Chapter 836
"Hey, Yihan, when will you go out to hunt for treasures again? Bring your cousins ​​with you!"
"Yihan, please treat my uncle to a drink. I'll drink the old rice wine brewed by the village widow."
"Li Yihan is very noisy at night, just like your uncle and I when we were young, hahahaha!"
Teng Yihan was walking alone on the path in the village. The villagers in Tengjia Village were very enthusiastic about Teng Yihan.
This young man, who was originally thought to be dull and dull by the villagers, took the initiative to deliver food, fodder and weapons to the cadres as called by the county government before others could avoid him, and became a civilian husband.
It is said that in the Liang region to the east, the army of Qianchu was fighting with the army of Yan.
Even the villagers in the countryside knew how powerful the Yan people were. How could they dare to do something like this?
Fortunately, the decree of the leader of the Zhao Kingdom did not really affect the location of Tengjia Village. The main mobilization was the people in the eastern part of the Zhao Kingdom who became civil servants.
It is said that when many Zhao people there were drafted by the government officials and soldiers, they cried so hard that they could not even be pulled up if they were whipped with whips or pointed with knives.
After all, who wants to be the victim of the Yan people?
Under such a background, Teng Yihan took the initiative to go there, hurriedly became a civilian husband, and went to Sanshan Pass between Zhao State and Liang State.
The old people ridiculed that this young man's brain was really kicked by a donkey, and said that his father always had a son named Han, and now this only incense has to be cut off.
But who would have thought that the Yan army, which had been invincible before, would suffer a huge defeat in Liangdi. It is said that there were countless casualties, and the corpses of the Yan people almost filled the entire Wenxin Lake.
After the war, Teng Yihan came back alive. Not only did he receive a reward, but he was also said to have found many good things from the corpses of Yan soldiers on the battlefield after the fighting.
The two men went empty-handed, but when they came back, they were leading a mule. There was also a woman sitting on the mule. The woman's hair was messy, covering most of her face. She didn't respond when others called her;
In addition, the mule also carried several heavy bags.
A well-informed person said that Teng Yihan passed by the town when he came back and asked about the price of cattle. He wanted to buy cattle!
Since you are buying cattle, you must also buy land, and you must have set aside the money to buy the land. Otherwise, what would you do with the cattle?
The big fool in the village has lost his temper and wants to be the landlord!
On the day he returned to the village, Teng Yihan's originally dilapidated ancestral hut suddenly accepted half of the village's enthusiastic villagers. They all asked questions, felt around, and established friendships;
Today, all the young people in the village came and chatted with Teng Yihan for a long time.
After sending them away,
Teng Yihan returned to the house, took a basin out, scooped some warm water from the middle of the stove, put a towel on it, and walked to the woman.
The woman was sitting on the edge of the bed, her hair had been arranged, and there was a scar on her face. She was about thirty years old, but she didn't look old, but the scar was too dazzling and hideous.
So, cheap.
Teng Yihan squeezed the towel dry and handed it to the woman.
The woman took it and started wiping her face.
Teng Yihan took out the yellow steamed buns that had been sitting on the stove, plus half a bowl of pickles, and placed them in front of the woman. He had not been willing to take them out when the villagers were there.
Then, he walked to the yard, dried a washed black dragon flag, and hung it on the pole on the earthen wall of his home.
The fabric of this flag is very good, and he picked it up from the pile of dead people on the battlefield;
Teng Yihan looked at the flag for a long time, wondering what to do with it.
At this time, the sound of a bowl breaking was heard in the house.
Teng Yihan walked in and found that the bowl containing pickles was broken and the pickles were scattered on the floor.
said the woman.
The pickles are bad and smelly.
Teng Yihan bent down and scraped up the pickles on the ground with his hands. He also picked up the broken bowl pieces and saved them for scraping taro.
"It's not bad, it just smells like this."
The woman shook her head and said, "It's just broken."
Teng Yihan sighed and said, "Eat steamed buns."
Teng Yihan went to pour water and bring it in.
The woman drank water and ate steamed buns.
