Chapter 594
I didn't know what Qiao Jiao's sudden contact meant. I just seemed to hear the sound of sea water when I was in a trance, and then I remembered that autumn and that beautiful encounter.

People cannot compare casually. Even comparing the past self with the present self creates a huge gap in my heart. This gap gave me a moment of clarity and made me ask myself why I became who I am now little by little. Dead end?

I long for the answer, but I also know that this answer has no important meaning to me, because Zou Chang is dead and died at the hands of Guan Yubo. I can't change this fact, and I can't change my heart. of these ideas.

I can't let Zou Chang die worthless, and I can't pretend that nothing happened, and I can't just watch myself live weakly because of my powerlessness.

Sometimes, people live just for the breath in their hearts. Unless, at this moment, there is someone who can completely erase my memories. As long as these memories exist in my mind, it is like thousands of troops fighting hand to hand. Strangulation, bloody.

I couldn't control myself, and I couldn't extinguish the burning thoughts; so, I set my sights on Lao Wai again.

After a short silence, I asked Lao Wai: "Brother Wai, are you really not going to treat this disease? When I came here, I checked the information on the Internet, and it said that lymphoma has a certain probability of being cured..."

Without even thinking about it, Lao Wai shook his head and replied: "If I say no cure, I will cure it... I don't want to gamble on the slim chance of a cure... I have asked the doctor, this disease is a bottomless pit, even if it is temporarily cured, There is a high chance of recurrence in the future.”

I sighed and smiled bitterly: "For money, you dare to gamble on anything, but for your own life, you dare not gamble... Are you really not afraid of death?"

Lao Wai picked up the wine glass and drank all the wine in it. I thought he would use this emotion of fear of death to say something to me immediately, but he fell into deep thought.

After a while, he poured another glass of wine and finished it, then said to me: "I'm not afraid of death, but I just can't let go of my son... When I die, he will not only lose his mother, but also his father... From now on, who will I still know that I feel sorry for him!"

After saying that, Lao Wai wiped his tears heavily.

I knew the time had come, but just when I was about to speak again, the message Qiao Jiao just sent me was like a kind of magic, making her look appear again in my mind. She was asking me if it was her again. Doing bad things quietly.

So when the words came to my mouth, it was like a stone was stuck in my mouth. I couldn't swallow it or spit it out.

I subconsciously tugged on my collar with my hand and said, "Brother Wai, take me to see your son."


Lao Wai's son is studying in high school. He is already a sophomore in high school this year. His study tasks are relatively heavy, so the school has evening self-study. However, I endured it from noon to evening without telling Lao Wai my true purpose of coming.

I seemed to have given myself a step up, hinting that it would not be too late to talk about this matter after meeting Lao Wai's son.


Lao Wai parked his van in front of the school. Lao Wai and I sat in the driver's and co-pilot's seats respectively, and both lit a cigarette; Lao Wai talked to me about his past years.

He said that the relationship between his son and him was not good, because when his wife died, his son was already sensible, and his son remembered this hatred in his heart, and it continues to this day; therefore, Lao Wai could only give him money. He would only pay attention to Lao Wai when the time comes; therefore, Lao Wai has not seen his son for more than two months, and his son has been boarding in school.

After putting out the cigarette in my hand, I asked Lao Wai, "How is your son's academic performance?"

"He's a bit partial to subjects, and his English is particularly bad. Their teacher said that if his English can reach an average level, it will be no problem to take the second degree. If his English scores continue to fail, he will have no choice but to go to a junior college."

"We're only in our second year of high school. We still have time..."

Lao Wai seemed to be thinking about this matter very much, and asked again: "Is it still too late?"

"It's too late... I wasn't very good at English before. I started studying hard in the second semester of my senior year of high school, and finally passed the 985 exam."

"You little brat! Are you really a graduate of 985 University?"

"I really went to 985 university...but ended up dropping out." "What does dropping out mean?"

"I just couldn't graduate successfully and dropped out of school halfway through."

"You dropped out of such a good school... tell me, why?"

I sighed and replied: "No one has everything smooth sailing in this life... I also looked away, let's not talk about it."

After saying no to chatting, Lao Wai still sighed and said, "What a pity." This was a reflection of how eager he was for his son to become a talented person; speaking of it, man is really a very strange animal. Just like Lao Wai, he is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that his son will not become a talent...

In fact, death is like a lamp going out. At the moment of death, everything is like a bubble and will disappear.

Death is sometimes a relief.

Death is sometimes fair, so Guan Yubo must pay with his life.

Just as I was thinking this, my phone vibrated again, and it was still a call from Qiao Jiao; until now, I have not responded to her message saying she missed me a little.

It's not that I don't want to respond, it's just that our ideas are too opposite, so I can't look straight at her standing in the sun on a road shrouded in darkness.

My finger was on the answer button and I didn't press it until the vibration stopped.

Just when I was about to put the phone in my pocket, Qiao Jiao called again persistently, as if she would not give up as long as I didn't answer... And Lao Wai also cast a doubtful look at this time, not knowing that I Why is he so confused because of a phone call?

Perhaps, I still longed for that glimmer of light in my heart. Finally, when Qiao Jiao called for the fourth time, I got out of the car and answered her call.

I was ready to be questioned by her.Follow my Weixin public account: ***, reply "B&B" to view the prototype of Tank Inn B&B.Reply "Lu Xi" and "Qiao Jiao" to view the character picture!You can also view the latest chapters

However, the moment the call was connected, she just asked me: "Where are you?"

Her voice was even a little gentle.

My tone finally had some emotion and I replied: "I'm in Chengdu."

"I thought about you going to Qingdao, I thought about you being in Phuket, I even thought about the small mountain village where your godfather and godmother live, but I never thought you would go to Chengdu..."

"Chengdu is very nice. There are places to play and beauties everywhere."

"Are you really still in the mood to have fun and see beautiful women?"

I'm stunned...

Qiao Jiao on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then said: "I saw the news. It said that a man and woman from a small town traveled to Malaysia. One died and the other disappeared... The missing one is the companion who had been in contact with you. Wine girl... I have confirmed before that you did not have a relationship with the wine girl, but you would not contact her for no reason... So, I have some inferences in my mind... He and that man, one died, the other I’m afraid the disappearance is not that simple…it may even have something to do with you.”

I still don't speak.

"Han Chao, wait for me in Chengdu. Before we meet, you are not allowed to do anything or think about anything... You must promise me, otherwise, you will regret it, and no one can give you regret medicine. "

(End of this chapter)

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