[Let me go, beauties are worried about their looks, how can we ordinary people live? 】

[Is it because you don’t give your wife enough sense of security at ordinary times, that’s why your wife is so sensitive? 】

Bright Life behaved very innocently: "No, I often advise her to take off her makeup and go to bed early so that she doesn't have to work so hard to maintain her image, but she doesn't listen to me."

Yu Chuchu: "Your wife didn't wait for you to take off her makeup while you were asleep because she was afraid of showing her bad side in front of you. It was because if she took off her makeup in front of you, her true identity would be exposed. Your wife is not a human being. , but a corpse ghost."

Hearing this, the man's expression suddenly felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his face turned as white as paper!
[What is a corpse ghost! First time I heard of it! Is it a kind of ghost? 】

[I knew from the Daxian’s expression just now that this matter is not simple! It turned out to be exactly what I guessed! But don’t most people see ghosts? Why can he see his wife? And you've been sleeping with her for so long without realizing that the other person is a ghost? 】

[It’s so scary. The wife I have slept with for three years is actually a ghost. Fortunately, this kind of thing has not happened to me, otherwise I would be sick to death! Will doing that kind of thing with a ghost shorten your life? 】

Bright Life felt that the Immortal must have made a mistake: "How could my wife be a ghost? She is clearly breathing, and her body is also hot!"

Yu Chuchu explained: "The corpse-skin ghost is equivalent to resurrecting the corpse. On the surface, it looks similar to normal people. Not only can they breathe, but they can also eat normally. However, their stomachs have lost their digestive function, and they need to eat after each meal. Spit it out. Moreover, it won’t take long for their corpse skin to develop symptoms such as corpse spots and rot, and there will also be a peculiar smell on the body. Every time you have sex, she will absorb the yang energy from your body to delay the rot of the flesh. Speed. Generally, the corpse skin of a corpse ghost can only be used for half a year at most. Your wife applied a large amount of medicated oil made from human skin to be able to maintain this corpse skin without being corrupted."

Bright Life seemed to be thinking of something, and he started to vomit in disgust. When he thought that he had been with the Corpse Ghost for so many years, he wanted to vomit out all his internal organs!

Including the two years they were in love, they were together for a total of five years!
After he had vomited enough, he asked with difficulty: "Has it been the corpse ghost that has been with me all these years? Why did she want to find me?"

Yu Chuchu said: "The person you fell in love with before was not a corpse-skin ghost, but the one you got married with was a corpse-skin ghost. She ate your wife and became your wife and stayed with you all the time. Ordinary corpses The skin ghost will eat you for up to three months, and then take your skin for herself. She has tried her best to stay with you for three years, just to get revenge on you and your family. Didn't you realize that since you two After we got together, did your family members gradually become ill and then pass away one after another?”

In the first year of their marriage, Bright Life's father got cancer and died within half a year. Then his mother-in-law was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer and died a year later.

His mother's health also began to deteriorate, and his father-in-law even hired a nanny to take care of her at home.

Bright Life carefully recalled what happened in the past three years, his face became uneasy little by little, and his eyes began to be filled with fear——

[What kind of evil thing did this man do to be targeted by the corpse ghost? 】

[Even if this man does something bad, he can’t bring it down to his girlfriend’s family. His girlfriend’s family is too unlucky! Sisters, you must keep your eyes open when looking for a husband in the future! Cheating is a trivial matter, and it might end up ruining the lives of the whole family! 】

[Great Immortal, stop tempting us! Tell us the truth now! What is the origin of this corpse ghost! 】

Yu Chuchu sneered: "Did you say it yourself, or did I say it?"

Bright Life was frightened at this moment. He cried and begged for help with red eyes: "Great Immortal, I know I was wrong. I will go to the police station to surrender immediately. I beg you to save me and keep the corpse ghost away." It’s haunting me and my family... Everything that went wrong is my fault, it’s my own fault, my family is innocent... As long as they are fine, I am willing to pay any price!"

There was no sympathy in Yu Chuchu's eyes: "Then tell me what kind of abuse you have done."

Bright Life cried with tears and runny nose, like a child.

