A doctor in the oncology department?... I'm afraid you don't know how strong a doctor's social connections are. Moreover, she is also a doctor in the oncology department. She is the patient's last line of defense before going to hell... As long as she is willing to speak, who knows what will happen? How many people rushed to give her money, but she would actually borrow money to buy a house with a poor guy like you... Are you thinking with your toes?"

I fell into silence; at this time, Qiao Jiao said again: "It seems that your first love girlfriend is not a simple character. She seems to have come to you with a purpose... Have you been in contact before?"

"No, let alone her, even my parents can't contact me... She just found my mobile phone number recently... The reason why I contacted her is because I didn't understand where she was. Where did I find this mobile phone number that I registered after I ran away from home?"

Qiao Jiao said to me as if on a whim: "How about... let's change our route to Tianjin now and see what kind of medicine she is selling in her gourd."

"Don't mess around. There is nothing more important than the scenic spot now... Those village names have agreed to change their names. It's time for me to start preparing for the Love is Priceless event."

"Don't you think this is a spice in a boring life... If you really don't want to go to Tianjin, just give me her WeChat number and let me come and meet her."

"Forget it, she is a super academic who graduated from Zhejiang University School of Medicine..."

"Are you afraid that I will suffer a loss?"

"You're quite smart, but there's really no need. It's just fine if you don't mess with the river."

"No energy!"

Qiao Jiao sighed and then lay down on the bed again, and I left the bed and said to her: "You are too dishonest to sleep. I'd better sleep in the driver's seat. The driver's seat can be completely flat. Falling asleep is not as uncomfortable as you think."

"Go on, go on... That inexplicable smile of yours is scarier than the horrible things I thought... I was really scared to the point of pissing myself just now!"

After saying that, Qiao Jiao sat up from the bed again, and then went to the bathroom. But I, who was lying in the driver's seat, completely calmed down at this time. I looked out through the car window and saw the sky full of The stars were twinkling. Although the light was very cold, when it fell on the ground, it still brought a hint of fireworks to the quiet service area. I was in a trance because of this, as if I had returned to those days of wandering on the road...

What was my mood at that time?

Are you really happy?
Is the pursuit of absolute freedom really the greatest goal in life?
I took my phone out of my pocket again. I wanted to see the photos I had taken on the road. Maybe I could find the answer in these photos.

It was at this time that I received another message on WeChat. I thought it was from Zhao Yingrou. I opened it and looked at it, but it was a message from Lu Xi. She said: "Brother Chao, let's have breakfast together tomorrow morning." …I know there is a long-established noodle shop, and their noodles are very delicious.”

I was stunned again. Lu Xi must have thought I was still in Qingdao, so he sent me such a message.

(End of this chapter)

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