Madam’s fortune telling is so accurate that the CEO doesn’t allow her to go online.

Chapter 127 Yin Qianqian’s biological father came to the live broadcast room to look for his daughte

The little boy's mother threw him to the ground and started beating and kicking him: "Am I not good enough to you? I feed you, clothe you, house you, and you are still suing me from others. It would have been wrong long ago." Knowing that you are such a heartless white-eyed wolf, I shouldn't have given birth to you in the first place! I can save a lot of money by raising only your brother. What can I buy with this money? I'll beat you to death You heartless little beast! If it weren’t for giving birth to you, I wouldn’t have missed my only opportunity for promotion, and our family’s financial situation wouldn’t be so bad! It’s all because of you, the broom star!”

Yu Chuchu kept asking her to stop, but the boy's mother broke her phone, so she couldn't hear Yu Chuchu's voice, and she didn't even know that the live broadcast on the other end of the phone was being broadcast, and her atrocities had all been recorded by the camera. .

The police uncle quickly found the boy's home based on the police information from netizens, arrested the boy's mother, and sent the boy to the hospital for treatment.

[Oh my god, this is the first time I saw a mother beating her child like this. It was like beating her to death. People who didn’t know better thought she was the stepmother. It's so inhuman. Her child was so cute, how could she do it? 】

[I have seen parents who are partial to their children, but I have never seen such a partial one who is so cruel to their own children. This woman is definitely mentally twisted. Hurry up and find a pair of adoptive parents for your child, otherwise he will be beaten to death by his own mother sooner or later. Even if you barely grow up, your psychology will definitely be dark and unhealthy in the future. One more scourge for society. 】

Yu Chuchu saw that netizens were worried about whether the little boy could grow up safely, so he said: "I will find him a new pair of parents who are good to him. Last time I had a couple connected in the live broadcast room, I thought When I wanted to adopt a son, I had already calculated that the three of them were destined."

[Yes, I was there at the live broadcast that day! That couple was engaged in real estate, and their family was extremely wealthy, owning four houses. Their son died in a car accident a few years ago, and the woman couldn't give birth, so she wanted to adopt a child. The boy would surely do well if he could become a family with them. 】

[If that’s the case, I’ll be relieved. God knows how heart-breaking it was to see the little boy being beaten all over his body just now. Mothers really can't stand this. I really can’t imagine what kind of life he lived in the past. These days, there are still people who don’t give their children enough to eat. I don’t think the decoration of their home looks like the kind of family that is particularly short of money. It’s obvious that they are here. Intentional child abuse is simply abhorrent. 】

[No wonder the little boy would rather believe that he is not his mother’s biological child. If his biological mother hadn’t abused him like this, he would at least not be so sad. Wow, what a poor child, I hope his parents can treat him better in the future. 】

[Daxian, I am the man who said he wanted to adopt a child in the live broadcast room that day. I received a lot of private messages just now, and I roughly understand what is going on. I just discussed it with my wife and we are willing to adopt this child! 】

After seeing this comment, Yu Chuchu immediately replied: "Okay, I will give you the contact information of this little boy later. His parents will be sentenced for child abuse later, as long as you can convince the child's relatives , you can adopt this child.”

After solving the adoption problem, Yu Chuchu started to connect with the third netizen.

Mr. He: "Great Immortal, I want you to help me find my long-lost daughter."

When Yu Chuchu saw the other party's face, his expression changed obviously!
Let me go, isn't this Yin Qianqian's biological father?
Yu Chuchu counted with his fingers, but found nothing.

So he asked: "How did you lose your daughter?"

Mr. He's eyes turned red unconsciously, "My daughter was stolen abroad when she was two years old. My wife and I have been searching for my daughter's whereabouts abroad for so many years, but there was no news. Later, I had relatives. I saw your live broadcast and asked me to come to you to figure it out. Maybe I can get my daughter back..." Mr. He's IP address is indeed displayed abroad.

Although Yu Chuchu didn't want to get too involved with the Yin family, since she was asked for help and paid, she was naturally obliged to tell the truth.

"Your daughter is now in China and has been adopted by a very wealthy family. But she doesn't know her life experience, and she has lived a very happy life since she was a child. She is also very satisfied with her current life."

When Mr. He heard that the daughter he had been searching for for many years was actually in China, he finally couldn't help but shed tears. Fortunately, her daughter was adopted by a wealthy person in China and was not sold to a remote village. What a hardship.

This is also good news.

"Daxian, I want to get to know my daughter. How can I contact her? Her mother was diagnosed with cancer not long ago and she doesn't have much time left. My wife's only wish is to be able to die before she dies. Meet my daughter."

[Since your daughter has been adopted by a wealthy family, why do you bother her life? So what if you recognize each other? Can you give her a better material life? Anyway, as long as you know that she is doing well now, isn't it enough? 】

[What were you talking about upstairs? That was his biological daughter, who was stolen when she was only two years old. He persevered and searched alone in a foreign country for so many years. Do you know how much he suffered in order to find his daughter? ? Why do you want him to give up his right to recognize his daughter? Moreover, his wife got cancer in order to find her daughter. She doesn’t have much time left to live. What’s wrong with wanting to see her daughter before she dies? If you are going to die in the future, you will not see your children for the last time. It really hurts my back to stand and talk. This kind of person is the most annoying! 】

【that is! So what if the adoptive parents are rich? That's not their daughter either. Mr. He, I support you in finding your daughter! If your daughter knew that her biological mother was about to die soon, she would definitely want to see her one last time! 】

Mr. He originally wanted to find his daughter, but now netizens say he is wavering...

He has spent most of his savings over the years trying to get his daughter back. Now that his wife is sick, he is already in debt, and his daughter is living a good life. Even if he gets her daughter back, he can't give her anything...

It will only drag her down.

He suddenly changed his mind and said with firm eyes: "Daxian, I don't want to get my daughter back. I know that she is living a good life now, which is enough."

After saying that, he exited the live broadcast room directly.

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