Chapter 102 The Earth’s Survival Mission

[Trigger a planet-level survival mission, please click to view the mission details! ! ! 】

"Sure enough, it's here!" Chu He murmured to himself.

In the future time and space deduced by the Space-Time Order, he already had a rough idea of ​​this planet-level survival mission, but he had not read the specific text of the system.

Immediately touch the system prompt with your mind.

[Planet-level survival mission (Earth):

1. There is a space gate above the moon, and there are millions of Level 9 spooks hidden inside the gate. Their mission is to sweep away all living creatures in the surrounding galaxies. [Task requirements: As a warrior, you should protect your homeland and defend your territory. Please work hard to eliminate millions of treacherous men on earth. Current mission progress: 0/100 million. (Task reward: a large time-type low-level spiritual treasure, which can adjust the flow rate of time, up to 100 times)]
2. Stars are the last lights for living beings. Although evil spirits hide in the darkness, they are afraid of the light.But there is also a special kind of evil among the evil. They are not afraid of light, and can even wrap around stars, causing the entire galaxy to completely fall into darkness.Galaxies that fall into the darkening moment will usher in endless evils. They will take root in the galaxy, breed filth, and destroy the entire galaxy. [Task requirement: In the face of the evil invasion, stars are the last line of defense for living things. Please save the star 'sun' and let the light continue to shine in the starry sky. Current task progress: 0. (Task reward: 10 star cores)]
3. There is a corpse from 30 years ago. It was a powerful god with an immortal body.Later, the corpse was obtained by a realm lord-level powerhouse and placed in the realm lord's world. After the realm lord's death, the realm lord's world drifted in the turbulence of space and appeared on the moon six days ago.Weixie is contaminating this immortal divine body. Once the pollution is successful, it will be a weird god-level existence. The pollution time is: 10 days. [Task requirement: Humans on earth, please find a way to prevent the immortal god's corpse from being contaminated, avoid the collapse of a galaxy, and bury it inside the star. (Reward: a high-grade spiritual treasure)]
Task countdown: 2:59:58
Note: The novice period is about to pass. Starting from the seventh night of the evil invasion, the number of evils will no longer be suppressed. Please upgrade as soon as possible! 】

Chu He carefully read the three tasks of the system word for word.

"That corpse is actually a god who died 30 years ago!"

No wonder the body was so huge.

The first and second tasks are both within Chu He's plan, but the third task is to prevent the evil from contaminating the god-level corpse. Chu He just learned about the task.


At the same moment, countless planets in the universe received planet missions issued by the system.

The evil hiding methods were revealed one by one by the system, and the space gates, star core caves, and starry sky nests were known to countless creatures.

Almost every living planet faces one or two problems.

Or there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of evil men hiding in a certain space; or a bottomless pit leading to the core of the planet has been dug out by evil spirits on a certain planet, and it is about to turn a certain planet black. It becomes an evil planet; or a new wormhole is born not far from the living planet, and the other side of the wormhole turns out to be an evil nest, in which evils are constantly breeding...

Facing the evil methods, countless living beings feel what the end of the universe is, what helplessness is, and what despair is!

Some creatures are mourning silently, some are scolding, some are venting their emotions before death, and some are simply ending their lives...

A feeling of despair arose in the hearts of countless creatures, filling the world between heaven and earth.

Then they were collected and absorbed by some evil spirits who like to absorb negative emotions.


Normally, it would be considered remarkable if a few star-level experts could appear on a planet within a few hundred years.

It would take several galaxies 100 years to give birth to a cosmic-level person, but now?
Almost every living planet is facing attacks from treacherous beings, although very few are like Earth, facing millions of treacherous beings.

However, there are countless living planets in the universe that are about to fall. Now the survival mission has directly led to many living beings giving up on themselves.

Some creatures even knelt down and begged the evil commander for mercy, wanting to join the evil formation.It's a pity that they underestimated the evil spirits. The evil spirits' purpose is to devour the entire universe, and all living creatures and planets are their food.

It simply doesn't work to betray one's own group or become a traitor to the universe.

Instead, it accelerated the speed of Weixie's invasion.


On each living planet, meetings are taking place, plans for evil are being formulated, and geniuses with special skills are being cultivated by the entire planet.

Thousands of races in the universe are also discussing countermeasures. At the same time, they send out cosmic-level armies to some galaxies, important areas, and secret realms of the universe to carry out clearing orders to ensure that the resources of the race are not occupied by evil spirits and work hard to clear them out. The number of handsome men.

Faced with such a large number of Guixie, the major peak ethnic groups also put aside their original grievances and began to work together to eliminate Guixie.

In the face of the crisis of genocide, all grievances and grudges are nothing but smoke of the past.


Everyone on Earth has received the survival mission issued by the system.

On the Earth Alliance APP, it sparked discussions among countless people.

However, after two days of operation, the Earth Alliance has left a strong credibility in the hearts of the people on earth, and everyone has a certain degree of trust in Chuhe.

At this moment, the base leaders of the remaining 156 bases in the world have entered the same video conference.

This is an ultra-high-definition conference room specially built by Xiaoxue for the base leaders to discuss global events.

Nanyang Base Leader: Leader Huang, isn’t Alliance Leader Chu here yet?

Huang Tianlong sat calmly in front of the camera and said, "Everyone must learn to be calm. Leader Chu has never let everyone down."

Leader of Sirius Base: There are only two hours, four and 10 minutes left in the mission countdown. None of the three missions is easy.

Leader of Changdao Base: Alliance Leader Chu asked us to build a hundred spaceships in one day. I’m afraid he already knew about the survival mission.

Mosco Base Leader: Indeed, if the earth cannot be saved, we can still escape in a spaceship.

Mengmai Base: I’m afraid a hundred spaceships can’t take away more than 4 million people, right?
Chu He entered the conference room.

Looking at the prompts on the screen, the entire conference room was silent for a second, and the next moment the screen suddenly flickered.

Leader of Nanyang Base: Hello, Alliance Leader Chu!
Leader of Sirius Base: Hello, Alliance Leader Chu!
Leader of Changdao Base: Hello, Alliance Leader Chu!

(End of this chapter)

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