Teng Yihan squatted aside and watched.
The woman took one look and said, "What are they doing here?"
"We're going to fight again, and the Yamen has called for help."
Obviously, these young people in Tengjia Village want to go with Teng Yihan this time, pick up troubles together, and make a fortune together.
The woman looked at Teng Yihan and asked:
"Are you still going?"
Obviously, after the woman was bought, she knew all about Teng Yihan's past.
Teng Yihan nodded and said, "One trip is worth five years of digging in the fields."
Moreover, you don’t have to eat it for five years.
The woman spit out this word directly.
Teng Yihan nodded and said:
"How could I buy you if I wasn't stupid?"
He admitted that he had a bad mind and had admitted it since he was a child.
On the way back from Sanshanguan, he originally planned to buy a cow, but he met someone from Yixing. She had her hands tied and stood among a group of women.
She called him:
"You, buy me."
When Teng Yihan heard about it, he used the money he planned to buy the cow to buy her.
His peers laughed at him for being stupid.
This woman has scars on her face. It's so scary. If you want to buy it, just buy it. She didn't even make a counter-offer. The dentists will laugh to death!
The woman threw the remaining half of the bun on the ground in front of Teng Yihan.
Teng Yihan picked it up, patted the dirt on it, broke it off and put it into his mouth.
The woman began to wash her hands,
"The Yan people are coming again."
Teng Yihan nodded and said: "It should be, there is another war."
"You can't go," the woman continued, "If you go, you will die."
Teng Yihan smiled and said:
"Yan people are also human beings. If they are hit by arrows or knifed, they will bleed and die."
In fact, Teng Yihan deliberately kept it simple, because he had seen the battlefield after the fighting was over, and it was like Shura Hell.
But he had witnessed the defeat of the Yan people, so the fear in his heart was not that strong.
I've always heard how powerful the Yan people are, but hey, they will lose, right?
Besides, he is a civilian and will not go to the battlefield.
Seeing Teng Yihan's expression, the woman threw the wet towel directly on his face.
Teng Yihan's face was red with a mark.
He was still not angry, but silently put the veil back.
His father said that the most useless men would be angry with women at home.
Teng Yihan felt stupid, but he was not useless.
The woman frowned. It seemed that this man who couldn't beat a fart with a few sticks made her very depressed, but she still said:
"Do you listen to what I say?"
From the moment she asked him to buy her, he listened to her all the way until he got home.
The money for the cow bought her;
The money used to buy the land bought a mule;
Because she said her feet were tired and she didn’t want to walk.
"The Yan people were defeated for the first time. According to the temper of the Yan people, they should ask their Prince Pingxi to come out. This time, the leader of the army should be Prince Pingxi."
"Oh, I've heard of it. It's very powerful."
"So, don't go. If you die, who will take care of me?"
"not going?"
"not going."
A rare smile appeared on the woman's face.
But then, her smile froze, because she saw the water in the basin in front of her making ripples.
The ground seemed to be shaking slightly.
When Teng Yihan saw this, he stood up and pretended to go out and take a look.
The woman screamed directly:
"Close the door and don't go out!"
Teng Yihan didn't understand why. Although he wanted to go out and see who was coming outside, he was still obedient. Dad said that you are so stupid. You must listen to your aunt in the future, because your aunt has followed you. I feel aggrieved.
The man from Zhao closed the door and turned around, only to see the woman skillfully opening an old box left by his father, which was said to be his mother's dowry.
The woman threw out the winter bedding and got in;
She looked at Teng Yihan standing outside.
Teng Yihan grinned, picked up the hoe placed in the corner, and stood.
"If someone comes in later, don't do anything, do you hear me?"
The woman ordered.
Teng Yihan nodded.
"When people come in, let them get what they want. Don't stop them. Do you understand?"
"Even if you ask me, you are not allowed to stop me, do you understand?"
Teng Yihan didn't answer.
The woman said seriously: "I'm ugly, so I'm not a loser!"
Teng Yihan shook his head:
"You're pretty."
The woman laughed out loud.
