i'm not a bad man

Chapter 592 I want to judge him

Chapter 592 I want to judge him

This turned out to be a sleepless night. I don't know whether it was because I was too tired or because I was becoming more and more cold-blooded. In short, my emotions were not too trapped by the extremely cruel situation in front of me.

Only when I think of Zou Chang, my heart will fluctuate. I will think of that night and the look of anticipation when she asked me to call her Chang Chang.

I was very heartbroken, as if that smooth sound was a symbol of farewell; there was no longer a woman in my life who felt inferior because she was a bartender.

In addition to heartache, I also regret that I dragged her into this whirlpool. As much as I regret, I hate Guan Yubo. In the end, it was this hatred that prompted me to make this decision.

Of course I knew what this decision meant, but I didn't care anymore. I just sat on the bed, thinking about these things, while calmly looking out the window at the world that was soaked by the rain.

One day has passed, and the city still has not been able to get rid of the dead atmosphere caused by the rainy weather. Just as my heart longs for light, it is drowned by the haze.

Yes, one day has passed and I will face Zou Chang's mother again; how should I lie to her this time?


After getting up and washing up, Zou Chang's mother and I met in the hotel restaurant. The restaurant was buffet style. I filled a bowl of spicy soup and got two steamed buns; Zou Chang's mother ordered a bowl of noodles. Sit facing each other.

I put my phone aside and kept eating with my head down...


I then raised my head, looked at her, and asked, "What's wrong, Aunt Min?"

"Will Changchang be in Zhengzhou today?"

I was silent for a moment, smiled, and replied: "Don't worry, we will arrive... Even if we don't arrive today, we can arrive tomorrow. It may take a while to complete the documents. After all, the efficiency abroad is definitely not as good as at home."

"Don't lie to me..."

I couldn't see my expression, but I could feel myself suddenly stiffening, and then my brows furrowed.

Zou Chang's mother said to me again: "I saw the news, saying that Ma Guan died in Malaysia... Others don't know who Ma Guan is, but I know... His father is the one who killed Chang Chang's father. Truck driver... It's not such a coincidence. Changchang went to Malaysia, and he was also in Malaysia... There must be some hidden secret in this. Did Changchang go with him? Why did the two of them get together?... You Tell me the truth..."

For this reason, there is no longer the possibility of hiding it, but I still don’t know how to formulate words to tell her this cruel fact...

"Speak... I beg you, aunt!"

Zou Chang's mother's emotions were on the verge of losing control. The corners of her mouth were twitching, her hands were tightly gripping the chopsticks, and her eyes were full of pain and fear.

I finally said to her: "This is not the place to talk. Let's talk somewhere else."


In the square opposite the hotel, Zou Chang's mother and I stood in a secluded corner. After ensuring the confidentiality of our conversation, I spoke to Zou Chang's mother and said, "Do you know a person named Guan Yubo?" "No one in our small town doesn't know him."

"I am almost certain now that Zou Chang's father was killed by the truck driver he hired... It was not an accident."

Just such a sentence, like a binding spell, trapped Zou Chang's mother. She stood motionless in the wind, with a dazed expression, and then suddenly trembled...

I waited for her to regain her consciousness, and after a long time, I spoke to her again: "Zou Chang and Ma Guan are together just to find out the truth of this matter... Ma Guan's father is just an ordinary truck driver, but A few years ago, I bought a house in Zhengzhou... This is evidence that Ma Guan's father once received a large amount of unexplained money... Speaking of this money, we have to talk about Guan Yubo And Zuo Xiaowei... Do you also know Zuo Xiaowei?"

"We know her. She is a student of Changchang's father... She is born with a good singing voice. Changchang's father and the teachers at school often talk about her, saying that she is the light of hope in the small town."

"Well... Guan Yubo once told me something. He said... Zou Chang's father once violated Zuo Xiaowei in the name of tutoring... Zuo Xiaowei is Guan Yubo's favorite person, the seed of hatred. It was sown at that time..."

"No...impossible...Changchang's father is not the kind of immoral person!"

"These are the words that came from Guan Yubo's mouth. You can't believe them all...Zou Chang and I both felt that there was something hidden...so..." After a slight pause, I said in a heavier tone: "But no Thinking that Ma Guan was too greedy, he used the evidence that Guan Yubo hired his father to kill people, and blackmailed Guan Yubo... prompting Guan Yubo to kill him in Malaysia... and Zou Chang... the situation may not be good either. "

My expression was a little stiff, but I believed she could understand it because the logic of the narrative was clear.

Zou Chang's mother did understand, and I finally knew what a person's reaction would be when she was extremely sad... She didn't cry or speak, just like a stone sculpture standing in the cold wind, without soul, without thinking, without Imagination, lifeless...

I don't know how long this state lasted. Zou Chang's mother finally spoke, her voice was very cold: "Did you tell Chang Chang this?" Follow my Weixin public account: ***, but Check out the latest chapter!
"it's me……"

"what is your purpose?"

"I have some grudges with Guan Yubo, and I want to use this matter to bring him down."

"So, Changchang is your chess piece... It was your selfish desires that indirectly killed her..."

"I...I didn't expect things to develop to this point...I didn't want to kill Zou Chang...I knew she went to Malaysia, and I was already trying my best to save her...but..."

"It was you who killed Changchang... Without you, she wouldn't have been involved... Don't tell me the truth... That's not important, not at all... I just want my daughter... us We agreed to have an old one together."

At this point, Zou Chang's mother burst into tears... Her crying was like a sharp blade, pulling back and forth on my heart, and I almost couldn't breathe!
It wasn't until her crying gradually stopped that I said to her with difficulty: "Auntie, I know saying I'm sorry to you now is of no use...but for this matter, I will definitely give you a solution in my own way. As I was told... you should not go back to the small town for the time being, wait for me in Zhengzhou for a few days, and I will come back to you after I finish my work."


After thinking about it, I finally took Zou Chang's mother to Chengdu because I was not sure whether she would completely collapse emotionally when she was alone. Only by taking her with me could I feel relieved.

But just because she is by my side, I always think of Zou Chang, the sorrow of her life, and the misfortune of her family, so the murderous thoughts keep tumbling in my heart...

The moment I saw Lao Wai, this desire to kill reached its peak. I wanted to kill him the way Guan Yubo killed others; to prove that there is a cycle of cause and effect in this world, I wanted to judge him, Bet everything on yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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