Chapter 103 Star Alliance Trading House

After Chu He entered the conference room, he did not read the message on the screen, but immediately muted everyone.

Then he spoke out the plan he had made long ago: "To make a long story short, I have made arrangements for the three tasks. Don't worry, the earth is still safe. First of all, I can't complete task three at the moment. But that god-level corpse There are still four days until complete contamination, so we can leave it alone for now.”

"As for mission 2, I will complete it later."

"As for mission 1, this requires the use of one hundred spaceships."

"You don't need to worry about the specific combat plan. The most important thing at the moment is to mobilize everyone immediately to conduct a blanket search of the earth. Someone in the Star Alliance channel said that 'the evil in the planet is cleared' and the interstellar trading house can be opened. I I hope Earth can unlock the Interstellar Trading House within an hour!”

"Okay, everyone, let's take action quickly!"

After saying that, Chu He's profile picture quickly dimmed, and he obviously exited the conference room.

All 156 base leaders were quiet for a few seconds, and then the Kyoto base was the first to exit the conference room, followed by the remaining 30 base city leaders from Jiangcheng base and Xia Kingdom, all exiting the conference room.

In less than ten seconds, the online conference room was empty.

Two minutes later, more than 2 million people around the world started searching.

More than 9 planet-level [-] and star-level earth powerhouses led teams one after another, using their mental power to frantically search for traces of evil on the surface.

Cave, mine, mouse hole...

Subway passages, sewers, air raid tunnels...

Every inch of land, every evil creature hiding in the dark was not left out, and all were found and killed.

Thousands of strong men at the first level of the universe went deep into the depths of the sea, constantly killing the evil spirits one after another.


Chu He called out the system assistant and said: "Xiao Ling, you did a good job this time. Please stay on the Star Alliance channel more in the future. If there is useful information, help me sort it out and give it to me for review."

If it weren't for Xiao Ling's reminder, Chu He almost missed unlocking the Interstellar Trading House.

For others, the Interstellar Trading Bank is dispensable, but for Chuhe, it is extremely important. There is no telling how many strange crystals can be earned here.

After praising Xiao Ling, Chu He entered the universe-level combat tower.

As soon as his consciousness sank, Chuhe came to the deserted continent again, but the tower in front of him changed.

The tower is even larger, and its height far exceeds that of a star-level combat tower.

It is magnificent and towering into the clouds.

Chu He walked straight into the tower gate and saw a huge list:
Universe level combat power rankings
[Universe No.1: Human Race, Xiao Ran; 1771.2 times] (Combat Power Tower 12)

[Universe No.2: Demon Race, Void Spirit; 1741.68 times] (Combat Power Tower 11.8)

[Universe No.3: Mechanical Tribe, Gold Source; 1726.92 times] (Combat Power Tower 11.7)


Xiao Ling explained: "Master, the formula for the increase in combat power of the universe-level combat power tower is: Artifact increase * Domain increase * Law attack increase * Combat power tower increase = Universe-level combat power increase."

Chu He nodded, and the star-level skill increase was canceled and replaced with law attack increase.

At the cosmic level, everyone has SSS level skills, so naturally the skill increase is no longer calculated.

Moreover, some geniuses at the universe level can already comprehend the one-and-a-half-move law attack, so the combat power tower has added an increase in law attack.

Chu He only glanced at the list for a few times, then walked around the list and walked into the light door.

The combat power assessment is almost the same as the star level, and the first combat power assessment is free.

A few minutes later, Battle Tower Danmo's voice sounded: "The battle is over! Chuhe, Battle Tower Level 5.1."

"The current combat power has increased by 752.76 times, ranking 1973rd in the universe."

When his consciousness returned to reality, Chu He couldn't help but shook his head: "These cosmic-level monsters are too terrifying! I finally reached the fifth level, but someone else actually reached the 12th level, which meant that I was fighting against 12 monsters of the same strength as myself at the same time. evil!"

Battle 12 at the same time!
Chu He had to admit that there were indeed many geniuses in the universe, and the number one exclusive skill in the universe was a bit uncertain this time.Then, Chu He started a simulated battle and recalled the previous battle in his mind, thus gaining a double improvement in combat skills.


Another four and ten minutes passed,

Chu He experienced a total of eight battles in the combat tower.

The combat power tower has risen to 5.6, ranking 1756th in the universe.

Chu He rubbed his head: "The farther back this combat power tower is hit, the harder it becomes to ascend. It seems that I still have to rely on law attacks to increase my combat power."

Just at this time,

The last evil spirit on earth has finally been eliminated.

Immediately afterwards, everyone on earth received a system prompt:
【congratulations!The planet you are on has been completely cleared of all evil, and the [Star Alliance Level Trading House] is now unlocked for you. Please explore the specific functions by yourself. 】

Chu He was immediately overjoyed and opened a Star Alliance-level trading house.

So the trading house interface was called up.

I saw two new buttons in the upper left corner of the trading line, one for the planet trading line and the other for the Star Alliance trading line.

With a thought, he switched to the Star Alliance Trading House.

At this moment, the Star Alliance trading house is filled with items waiting to be sold.

[Azure Dragon Silver Tail Gun: Stellar level 9th ​​level trick weapon, which can increase the evil damage by 6.4 times. The item is intact. Price: 20 star level trick crystals. 】

[Holy Spirit Claw: SSS-level skill light ball, price: 1000 star-level magic crystals. 】

[NX Galaxy-class spaceship: A new type of commercial spacecraft of the Yalan Empire's Galaxy class, with a maximum speed of 6.8 kilometers per second. The items are intact. Price: 10 Territory Lord-level treacherous crystals]


The transaction row shows that the items listed for sale have accumulated more than one million pages, and it is impossible to finish them.

You can only find the items you want by searching.

"As expected of the Star Alliance trading house! The trading function is only open to a few planets. If it is open to all members, how many will there be?"

Then, Chu He clicked on the trading bank's purchase page:

[Purchasing rare skills: SSS-level rare skills, sword skills, pricing: 20000 domain master-level treacherous crystals. 】

[Purchasing rare skills: SSS-level rare skills, knife skills, pricing: 20000 domain master-level treacherous crystals. 】


All rare skills are wanted.

Chuhe couldn't help but hesitate.
When clearing the Weixie Mountains, a total of 3675 rare skills were revealed. They were originally intended to be used as rewards and distributed to some people.

Now seeing the price of rare skills, Chu He was a little excited.

After thinking about it, Chu He still held back.

He turned to Xiao Ling and said: "Help me sell all the skills except rare-level skills on the Star Trading Company. The price will be 10% less than the price of the same items on the Star Alliance Trading Company."

Then, Chu He left several thousand of the highest-grade magic weapons, and then said: "There are also all the magic weapons, and the prices are also reduced by 10%, and they are all sold out."

With a wave of the twig in Xiao Ling's hand, Chu He's backpack space was suddenly empty, and more than [-] billion supplies were listed for sale on the trading bank.

This operation immediately shocked many people.

Some people in need, seeing the cheap price, immediately started to snap up.

(End of this chapter)

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