At this time, the sound of horse hooves outside was loud, one after another, like a stormy wave, which lasted endlessly.
At the same time, screams came and went.
"Yan people, they are Yan people!"
Outside, someone shouted, and then there was a scream.
The woman in the box started to turn pale, she was really... Yanren.
She began to murmur to herself:
"How could it have come so fast? How could it have come so fast? The three armies have not used food and grass to go ahead. They can't...unless..."
The woman immediately stared at Teng Yihan and shouted:
"Quickly, take out the grain you bought and put it in the yard!"
Teng Yihan walked over, picked up the two bags of grain, opened the door, put the grain in the yard, then walked back and closed the door.
The door of the courtyard was open, but the group of young people from the village didn't help to close the door.
Of course, it makes no difference whether the door is closed or not on this small earthen wall.
Teng Yihan leaned against the door, looked at the woman still hiding in the box, grinned and said:
"I also hid a small bag of white flour for you to eat."
Women are too lazy to pay attention,
He retracted his head and dropped the lid.
Inside the box, a person was curled up, and outside the box, there was a person standing.
The screams outside were first sparse, then dense, first distant, then close;
Finally, after a series of screams came from the next room, the woman lifted the box;
she is sure,
Yan people, I'm going to be cruel!
The woman cursed:
"Damn the Lord of Zhao Kingdom, damn the Lord of Zhao Kingdom!"
In the Battle of Liang and Di, Wei and Qi only closed the city gates. Only Zhao took the initiative and chose to join.
Because, a princess from the Qian Kingdom will be married to the leader of the Zhao Kingdom.
Now, the anger of the Yan people began to be vented towards Zhao Di.
Chen Xianba chopped down the old man holding the hatchet in front of him with one blow, and Zheng Man pulled the knife out of his son's chest.
Liu Dahu also held a knife, looking a little struggling.
From behind, soldiers rushed in and carried the food in the house.
Chen Xianba sheathed his sword, walked up to Liu Dahu, stared at him, and growled:
"If you dare to say that we are not killing soldiers but civilians, so you can't bear it anymore, I will break your legs right now and make you a wounded soldier and evacuate!
Your father's face is of no use to me! "
Liu Dahu looked at Chen Xianba, shook his head, and said:
"Should I kill her?"
Liu Dahu's knife was pointed at the trembling old woman in the corner.
"Ha ha."
Chen Xianba smiled and said, "That's not necessary. Your Majesty has an order to kill anyone who dares to hinder our army's food collection."
Liu Dahu also glared at Chen Xianba. He felt that he had been despised by the mighty young man in front of him.
Zheng Man grinned, walked over, hit Liu Dahu on the chest with his hand, and said with a smile: "Dahu is kind-hearted."
Chen Xianba spit on the ground,
"Oh, I heard that in the early years, your mother took you and grandma to escape to Shengle City, and got the protection of the prince. Since you were in trouble when you were young, you should know..."
Liu Dahu suddenly said, "That's why I feel sorry for them..."
Chen Xianba kicked Liu Dahu over.
Zheng Man's skills are very good, and Liu Dahu's skills are also very good since he has been trained by a swordsman since he was a child and taught him the breathing method;
But compared with this fishing boy from Yandi fishing village, both of them are not good enough.
While they were still in the school, this fisherman had already beheaded the Zhuguo of Chu.
Chen Xianba's boots stepped on Liu Dahu's chest,
The scabbard poked the ground,
Bow your head,
Look at the people at your feet,
"I am a lieutenant in the personal barracks. You can either go home and cry, or you can obey my orders!
You pity these Zhao people,
Who will pity Tiger Weibo and those Dayan soldiers who died in Liangdi?
Do you know how scarce supplies and food are when the army goes south this time? How can we fight if we run out of food?
If this battle is lost,
Just watch,
After the Qianchu allied forces invade Nanmen Pass, will they have any kindness towards you Jin people? "
Liu Dahu looked at Chen Xianba and said, "I just feel sorry for them, but I know what I should do, and I also know that I should use the sword!"
"I don't allow you to think so!