"Four or four years ago, when I was driving on a business trip, I met a little girl who wanted to give me a ride. It was night and the rain was very heavy. She was soaked all over, so I let her get in the car. She She said she ran away from home after a quarrel with her family. I didn’t know what happened at the time, but I became obsessed with her when I saw her wearing a school uniform and being soaked by the rain. Then I had sex with her against her will... She resisted very fiercely at that time, and I was so scared that I accidentally killed her..."

Bright Life cried even more, as huge fear and guilt kept flooding into her heart: "I really didn't mean to kill anyone... I buried her in a nearby mountain at that time. I thought about surrendering, but I didn't. Courage, in the end I couldn't bear the psychological pressure, so I told my girlfriend and parents about the incident, but they all advised me not to surrender. It rained very hard that night, and even if there was any evidence, it was washed away by the heavy rain. Lost it. And there was no surveillance on that stretch of road, so the police wouldn’t investigate at all. I thought what they said was reasonable, so I didn’t turn myself in... Sure enough, no one found out that I had killed someone for several months..."

"My girlfriend really loves me. Even if something like this happened, she still chose to forgive me and marry me. Since then, I have never done anything to feel sorry for her... I vowed to have a good life with her. All my life, it was me who harmed her... Wuwuwuwu, I'm sorry for her..." [I can only say that your girlfriend totally deserves it, and I can even forgive and cover you for cheating and committing crimes." You are indeed a perfect match! May you all go to hell together! 】

[Originally I thought wights were scary, but now I just think humans are scarier than ghosts! You can even kill students, how come a scum like you is still alive today? 】

[I really can’t imagine how sad the family of the girl who was killed would be if they knew that the daughter they had been looking for for so many years was no longer alive. You, your girlfriend, and your family all deserve to die! 】

Yu Chuchu said expressionlessly: "It's a pity that you knew it was too late when you were wrong. If you don't want to be eaten, go to the police station and surrender before your wife comes back from a business trip."

Bright Life hurriedly asked: "If I surrender, will my family be safe?"


"Okay, I'll turn myself in right away!"

Yu Chuchu exited the connection.

Netizens in the live broadcast room began to have a heated discussion on whether he would surrender to the hospital.

However, Yu Chuchu knew that he did not have the courage to surrender, and there was no way that the Corpse Ghost would let him go. His fate would be a hundred times worse than if he surrendered.

And he brought this all on himself.

Yu Chuchu started to connect to the second netizen.

Potato who has to be strong in life: "Hello, fairy sister, I want to ask you, am I a child picked up by my mother?"

Netizens were instantly struck by the adorable five-year-old boy in front of the camera!
[Wow, kid, your eyes are so big and your eyelashes are so long. Why do you look so good-looking? If auntie could give birth to a baby as beautiful as you, she would be satisfied! 】

[Be good, give Auntie a kiss! You are so beautiful, you could become a child star! Why do you think you are a child picked up by your mother? Does your mother treat you badly? 】

[Yes, you are indeed not your mother’s biological child, but mine. I was pregnant out of wedlock, so I had no choice but to give you away. Now that I have made money and am able to support you, go home with mommy, baby! Mom will definitely treat you well in the future! 】

Yu Chuchu looked at the child's childish and innocent appearance, and her heart softened: "You are indeed your mother's biological child. Not every mother will love their children, but this is not your fault. Although you do not have the right to choose your parents, if your parents treat you badly, aunt can help you choose your parents again."

After the little boy heard that he was indeed his mother's child, huge disappointment appeared on his face. However, when he heard that the fairy sister could help him choose his parents again, his eyes lit up again, and then he nodded heavily. He bowed his head.

"Okay, I want to choose my parents again! My mother doesn't feed me every day and beats me. She likes my brother but doesn't like me, so I don't want to like her anymore!"

The little boy's mother had just returned home from shopping for groceries when she heard her little son talking bad things about her. She was so angry that she rushed up to the little boy, grabbed him by the collar, and slapped him hard several times.

The cell phone in the little boy's hand was knocked to the ground. He was dizzy from the beating, and he begged for mercy with fear in his eyes: "I was wrong, mom, don't hit me..."

[Beast, let go of the child! Child abuse is illegal and this is happening live! 】

[How could there be such a vicious mother in the world? Seeing how hard she beat her child just now, she seemed to want to use all her strength to feed her child. No wonder this child has to choose his parents again! I feel so distressed that I have already called the police! Stop! 】

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