i'm not a bad man

Chapter 377 You really don’t understand her at all

Chapter 377 You really don’t know her at all
When Lu Ming mentioned Lu Xi, I came out of my confused mood. Compared with my apology for Luan Yu, this punch seemed more justified, because Luan Yu could no longer come back from the dead, no matter how many more Anger or jealousy is just an emotion. It can't change anything, and it won't gain anything. But between me and Lu Xi, the damage is visible to the naked eye, and Lu Xi is also suffering from the damage... As for how long it will last, it all depends on Lu Xi’s own tolerance. Of course, there are other ways to solve the problem; at least, here, I can talk about it...

I put my hand on the place where Lu Ming had hit me, rubbed it vigorously, then looked at Lu Ming, and said in a tone that wanted to release my emotions: "Well done, I deserve the hit!"

"I beat you not only because you are a bastard, but also because you are trying to turn Xiaoxi into the second Luan Yu... She is a woman who values ​​feelings and experiences more than anything else, so... she Only in order to keep her promise to Yang Yiming, even in such a complicated place as the entertainment industry, she has waited so hard for so many years... What you do now is even more irresponsible than Yang Yiming at that time."

"You can say I'm a bastard, but you can't say I'm irresponsible. At least I gave her a result instead of endless waiting."

"The result is not a fig leaf. It can't cover up the bastard things you did... Why did you provoke her in the first place?"

"Because I like her." I tried my best to restrain my emotions, but the more I restrained myself, the more clearly my experiences with Lu Xi flashed into my mind, so I spoke in a lower voice. , and then said to Lu Ming: "Being able to simply like someone seems to be a very lucky thing now, so I was able to express that kind of love in front of her without any concealment... But In the end, life intervened between us in a very dramatic way... Luan Yu turned out to be your fiancée. When I knew the truth, it was like a thunderbolt flashed out of the blue. I suddenly didn’t know how to face this. We had a relationship... I calmed down and thought about it, I felt guilty for Luan Yu, so in the end I chose Chengquan. I came to this small town in front of you with another woman... I thought this was a beautiful place. At the beginning, but because I had Lu Xi in my heart, my tolerance for that woman was very low. In addition, someone did damage her, so my relationship with this woman was like watching a firework and ended very quickly. ...Then Qiao Jiao followed me to this small town. Things inside were ever-changing, but in Qiao Jiao, I really found a strong sense of presence... In addition to these senses of presence, I found that compared to the deer Xi, I also like her very much, I like her character, I like her liveliness, even when we are angry with each other and torture each other, we can still remember it... So, I want to finish the journey with Qiao Jiao. In my life...for Lu Xi...I think Yang Yiming will be more suitable for her...Brother...you can beat me, it doesn't matter if you beat me harder, but as Lu Xi's brother, the pros and cons, you She should know it better than me... Lu Xi is a star, a woman who is surrounded by a dazzling halo as soon as she enters the society. She is destined not to be an ordinary person... But I am really too ordinary. , I spent so much effort and selling my house to find connections to send Xiao Chen and her daughter to the hospital in Tianjin, but the moment Yang Yiming showed up, I simply transferred Xiao Chen’s daughter to the best hospital in BJ, using He easily borne the best medical resources and even the cost of treatment... Do you know why I should sponsor such a child with leukemia? Luan Yu is of course one of the reasons. In addition, there are Lu and I. We agreed to support leukemia patients together. After establishing this goal that day, we were very happy, because not only were we helping others, but we also found an emotional resonance between us... But... ...I'm not complaining about Yang Yiming, what he did is worthy of recognition, so based on this recognition, I withdrew from this matter... But the feeling of loss really exists in my heart... Speaking of which, I have to talk about Qiao Jiao again, because this disease is a bottomless pit, and the money I prepared may not be enough. After she learned about it, she sold her game account that she had played for three years, and then transferred it to me. 150 million... I am already an adult, and I can distinguish reality from fiction... There is no one who has done better or worse here, it is just a microcosm, and you can see a lot in this microcosm. What will happen in the future..."

Even though I said so much in one breath, I still feel that I have not fully expressed my emotions and thoughts, but I am not going to say any more. Lu Ming can understand it best, but if he can't, the result is already over. it's here……

I fell in love with someone else, which was a kind of harm to Lu Xi; to me, it was a mistake, and I felt guilty because of the harm, so I was willing to accept any form of punishment to make up for this mistake.

I felt that Lu Ming might want to beat me up again, and I was mentally prepared to fight back and scold me. However, Lu Ming put out the cigarette in his hand, and then sighed and said to me: "Originally, I I'm quite angry, but after listening to what you said, I feel that you and Xiaoxi are indeed not from the same world. This gap has nothing to do with status, but a cognitive gap... You really don’t know her at all!”

After saying that, Lu Ming stood up and walked outside the scenic spot alone.

Looking at his back, I couldn't help but feel startled, and then I thought of the relationship between him and Luan Yu. In fact, there was a huge class difference, but it had been maintained very well.I have always thought that Lu Xi and Lu Ming have some similarities. If this commonality is reflected in the concept of love, then I really don’t understand Lu Xi well enough.

... Seeing that Lu Ming was about to disappear from my sight, I hurriedly shouted to his back: "Brother... You can't get a taxi here. Wherever you want to go, I'll take you there."

Lu Ming didn't look back and just said, "No, a car will pick me up."

After saying that, he walked back to the intersection in front. Suddenly, he stopped and looked back at me: "If I were you... I would not regard Yang Yiming as my opponent."


I don’t know why Lu Ming said such a sentence when he finally left. Was he encouraging me?Or is it a look down upon?

I had no way of knowing that when I recalled this experience later, I only had the impression that he came and he left again; but in fact, it was not easy for him to come here.

Later, I heard that after leaving my place, he went to Kunming and put down all his work. He lived in Kunming for nearly a year and would visit Luan Yu every day.

In contrast, I felt very ashamed because Lu Ming was more clear-headed and more affectionate than me when it came to a relationship, but this was something I didn’t know until later.

(End of this chapter)

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