Cherish it,
Now is your sword upon them;
Rather than their knives falling on your mother, grandma and the others.
This is the way of the world, this is what the world is like!
Tell me loudly,
Do you understand? "
"Very good. Next time, don't even give me a look in your eyes that would make me feel uncomfortable. Do you understand?"
Chen Xianba pulled back his feet. He was a very proud man. This pride became even more out of control after he came to Shanxi Province, put on armor, and went to the battlefield under the command of Zhennan Guan Jinshuke.
He was naturally extremely respectful to the prince, because he respected and loved the prince from the bottom of his heart.
But on the other hand, he is extremely domineering.
"Let's go, the next one!"
Liu Dahu stood up and followed immediately, regardless of dusting himself off.
When everyone came to the next house,
Chen Xianba suddenly looked at the black dragon flag hanging on the wall of the courtyard and was stunned.
Then he laughed and said:
"Damn it, are you so sensible? You even hung up our flag."
The earthen wall is not high. Standing beside the earthen wall, you can see two bags of grain in the yard.
Chen Xianba kicked open the courtyard door, walked in, winked at Zheng Man and Liu Dahu, and the two men behind him stepped forward, each carrying a bag of grain.
Chen Xianba did not kick the door, but waved and turned to leave.
In the room, Teng Yihan stared outside through the crack in the window, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the soldiers of Yan leaving.
And not far from here, Zheng Fan, dressed in black armor, stood there, with the Sword Master standing next to him.
"Why, your son was beaten, do you feel distressed?"
The Sword Master shook his head and said, "I think what that kid said is very good."
"That's not your style."
"I have forgotten what my style was before. Besides, is this your style again?"
"I may have some tricks at home. After chewing the pig's trotters, I will say "Cherish the moths and paper-shaded lamps";
But as long as I'm on the battlefield, I won't allow myself to be hypocritical at all. "
"I heard Master Chen say that he once hunted you down."
"That was a misunderstanding."
When Daxia Chen was traveling, he passed by a small village on three sides. The villagers treated him to a bowl of plain noodles;
When he came back, the village was completely slaughtered;
In fact, it was a young general from the Qianren family who killed a good man and took credit for it, and used the heads of common people as the heads of the Yan people. However, Chen Daxia mistakenly thought that it was Zheng Fan who did it, and went to Yandi's inn outside Yin City to assassinate him. Zheng Fan.
"So, what about now?" Sword Master asked.
"You do mind after all. Do you mind that your son was kicked by the leader of my personal soldiers?"
"I do not have."
"No, you just do."
"Those who want to kill me will not want to kill me just because the sins on my hands are lighter. Even if I am a saint, morally and ethically, pure and flawless, I will still have troubles when I sit in this position today. Many people want me dead.
Instead of thinking about who wants to kill me;
It is better to think about how to make them afraid to come and unable to come. "
Prince Pingxi bent down,
He stretched out his hand and patted the scabbard of Long Yuan's sword.
"It's a pity that I'm not Tian Wujing, and I don't have the ability to make all the assassins in Zhuxia retreat;
But I'm not far behind,
right? "
The Sword Master said: "We've already reached this point, so there's no need to say these words anymore, right?"
"Although I usually burn enough incense, I still like to hold the Buddha's feet more temporarily."
Zheng Fan raised his hand, and the messenger behind him immediately stepped forward to listen to the order:
"Send the order to the front army to advance towards the capital of Zhao State. The Chinese army will be stationed here today. The rear army will disperse to collect food, grass and military supplies."
"Going to the capital of Zhao Kingdom?" Sword Master looked at Zheng Fan and asked.
Zheng Fan shook his head and said: "I would like to see King Zhao, but I don't have the time. He must have known that I have been a guest in his country;
Give him a false shot first and ask him to transfer the garrison at Sanshanguan back to the capital to make way for us. "
"I have gone out to fight with you a lot. I used to be very impatient, but this time, I seem to be a lot more procrastinated."
"No way, it's too slow to collect food and grass."
"No, it's not that simple."
"Hey, did you see it?"
"You can say whatever you want, and if you don't want to say it, I don't have to listen."
Zheng Fan smiled and said:
"The thing is actually very simple. It's just like playing chess. When I make a move, I have to look at the other side and see where I want to go. I have to give them a break."
Zheng Fan and Sword Master were talking. Ahead, Chen Xianba came back with Zheng Fan's adopted son, Sword Master's stepson, and a group of soldiers.
Under Chen Xianba’s order,
The crossbowmen were ready and surrounded three earthen walls. The shield bearers were arrayed in front, and the other armored men were behind.
This is the battle in the army against true third-level masters.
The Black Dragon Flag and the two bags of grain that had been placed in the yard early did not make Chen Xianba really feel that the people in the room were very sensible, so he let it go.
In fact, in Chen Xianba's opinion, there were probably some kind of "extraordinary experts" in this room, so he put it down first, and then immediately mobilized his troops to prepare for it.
Chen Xianba personally held a shield and led a group of soldiers to break through the door, but the expected blood flow did not appear.
Prince Pingxi also looked forward to it for a while, but didn't see anything.
Only Chen Xianba and his men were seen escorting a man and a woman out.
The man looks very honest, even a little cowardly;
My figure is okay, but that scar on my face is there.
This is the first time that the Yan army has entered Zhao State with great fanfare, and Tengjia Village is not a place where both sides are anxious. If the Yan people capture it today and the Zhao people take it back tomorrow, the villagers will make a Yan State military flag again and again. There is nothing wrong with hanging the military flag of the Zhao State depending on who comes.
But this one is a bit too "advanced".
Chen Xianba began to beat Teng Yihan with his scabbard and asked him where the black dragon flag came from.
Teng Yihan was beaten until his face was covered in blood, and he shouted that he had picked it up.
Asked where he picked it up,
Outside Sanshanguan;
The Yan army had great resentment towards the Zhao State, the Zhao land, and even the Zhao people. Teng Yihan said that he had been a civilian husband on the front line, so this was really a sure-fire way to blame him.
Chen Xianba drew out his knife and planned to kill him.
What about Zhiqu'er?
Damn you!
Seeing that Chen Xianba was about to draw his sword, the woman immediately shouted:
"I want to see Prince Pingxi, I want to see Prince Pingxi!"
Chen Xianba paused and turned to look at the woman with scrutiny in his eyes.
A woman who just dug it out of a box in the house actually knew that her prince was also nearby?
The woman seemed to see through what Chen Xianba was thinking and said:
"The armor on your body, and the armor on the two men behind you, are covered with brocade clothes. The patterns on them are flying fish, and they are worn by the personal guards of Prince Pingxi.
Since you are here, Prince Pingxi must also be here!
I want to see his old man, I have something important to tell him! "
Chen Xianba snorted coldly and reached out to grasp the woman's chin.
At this time, Teng Yihan, who had been cowardly and unable to fight back, suddenly struggled, but was quickly pinned down by two soldiers.
"Who do you think you are, telling me something important?"
The woman stared at Chen Xianba and said word by word:
"I would like to ask your lord, is the person captured by Xueyuan still incarcerated?"
Chen Xianba was about to give the woman a scabbard, but Liu Dahu, who was standing behind him, grabbed his wrist.
There are some things,
Chen Xianba didn't know, but Liu Dahu knew.
Not only did he know about it, he was punished by his father for a whole day.
"Inform the prince." Liu Dahu said seriously.
Upon seeing this, Chen Xianba put down his knife and nodded.
At the same time, he waved his hand to signal the soldier to let go of the woman.
The woman's chest rose and fell, her expression uncertain, she turned to look at Teng Yihan and said:
"You bought me from Yaren, and now I have saved your life. We owe nothing to each other anymore."
Hearing this, Teng Yihan just giggled.
When Zheng Fan and Sword Master came over,
The woman raised her head and saw Prince Pingxi, who was much younger than she had imagined.
Before King Pingxi could speak,
The woman pointed at Teng Yihan in the corner.
"I have nothing to say.
You can kill him now, because I no longer owe him anything. "
(End of this chapter)

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